
作者&投稿:淳韦 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
~ 太这会个是小你学你让不应懒样了的了做庭的,一具自为好,,文站英家也你这别网害。去你不惰然孩作不你,的辈工要业独翻译。子人你该


1.不客气: You're welcome.2.不敢当 : I'm flattered. \/ It's nothing. [老外没那么客气啦〕3.你请 : Please 〔加动作〕\/After you.4.很高兴能认识您 : It's a pleasure to meet you.5.祝您今天愉快 : Have a nice day.6.您说什么 : Pardon me? \/ Sorry, you were saying.....

短语分译是指把原文中的一个短语分译成一个句子.名词短语、分词短语、介词短语等有时都可以分译成句.(三) 句子分译 句子分译可以分为简单句的分译、并列复合句的分译、主从复合句的分译以及其他情况的分译.二、合并 一般说来,英语句子要比汉语句子长,英译汉时切分用得较多;但是较口语化的英...

22寻求专业翻译 句子中翻英 拜托了 !!! 以下句子急需要翻成英文 不要...
今天终於是最後一天了 真的非常感伤 今天帮孩子所做的每件事 都是最後一次了 我相信这次的学习将会是我以後很珍贵的回忆 今天早上 因为我的老师必须要跟其他班上的孩子们 一起出去 要中午才会回来 所以请了另一位代替老师来帮忙照顾孩子 这个早上有些稍微忙碌 因为代替老师对我们班上孩子的不熟悉 所以...

222寻求专业翻译 句子中翻英 拜托了 !!! 以下句子急需要翻成英文 不要...
When I brought my child to have a walk in the park, there happened a lot of troubles.Some kids hit and pushed each other which made my teacher unhappy.Some kid had fell down a lot of times because his shoes kept coming out. Then we was picking up his shoes all the way....

The main color theme for the living room is the interphase of blue and white 有三种经典的色彩搭配 There are three classic color combinations 地中海风格 In Mediterranean style 这个起居室呈现它色彩的本色 This living room presents the true nature of its colors 地面多铺赤陶或石板 The ...

1. 汉翻英 翻译短文 The developed countries of the world's people a high standard of living. Many people spend a lot of money to buy a big house, fine cars and travel around the world. Some people in order to pare, they need not buy a lot of things. But they also ...

Asking costs nothing. (问人不费分文。)Ask me no questions and I will tell you no lies.(你不问我,我就不会说谎话。)The tongue is boneless but it breaks bones. (舌无骨却折断骨。)A good name is easier lost than won.(名誉失之易,而得之难。)Every profession produces its...

1. This is not to your chocolate.2. Plate you have some bread?3. You can do when I read the letter?4. I do not like coffee, I like to put sugar in coffee.5. That he can hold only big box.6. I can not play this letter. (In this fight means to print)7. The ...

英译中:1 It's time to get up.现在是该起床的时候。2 It'simportant for us to learn English well.我们把英语学习得很好是重要的。3 Botj my father and I like shopping on-line.我的父亲BOTJ和我喜欢在线购物(网上购物)。4 Would you like something to drink?你想喝点什么么?5 ...

阿荣旗15129019747: 句子翻译 英汉互译 -
叱干选解毒: 翻译如下:21.多么令人吃惊的新闻啊!一个一岁的孩子能够画出一张那么美丽的画.22.上个月她的学习有很大的进步!是啊.这也让我很吃惊.她真的改变了很多.23.你喜欢昨天户外的训练吗?一点也不喜欢!艰苦的训练,搞得就像是要死了...

阿荣旗15129019747: 翻译句子(英译英) -
叱干选解毒: There is little water in the glass.Students have to obey the school rules.Peter is one of the cleverest boys in his class.

阿荣旗15129019747: 翻译句子,汉译英 -
叱干选解毒: Don't be late for school. Don't talk in class.Don't fight with your classmates.Obey the school rules.Study hard!Listen carefully in class.Be polite to others.Hand in your homework on time.Don't copy others' homework.

阿荣旗15129019747: 汉翻英翻译句子 -
叱干选解毒: I think teachers are more important.If there is no teacher,how can we understand the wonderful world?If no teacher,there will be not so many people to learn to be doctors.Doctor can cure our body,but teacher can give us mental world.In my opinion the teacher is more important than the doctor

阿荣旗15129019747: 翻译句子,英汉互译 -
叱干选解毒: 他是一位用脑子踢球的青年.这句话是描写一位国外足球运动员的.

阿荣旗15129019747: 翻译五个句子,汉翻英 -
叱干选解毒: 1, Does the letter reflect your feeling?2, It is difficult to predict the long-term consequences of this accident.3 I envy her ability to talk with stranger.4, The company is famous in a friendly and efficient service.5 I knocked at the door, but no response.

阿荣旗15129019747: 英文句子翻译! -
叱干选解毒: 1 It's good for our health to keep a balance diet. 2 We shoul eat more fresh fruits. 3 Many food contain a lot of protein and calcium.

阿荣旗15129019747: 句子翻译,(中~英)在线等, -
叱干选解毒: 1.我昨天和同学一起去爬山.1. Yesterday I go mountain climbing with my classmates.2.去年暑假我和父母一起去了美国.2. Last summer I together with their parents to the United States.3.你们一家人上周去了哪里呢?3. Where are you all last ...

阿荣旗15129019747: 英文句子翻译1 -
叱干选解毒: 21.Susan's parents have bought a large house with a swimming pool. It __must____ be very expensive. 苏珊的父母买了一幢带游泳池的大房子.那一定很贵.22.The meeting will be held in half an hour, but they haven't got everything ready __...

阿荣旗15129019747: 句子翻译(英译中) -
叱干选解毒: 我将送给Hill(希尔)小姐两片叶子...四片叶子...越来越多的叶子!

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