
作者&投稿:汪残 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Long, long ago there was a very foolish thief. Do you know what he did one day? When he wanted to steal the bell on his neighbour's door, he walked up to the door, took hold of the bell and pulled hard. The bell made a very loud noise. The thief was afraid and went home.

Then he sat down to think, "I must do something about the noise," he said. He thought and thought. At last he had an idea. "Ah, I'll put some cotton in my ears. Then I won't be able to hear the noise." The next day he went to the door of his neighbour, and took hold of the bell. This time he pulled even harder. The bell rang loudly, but the thief did not hear anything. With another hard pull he got the bell out. Just then the neighbour came running out.

"Steal my bell? I'll teach you a lesson," the angry man shouted. And he hit the thief on the nose.
The foolish thief did not know how the neighbour found out he was stealing the bell. "Why did he come out just then?" he wondered.
6. The thief was trying to get his neighbour's doorbell.
A. T

7. The thief put some cotton in his ears so as not to hear anything.
A. T

8. The neighbour ran out probably because he knew his doorbell was being stolen.
B. F

9. The neighbour hit the thief to punish him for stealing.

A. T B. F

10. The thief thought the neighbour couldn't hear the noise of the bell.
A. T

Come quickly, we here shoes very affordable, very accord with buyers mean, sample complete offer your choose and buy!
That sounds good. Let me see.

Here is much, the shop samples is very good. I will choose and buy again next time.

(1) England : A, the seller had the right to require the buyer to pay the contract price and interest B, The seller asked the buyer the right to not accept the goods to the buyer for damages caused by the C, the seller had the right to terminate the contract of D, buy or not to pay the price under the circumstances, the seller retains title to the goods, therefore, the seller was entitled to retention of the goods, or the buyer in the case of insolvency. The seller is entitled to exercise power outage, or the right to resell. (2) CISG : A practical question of implementation added : one, two relief measures : (1) damages (2) Actual performance (3) two batches delivery of the goods, the seller breach of relief : (a) British law : A, the purchaser had the right to reject the goods B, the buyer has the right to obtain damages C, The buyer against the seller the right to the delay in delivery damages D, the buyer to the seller the right to make up ground secured E. damages, the actual performance (2) CISG : A, The buyer can ask the seller to fulfill the actual B, the buyer can cancel the C, the buyer may request price D, The buyer can claim damages 3, the buyer default of relief : (a) British law : A, The seller asked the buyer to pay the contract price and interest B, The seller asked the buyer the right to not accept the goods to the buyer for damages caused by the C, the seller had the right to terminate the contract of D, buy or not to pay the price under the circumstances, the seller retains title to the goods, therefore, the seller was entitled to retention of the goods, or the buyer in the case of insolvency. The seller is entitled to exercise power outage, or the right to resell. (2) CISG : A, B, the actual performance, declared the contract void C, to set the rules D, E claim damages, requesting payment of interest

I'm sorry.
You can go to a English Trail School to let teachers translate them for you.

(1) England : A, the seller had the right to require the buyer to pay the contract price and interest B, The seller asked the buyer the right to not accept the goods to the buyer for damages caused by the C, the seller had the right to terminate the contract of D, buy or not to pay the price under the circumstances, the seller retains title to the goods, therefore, the seller was entitled to retention of the goods, or the buyer in the case of insolvency. The seller is entitled to exercise power outage, or the right to resell. (2) CISG : A practical implementation

1, the two sides shared the relief measures : (1) damages (2) Actual performance (3) of goods delivered two batches, Sellers breach of relief : (a) British law : A, the purchaser had the right to reject the goods B, the buyer has the right to obtain damages C, The buyer against the seller the right to the delay in delivery damages D, the buyer to the seller the right to make up ground secured E. damages, the actual performance (2) CISG : A, The buyer can ask the seller to fulfill the actual B, the buyer can cancel the C, the buyer may request price D, The buyer can claim damages 3, the buyer default of relief : (a) British law : A, The seller asked the buyer to pay the contract price and interest B, The seller asked the buyer the right to not accept the goods to the buyer for damages caused by the C, the seller had the right to terminate the contract of D, buy or not to pay the price under the circumstances, the seller retains title to the goods, therefore, the seller was entitled to retention of the goods, or the buyer in the case of insolvency. The seller is entitled to exercise power outage, or the right to resell. (2) CISG : A, B, the actual performance, declared the contract void C, to set the rules D, E claim damages, requesting payment of interest

