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备注:豪克能 hawking
Hawk will be a special capabilities, mechanical energy. 1. Hawk will feature energy is focused and good density, energy density ultrasound is generally 40 times. In its atomic material under the thickening should be considered, the increase in activation energy, thereby reducing the atomic bonding, Plastic sharply, Hawk in the roles of materials under extreme internal lattice distortion return to a balanced or have compression deformation, Road thereby eliminating residual stress and stress preset goals. 2. Hawk will be another feature of its work frequency bandwidth, reliability, suitable for different process requirements;

the hawking is one kind of special ability, belongs to themechanical energy.
1.The hawking characteristic is the energy focusing good, thedensity is big, its energy density is above general supersonic 40times. Under its function in material atom electron shellaccumulation, activation of increase, thus reduces the interatomic bindingforce, the plastic large scale enhancement, can under the function beextremely easy in the bold gram to cause the material interior totwist the crystal lattice reply balance or to have the compressiontype to distort, thus the main road eliminates the remaining stressand the initialization compressed stress goal.
2.The hawking another characteristic is its work band width,the reliability is good, suits the different production craft therequest;

Roch can be a kind of special ability, and the mechanical energy. 1.Roch can characteristic for energy focusing on the fine, density the heavy,energy of it density is generally ultrasonic more than 40 times. Lay material electron layer of the atom increase thick, activation energy increases in function its, thus cohesion to reduce atom, plasticity raise by a large margin, extremely apt to make to distort crystalline grain reply equilibrium or produce compressing type to be out of shape material until Roch can act on, thus the main road dispels the residual stress and is presetted the purpose to press stress. 2.Roch can another characteristic their last bandwidth frequently, dependability is the fine,last requirements of production technology different; The remarks: Roch Yes hawking

Hawk will be a special capabilities, mechanical energy. 1. Hawk will feature energy is focused and good density, energy density ultrasound is generally 40 times. In its atomic material under the thickening should be considered, the increase in activation energy, thereby reducing the atomic bonding, Plastic sharply, Hawk in the roles of materials under extreme internal lattice distortion return to a balanced or have compression deformation, Road thereby eliminating residual stress and stress preset goals. 2. Hawk will be another feature of its work frequency bandwidth, reliability, suitable for different process requirements;

We are pleased that you had such a good time here, maybe soon you can come again!!! :)你能在这玩得开心我们很高兴,或许不久你就能再来!Miss you lots, big hugs from all of us,Irina, Bob, Tibi and Tom 好想你,好想给你一个大大的拥抱!Irina, Bob, Tibi 和 Tom ...

the same seed can give you great help to relate a lot of things which you would have never thought of in your wildest dreams!当你拿起一本书来读时,你的眼睛在字里行间游走之际,你的大脑便会试徒向你解释其意思。书中最有趣的新份会被收藏在大脑作为一粒种子。这种子在不自觉地发展...


人生要自己去拼搏,去奋斗,在风雨中百折不挠勇往前进,在集资的每个驿站上都留下一段不悔的回忆。流泪不是失落,徘徊不是迷惑,成功属于那些战胜失败,坚持不懈、勇于追求梦想的人。加油吧,运动健儿们! 47真心祝愿机会是什么?是不可错过的刹那间。呐喊是什么?是为那刹那间的真心祝愿。加油 加油你肯定听到了那一声声...

The Donation of Constantine was rejected as a fable, and overwhelmed with scholarly derision.【君士坦丁的封诏被确认是虚构的无稽之谈,并饱受学术界的打击。】By the help of the Byzantines, Plato came to be known, not only in Neoplatonic and Augustinian versions, but at first hand....

汉译英 翻译一段话
手工翻译,杜绝机译 因为我爱你 所以 在这个世界上 除了我妈妈 我就只有你这一个亲人了 Just because I love you, so you are my only loved one besides my mother.我没有其他的亲人 但是一直以来我并未觉得孤独 大概是因为我早已经孤独习惯了吧 我的生活经历让我明白了什么叫做 世态炎凉 什么...

