
作者&投稿:月康 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
真叫人上火 用英语怎么说~

It really pisses sb. off.

比如It really pisses me off. 这真让我上火。

而崇尚西医的外国人就不能理解这种说法了,如果非要解释的话,就是get inner inflamed ,体内发炎了····只能这么翻译了·····外国人应该能稍微好理解一些

you really make people annoyed

You are really annoying.

英语 我从来没过过这么上火的一天 i never had sach a worried day 这 ...
我觉得不对,太中国化了。如果要表达上火可以用terrible。比较正宗。有糟糕的意思,也可以表达你的意思 I have never had such a terrible day like today

suffer from excessive internal heat(中医中常用)

大家以后要多喝水,要不然你的`烦恼就要来啦。Everyone should drink more water later, or your troubles will come.就因为我平时不常喝水导致上火,我这几天鼻子闷得都不像样啦,基本上我们不闻到什么味道。Because I don't drink water often, I get angry. My nose is so stuffy these days. ...

inflammation 中医里的上火,在西医里就是发炎。inflammation 英[ˌɪnfləˈmeɪʃn] 美[ˌɪnfləˈmeʃən]n. [医] 炎症; 燃烧; 发火;[例句]Chronic inflammation is perhaps best understood in its relation to cardiova...

上火 降火用英文怎么说
上火: inflammation 降火: purge fire 参考资料:属类:【医化专业】 --〖医学〗 --[中医术语]

“上火”excessive internal heat 中医所谓上火不止是指嗓子疼一种症状。What is known in Chinese medicine as excess internal heat covers a lot more than sore throats and the like

keep it real是什么梗?
三、pick什么意思 pick什么意思你知道吗?他本来是挑选、选择、摘除、剔除等意思。因为在真人秀节目《偶像练习生》中,将票选称之为“pick”,而让这个词在网络上火了起来。在英文中,pick本来是选择、挑选、剔除、精品、精华等意思,之后因为《偶像练习生》,让这个词火遍网络 ...

heat-clearing and fire-purging 清热下火

回答:上火 suffer from internal heat 清热下火 clear internal heat

意思应该是Suffer from excessive internal heat 上火只是中医的说法 外国是没有这么说的

南平市19786032618: 真叫人上火 用英语怎么说 -
康菡庆大: It really pisses sb. off.比如It really pisses me off. 这真让我上火.

南平市19786032618: “你真让人恼火”用英语怎么说啊? -
康菡庆大: You really make people angry

南平市19786032618: “上火”用英语怎么说? -
康菡庆大:[答案] 用inflamed比较恰当 比如说: “如果在这么热的天气里还吃很多辛辣的食物就容易上火.” -- It is easy to get inflamed if people have too much spicy food in such hot weather."

南平市19786032618: “上火”用英语怎么说? -
康菡庆大: 用inflamed比较恰当 比如说:“如果在这么热的天气里还吃很多辛辣的食物就容易上火.”-- It is easy to get inflamed if people have too much spicy food in such hot weather."

南平市19786032618: “上火”用英语怎么说?写成英文怎么写? -
康菡庆大: 1.get angry(生气那个"上火") 2.suffer from excessive internal heat(医学上的"上火")

南平市19786032618: 请问“上火”英语怎么翻译啊,是指吃太多热气东西 -
康菡庆大: 可以说"上火"就说“内热过多”,不好直接翻译.用下面的意译: suffering from excessive internal heat .

南平市19786032618: 上火的英文是什么 -
康菡庆大: 表示人对某事的着急而上火,就用 get angry,或者 with rage表示人身体状况的上火,就用 get inflamed,或者 excessive internal heat

南平市19786032618: 上火用英语怎么说?
康菡庆大: 上火可以说是excessive internal heat或是get angry或者suffer from too much internal heat,看你是想表达什么了

南平市19786032618: “上火”英语怎么说 -
康菡庆大: 生气的上火:to get angry, to get mad, to be furious 中医的上火:to have too much of the "yang" or too much of the "yin" element in one's body

南平市19786032618: 上火怎么翻译成英文? -
康菡庆大: 上火: get angry 1. suffer from too much internal heat新闻英语词汇——新词新译 S - 词汇 英语 新闻... ...商业预测 business forecasting 上火 suffer from too much internal heat 商务出境 outbound tour for commercial affairs ...2. surace temperature ...

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