(1) England : A, the seller had the right to require the buyer to pay the contract price and interest B, The seller asked the buyer the right to not accept the goods to the buyer for damages caused by the C, the seller had the right to terminate the contract of D, buy or not to pay the price under the circumstances, the seller retains title to the goods, therefore, the seller was entitled to retention of the goods, or the buyer in the case of insolvency. The seller is entitled to exercise power outage, or the right to resell. (2) CISG : A practical implementation

1, the two sides shared the relief measures : (1) damages (2) Actual performance (3) of goods delivered two batches, Sellers breach of relief : (a) British law : A, the purchaser had the right to reject the goods B, the buyer has the right to obtain damages C, The buyer against the seller the right to the delay in delivery damages D, the buyer to the seller the right to make up ground secured E. damages, the actual performance (2) CISG : A, The buyer can ask the seller to fulfill the actual B, the buyer can cancel the C, the buyer may request price D, The buyer can claim damages 3, the buyer default of relief : (a) British law : A, The seller asked the buyer to pay the contract price and interest B, The seller asked the buyer the right to not accept the goods to the buyer for damages caused by the C, the seller had the right to terminate the contract of D, buy or not to pay the price under the circumstances, the seller retains title to the goods, therefore, the seller was entitled to retention of the goods, or the buyer in the case of insolvency. The seller is entitled to exercise power outage, or the right to resell. (2) CISG : A, B, the actual performance, declared the contract void C, to set the rules D, E claim damages, requesting payment of interest

1) England : A, the seller had the right to require the buyer to pay the contract price and interest B, The seller asked the buyer the right to not accept the goods to the buyer for damages caused by the C, the seller had the right to terminate the contract of D, buy or not to pay the price under the circumstances, the seller retains title to the goods, therefore, the seller was entitled to retention of the goods, or the buyer in the case of insolvency. The seller is entitled to exercise power outage, or the right to resell. (2) CISG : A practical question of implementation added : one, two relief measures : (1) damages (2) Actual performance (3) two batches delivery of the goods, the seller breach of relief : (a) British law : A, the purchaser had the right to reject the goods B, the buyer has the right to obtain damages C, The buyer against the seller the right to the delay in delivery damages D, the buyer to the seller the right to make up ground secured E. damages, the actual performance (2) CISG : A, The buyer can ask the seller to fulfill the actual B, the buyer can cancel the C, the buyer may request price D, The buyer can claim damages 3, the buyer default of relief : (a) British law : A, The seller asked the buyer to pay the contract price and interest B, The seller asked the buyer the right to not accept the goods to the buyer for damages caused by the C, the seller had the right to terminate the contract of D, buy or not to pay the price under the circumstances, the seller retains title to the goods, therefore, the seller was entitled to retention of the goods, or the buyer in the case of insolvency. The seller is entitled to exercise power outage, or the right to resell. (2) CISG : A, B, the actual performance, declared the contract void C, to set the rules D, E claim damages, requesting payment of interest

(1) England : A, the seller had the right to require the buyer to pay the contract price and interest B, The seller asked the buyer the right to not accept the goods to the buyer for damages caused by the C, the seller had the right to terminate the contract of D, buy...

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一句话道别的内容:1. 感谢各位的支持与帮助,我将退出工作群。或 2. 项目圆满结束,感谢团队一路相伴,我将退出工作群。或简短一句:感谢经历,感谢团队。便可。体现出自己对这个团队的感激之情和对过往工作的留恋之意。无需过于复杂的词汇和句式。简洁明了地表达感激之情即可。详细解释:对于要退出...

