
作者&投稿:经晨 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)


  一说到英语口语,很多人反应就是“多练“,事实上多练并不是解决方案。所有人都知道要多练,但为什么那么多人还是没学会英语,考试还是不及格?试想没有一套正确的方法,多练后一直没效果,只会让自己更容易放弃。  先在这里分享一节免费的在线英语口语体验课,是那种外教在线一对一的模式,跟着外教学口语效果才是最好的。点击这里免费领取:【免费领悟外教试试听课】,可以去试听感受下,看看外教怎么说口语,是否适合自己,找个专业的外教学口语,好过自己的在瞎琢磨要好的快。  而一般英语口语考试题目主要分为四大模块:  第一块是自我介绍,自我介绍是第一大块。  第二块是问答,就是老师跟你提问题你回答。  第三块比较难的就是话题的陈述,就是老师会给你一个话题,或者抽签,抽一个话题出来。  这个话题一般都是比较难的话题,不是一些日常生活的话题,往往是一些,尤其考研的考试是一些成人世界的话题,比如环境污染,气候,或者安乐死,比较严肃的话题,让你用英语说两分钟,这个你看起来特别复杂,特别难。  第四类题目是讨论因为特往往是两三个人一起考的,一个比较快,还有一个可以比较。  那么讨论也是一种很大的题目。最后一种是描述,会给你一幅图或者一个表格,或者漫画图之类的,让你用英语描述一分钟左右的时间,主要是这五类,当然不会都考。  如果各位大家还想了解更多干货,或者想了解vivi老师机构的师资力量、课程费用、自家娃最适合什么样的机构类型,欢迎找我进行深入交流,百度搜索vivi老师就可以找到我,我将会用多年的教育行业的经验给出最专业最诚恳的建议。

q:Which athlete is your role model?
a:liuxiang is my role model.i think he is the best athlete in the world.
q:why do you like him?
a:because he is the no.1 player in sprint.he get first world sprint champion for our country.
q:any other reasons?
a:he is hansome boy.youthful and strong.
q:what do you think about his success in the world.
a:i think he is a diligent in his work.and his success stand for a prosperous time of big and powerful china about sports is comeing


NASH (好困难啊,只能写这多了) [Comprehensive evaluation]excellent leader, have very high basketball intelligence quotient and calm qualities, perfect ground insight.The visual field is vast, spreading ball to go directly to enemy's heart, shooting the basket class good, can launch an attack in any district in the ground.Weakness:Defend mutually~~-be aery, mistake more.
Take the offensive]he is 1 to carry to be rated as perfect rearguard in the aggression.Conduct and actions is 170 a member of the clubs, he had excellent get a goal a hand to should have of the whole characters:Regardless is break last, medium hurl, three cent a ball still a penalty.In addition to slaming down, he almost can get a goal with any way.Worst BE, though he gets a goal if explore a bag to take a thing, he doesn't need to use to get a goal at all to rule a game, only having the time in necessity, he would peep out a sharp tooth, for example last year to calf of 48 cent, for example this year to lake person of 32 cent.More of time he is to appear Be organizing to carry, he and center forward's blocking to dismantle is almost all evil-foreboding dreams of ball teams.No one's woulding anticipate his next move would do what, spread ball, still does oneself take the offensive?The turning point dares to volunteer to help, giving a shot is fatal
Defend] NASH isn't a perfect person, the old day also throws at the time of giving him the incomparable aggression artistic talent to defending of his mess.That year of NASH is excluded by several ten universities, the reason is surprisingly consistent:Your defending is what I once saw differ most in the owner.Because the body character suffers a los too, the NASH is defending high control 卫 greatly is almost at the end of one's tether.After quarter in the match, we even can see him repeatedly drive person in the lake S?The paker is hard to eat.Though this match quarter he has already strengthened very diligently to defend consciousness ownly, but yields results very tiny.The another person is delighted BE, the sun's rotating outstandingly can certainly the degree makes up personal shortage for defending up.
[Spread ball] the beyond all doubt master class spread ball level.Excel to see sew to put needle very much spread ball, as long as have a little a little bit may, nashs all have confidence to spread to.Almost be familiar with various spread ball means, include the difficulty very high shot the Earth.Don't need to spread ball angle too greatly, he completely with lend the tacit understanding of of oneself and teammate to make a reaction.The rhythm feeling is very good, catching the ball will be very comfortable.The rhythm says for a pitcher that is very important, but the nash spread ball's imitating SPRIT can be invisible in the middle guide to catch the ball of rhythm.Arrive-catch the ball-rise jump-make moves, the whole action completes in one breath, the fluency goes to a pole.So say, have an outstanding PG nearby is an equal and happy affair------When ising not owners canned realize ball to make moves that kind of flowing freely pleasant sensation.Speaking of spreading ball have to lift that an another person surprised and gorgeous of offend quickly, conduct and actions offend quickly of sponsor, the nash offends to defend conversion consciousness an alliance outstandingly unexcelled.When the opponent still sinks to immerse in the aggression successful of pleased China Times, was a movie camera to still broadcast to take the offensive last time of fascinating appearance, the quickly offending of the sun combination has already completed backstroke to back to defend.Gorgeous of long issue on order owner gape, judge accurately to descend a player to run to move position quickly, then is spread ball to accurately.Don't need any adjustment action, catch the ball slam down directly or last.Having more very, canning see small S and super horsepower to rise first to jump while offending quickly waits for NASH spreading ball in the sky, then is a blood to spray a piece to slam down.Gorgeous to the match dropped a residue
[Is smooth such as the jade, the gentleman ] the NASH is an outstanding leader, though he is in need of some arrogants, but he is in own way leading ball team..This is a man who has sense of responsibility, while facing the opponent strong vehemence, I even can feel him to make oneself in an access of fury in effort-----For encouraging the morale of ball team.There ising leader,such as "small S" , is happiness of all sun fans.In the locker room, he is the person of that most gentle equanimity forever.At he nearby you also could not feel the super star's oppression feeling forever.He smiles to face a reporter to lift to ask, considering an own words carefully, having never been tired of with impatient.The manner ground treats nearby each person, acquainting with of or unfamiliar of.Can win the man of opponent esteem.