Kunqu is one of the oldest forms of Chinese traditional operas. It was developed during the early Ming Dynasty and dominated Chinese theatre in the Ming Dynasty and the Qing Dynasty.By far, it has had a history of more than 600 years.Many Chinese traditional operas , including ...

Most reptiles live long live(live a long life吧?) and some can live up to 20 years.大部分爬行动物存活时间很长,一部分甚至可以活到20年。They sleep a lot but eat little,So they are loved by many people 它们大部分时间都在睡觉、很少进食。所以大部分人都喜欢把它们作为宠物。

翻译好了。。 绝对不是靠软件翻的 你们好 我非常想成为2位幸运儿的一员,但是我听到你们的选择方法是 杂 ,希望什么样 的 人都有,我觉得我符合条件. Hello and nice to meet you. I really wish to become one of these two lucky members. But, after hearing that your selection methods...

It'll be all right 那也没关系 You said,Tomorrow 你说,明天 Don't you cry 请你不要哭泣 Don't you shed a tear 不要让眼泪流出来 When you wake up 当你醒来的时候 I will still be here 我依然会在陪在你的身边 We'll battle all your fears 一起去迎接你的担忧 And now 但是...

邻水县15997159987: 翻译一段话 -
闾乳山海: 喜欢一个人,在一起的时候会很开心;爱一个人,在一起的时候,会莫名的失落 If you like someone, you'll be happy when getting together; While if you love someone, you'll get lost inexplicably when getting together.喜欢一个人,你不会想到你们...

邻水县15997159987: 翻译一段文字
闾乳山海: One day, I saw a traffic accident on my way to the school, a boy was badly injured by a motorcycle. I rushed to help on my basic instinct. I carried him up and called a taxi to the nearest hospital. After the emergency treatment the boy came to ...

邻水县15997159987: 翻译一段文字 -
闾乳山海: He relied on their own efforts and achieved remarkable success. 1819, he deaf, but he di...

邻水县15997159987: 翻译一段话 -
闾乳山海: 个人愚见,不要见笑,翻译如下: Rosita 穿着我们(设计)的衣服出现时,在电视微弱的灯光下,...

邻水县15997159987: 翻译一小段 -
闾乳山海: Hello,my name is Jessica.Nice to meet you.I hope we will get on well with each other in the following time.Thank you!

邻水县15997159987: 翻译一段短文,谢谢,高分回报 -
闾乳山海: 译文:妇女进入市场经济的潮流,推动了经济增长.从许多方面改变了美国社会.许多原来是由妇女从事的室内工作--从家庭购物到备餐,做志愿工作仍需要有人来做.丈夫和孩子,现在做这样一些工作,...

邻水县15997159987: 翻译一段古文 -
闾乳山海: 词曲,是古代乐府里没有的东西,唐人最为擅长,自从柳永之后,掩盖所有的制约把词写的更为美妙,爱好者以为没有人能超过他.后来苏东坡,一改花间词华丽香艳的姿态,摆脱些缠绵宛转的规则,开创豪放派,使人登高望远,举头高歌,浩然之气超脱世间的尘垢,于是花间词变成了配角,而柳永也不再被人推崇. 柳耆卿:宋朝著名词人,花间词代表. 眉山苏氏:苏东坡. 皂吏,舆台:小官,小角色.

邻水县15997159987: 翻译一小段话 -
闾乳山海: 抑制剂的研究人员罗伯特英格曼说,到2025年,约有3000万人缺水.至少有18多个国家的除外有严重的水问题.对水的需求不断增加.然而,数量的水在地球上保持不变.

邻水县15997159987: 翻译一段中文,谢谢 -
闾乳山海: Dear vendee:Please check if your area support 900/1800 MHz by yourself.After affirming that,I will then deliver the consignment to u.Thank u for your trust and support.

邻水县15997159987: 求翻译一段话 -
闾乳山海: When one is in love or anger, he can face great danger fearlessly, for passion is beside him.anger=angry=愤怒 adj. fearlessly=无畏地;大胆地 passion=n.激情 beside=在...旁边当一个人处于...

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