将以下内容以为英语 下午好,今天我要给你们讲一个关于我的故事。
Good afternoon, I'm going to tell you a story about myself.When i was in the grade 6, i and my classmates went to play around the south of Jinan. We had a good time. Look at this picture, we were planting a tree. We digged a hole first, then putted the tree into ...

紧~急~英语高手的进来帮帮忙,帮我将以下中文句子翻译成英文!还要根 ...
This novel is based on historical facts.⑤有了电脑的帮助,你会发现处理和分享信息不难的。(deal with ,share)With the help of a computer, you won't find it difficult to deal with and share information. (注:这里的"处理"本来用process才更合适,相信是你的老师或课本出错题了。)...


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以下是我精心整理的爱心人士感谢信,希望对大家有所帮助。 爱心人士感谢信1 商会的叔叔、阿姨们: 你们好!首先,请允许我代表全体受助同学向你们表达最诚挚的谢意!在这个美好的季节里,你们用金子般的心,帮助了我们这些家境贫寒的孩子们。把曙光和希望带到了我们身旁,让我们可以完成学业,用知识来改变未来的人生道路。

所谓能量和情绪异常高涨的【车座社会】,会给外界的人们一种非常不舒服的印象,只不过日本人自己没有意识到而已,这也许就是经济过度辉煌的岛国国民的不幸吧。注解:【车座】:くるまざ 形容大家面朝内围坐在一圈的状态。【かなくななまでに】:为了某种理念,信念而顽固的坚守的状态。以上,请参考...

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路所捷平:[答案] Autume, the season of harvest has arrived. I went apple picking with my friend but climbing up trees is dangerous so we grabbed a ladder and picked basketfulls,loaded them on truck to sell to shops.

皇姑区18216533619: 英语翻译请大家帮我翻译以下文字成英文.我想我能确信,它并没有远离.那些最初的美好仍然存在.我们却玩世不恭地辜负了它.我宁愿听到你的谎言,如果那... -
路所捷平:[答案] I believe i am so concious forever .it does not abandon me .(go away ) Those initial goods still exist.We have cynically betrayed her.I'd rather hear your lies,and if so,at least I was myself.everythi...

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路所捷平:[答案] 1. He (or it如果是它不是他的话)drove away the man's car. 2. The man is chasing after the car. 3. The car is far away now, the man can't reach it anymore.

皇姑区18216533619: 请大家帮忙将以下内容翻译为英语
路所捷平: 1. This holiday season off very bad, in these days, I have been sick, often fever. Has been taking medicine and fluids. 2. My favorite book is Little Women (), the author is the United States, Alcott, the main talk of the four sisters - United States and ...

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路所捷平:[答案] In international trade,as the global eco-environmental issues is becoming increasingly serious,environment and trade conflicts more and more intense,so that trade protectionism shift from the traditio...

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路所捷平: Good morning, I am honored to have the opportunity to interview. Now, please allow me to introduce myself. My name is XXX, this year 25 years old, graduated from 2010, and have been in XX company engaged in the Java development work, up to...

皇姑区18216533619: 急~~请大家帮忙将以下内容翻译成英文 -
路所捷平: This paper conducts an empirical analysis, for 2007 and 2008 and 2009 zhejiang electronic components industry to the listed company capital structure by enterprise scale, how the profitability of the influence of factors are analyzed. This paper ...

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路所捷平:[答案] I think that the most important thing is that budget one's time rationally. Everybody has 24 hours only every day, we must ... and go on according to this plan. The content of the plan should be overall, rational, make overall plans. Time is just like water in the ...

皇姑区18216533619: 英语翻译请帮我把以下句子翻译成英语,:1.我们特意起早去海边看日出,但遗憾的是,由于是阴天,并没有看到预想的效果(或者并没有预想的那么好)2.... -
路所捷平:[答案] We have deliberately get up early to go to the beach to watch the sunrise,but unfortunately,due to a cloudy day,and did not see... 6.That bird in the bar,a leisurely pace,not at all afraid of the people around,even on the floor excretion,but the barman will not ...

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