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口语考试注意事项如下:1、语言的反复 当考生说话时反复重复某一句话或经常补充前面的话,就会令考官厌烦。2、语言呆板、重复使用某种句式或词语 如果面试考生回答每一个问题都像小学生解问答题一样:“因为……所以……”,那么即使其内容再精彩,也会令考官乏味。考生需尽可能地变换句式,使用同义词或...




小学语文口语考试:就是用语言直接叙述,不需要用笔写。小学语文期末口语测试包含以下内容:一、读词语 语文书上的二类字就是要求孩子们会认的字,通过读词。考察孩子们对会认字的掌握,那么在本次期末口语测试中采用了读词语的方式。二、读课文 读文的题目要求是“请学生把抽到的语段正确、流利地读...

英语口语考试成绩等级划分如下:1、六级口语等级划分:A(90-100分)、B(75-89分)、C(60-74分)、D(0-59分)。2、雅思口语等级划分:9分(Expert User)、8分(Very Good User)、7分(Good User)、6分(Competent User)、5分(Modest User)、4分(Limited User)、3分(Extremely ...



石柱土家族自治县17558163472: 请问英语口语等级考试有哪些? -
班品爱若: 楼主挺高要求的样子哦,那你可以考中译,总体来说,中口笔试的难度要高于CET6,低于TEM8. 考试分两个阶段:笔试、口试 笔试共分四部分.总考试时间为150分钟,满分为250分.(150分合格) 1: 听力40分钟/90分; 2:阅读50分钟/60分...

石柱土家族自治县17558163472: 一般英语口语考试都考些什么 -
班品爱若: 01 一般英语口试在高考考完10,11号开始考.考试内容一部分是小短文,一部分则是口语考察.考官将根据考生表现打分,包括语音语调语流、理解能力、等等. 02 首先是学生凭借准考证进入场内,进去之后,听老师的安排.家长应该注意的...

石柱土家族自治县17558163472: 英语口试主要测试什么,有哪几项内容 -
班品爱若:[答案] 主要测语音 语调 语言表达 流利程度 反应等 中学的英语口试比较简单 让你读读单词文章 然后问你几个问题 或者让你就某一事件进行简单表述

石柱土家族自治县17558163472: 英语口语考试 都考什么 -
班品爱若: 口语考试的题目主要是这样几块,比如说第一块是自我介绍,自我介绍是第一大块.第二大块是,就是老师跟你提问题你回答.第三块比较难的就是话题的陈述,就是老师会给你一个话题,或者抽签,抽一个话题出来,这个话题一般都是比较难的话题,不是一些日常生活的话题,往往是一些,尤其考研的考试是一些成人世界的话题,比如环境污染,气候,或者安乐死,比较严肃的话题,让你用英语说两分钟,这个你看起来特别复杂,特别难.第四类题目是讨论因为特往往是两三个人一起考的,一个比较快,还有一个可以比较.那么讨论也是一种很大的题目.最后一种是描述,会给你一幅图或者一个表格,或者漫画图之类的,让你用英语描述一分钟左右的时间,主要是这五类,当然不会都考.

石柱土家族自治县17558163472: 英语口语考试有哪些类型? -
班品爱若: CET-4.6 (大家都非常熟悉的四六级) TEM-4.8 (专业英语四八级) 国外: TOEFL (托福,考去美国 .加拿大等北美国家) IELTS (雅思,考去英联邦国家.可以读研) GRE (最难这个,北美研究生入学考试) GMAT (可以考工商管理的...

石柱土家族自治县17558163472: 有哪些是专门考口语的英语考试? -
班品爱若: 伦敦三一学院GESE英语口语等级考试,共12级.1-9中国考官,10-12级为高级英国考官,

石柱土家族自治县17558163472: 什么是英语口试 -
班品爱若: 高考英语口试的目标是测试考生的语言口头表达能力,其中包括朗读能力、会话能力、描述能力和表达思想的能力.高考英语口试由五大题组成:(1)朗读 10%(2)快速应答 10%(3)情景提问 20%(4)谈话 30%(5)看图说话 30%1 朗读测...

石柱土家族自治县17558163472: 英语口语考试考什么 -
班品爱若: 口试内容 考试分为两部分:第一部分是以一篇小短文为基础,要求考生朗读指定部分,并能在不看短文的情况下回答主考老师就短文内容提出的若干问题.第二部分是就日常生活或简单的社会问题提出一个可供考生自由发挥的话题,做一个简短...

石柱土家族自治县17558163472: 目前的英语口语考试都有哪些种?除了四六级的口语考试.是那种专门的口语考试 -
班品爱若: 英语口语三级考试!

石柱土家族自治县17558163472: 大学英语口语考试介绍 -
班品爱若: 大学英语口语考试(CET Spoken English Test)简称CET—SET,它是用于测试我国大学生运用英语进行口语交际的能力的考试.如今,英语四、六级考试已经成为求职、毕业的的“必修”考试科目,随着考试制度的进一步完善,全国大学英...

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