给出下列命题:①若向量a·b=a·c, 则向量b=c;②若向量AB·AC>0,则△ABC为锐角三角形;

作者&投稿:庞谭 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

只能说明 三角形有i个角是 锐角 不能断定是 锐角三角形 错的




④a与a0可能反向,这时 a=-|a|*a0

morning, Xiang Xiang's father holding him in the hospital to prepare 304 hospitalized,nike ken griffey jr shoes, Xiang Xiang waved goodbye to the reporters: Xiang Xiang in Beijing three days and finally parents temporary relief.

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Xiang Xiang is a Saturday to Beijing, Xiang Xiang Wei Yan Jun's mother told reporters later law,nike air max shoes, the child accident a month later, they visited Beijing Children's Hospital plastic surgery clinic, so the trip to Beijing They found a family hotel near the hospital stay, convenient medical treatment.

but yesterday's test results is not very optimistic. After detailed examination, Children's Hospital ENT doctor told Wangshou Wu,ken griffey jr shoes 2011, Xiang Xiang's not so good, now the trachea than the thin end of last year a lot of surgery that would seriously affect the child breathing. Do the same situation continues, there will be life-threatening.

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to be just looking forward to Beijing for the cosmetic surgery Xiang Xiang, but did not think the bad news come again. Wang Shouwu choked with sobs,mbt outlet, now do not know how to do.

morning, a law came late correspondent with Xiang Xiang's Liberation Army 304 Hospital, Burn and Plastic Surgery, after a preliminary examination, the hospital decided to receive the 304 hospitalized Xiang Xiang, Burns and Plastic Surgery, ENT and anesthesia will be joint consultation, the final determine the treatment of Xiang Xiang.

304 Burns and Plastic Surgery Hospital of Shen Chuanan director,nike air max 24 7, said Xiang Xiang's facial plastic surgery treatments can be carried out at this stage, but the most important thing is to solve Xiang Xiang tracheal granulation blockage of breathing problems.

Shenzhu Ren said that for burn patients, this damage is a common aspiration, and surgical methods of treatment can be taken. Currently, 304 hospitals have decided to receive hospital treatment Xiang Xiang, Burn and Plastic Surgery will be combined ENT and anesthesia consultation,griffey shoes 2011, and ultimately determine the treatment of Xiang Xiang.

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yesterday, Xiang Xiang's mother told reporters late law, Xiang Xiang before the accident, the family has no savings up. Xiang Xiang's brother was hospitalized with pneumonia in 2009, treatment for up to two years, the hospital several times under a critical condition notice, Wang Shouwu the farm before she saved all their savings all spent 60,000 yuan. Discharged from hospital after his brother, Wang Shouwu began work outside the home, hoping to make more money, and thus,mbt for women, annual family income of only 3,000. And Xiang Xiang the cost of medical treatment in Beijing for nearly 20 million, not including the cost of facial plastic surgery.

已知m、 是直线,a、β是平面,给出下列命题: (1)若l垂直于α内两条相 ...
(1)、(4) 试题分析: (1)是线面垂直的判定定理,所以正确;命题(2),l∥α,但l不能平行于α内所有直线,错误;命题(3),l⊥m,不能保证l⊥α,即分别包含l与m的平面α、β可能平行也可能相交而不垂直;命题(4),为面面垂直的判定定理,所以正确;命题(5),α∥β,但分别在α、β内的...

给出下列命题:(1)已知事件 是互斥事件,若 ,则 ;(2)已知事件 是互相独 ...
D 试题分析:对于(1),因为 , 互斥,所以 ,正确,对于(2)由于 互相独立,所以 ,正确,对于(3)其展开式的通项公式为 , 要为有理项,则 必须为整数,则 是6的整数倍,由此 共4个数,即展开式中只有4个有理项,正确.选D.

② 试题分析:①向量的乘积不同于数的乘积,若向量 是零向量,b与c就不一定相等;②向量平行,则横纵坐标的对应比是相等的,通过计算②是正确的;③当|a|=|b|=|a-b|时, 这三个向量平移后构成一个等边三角形,a+b是这个等边三角形一条角平分线,故③错误.

给出下列命题,其中正确的是( ) A.若 ,则 ; B.若 ,则 ; C.若 ,则...
C 试题分析:若 ,则 ,两边同时除以 ,得 ,所以 ,所以选项C 正确,而对于另外三个选项,可以举反例说明是不正确的.点评:利用不等式的性质时一定要记清性质的限制条件,尤其是符号问题.

已知 是平面, 是直线,给出下列命题,其中正确的命题的个数是( )( 1...
B 试题分析:根据面面垂直的判定定理可知命题(1)正确;若 ,则 平行或相交,故命题(2)错误;如果 是异面直线,那么 与 相交或平行,故命题(3)错误;由线面平行的性质定理可知命题(4)正确。故正确命题有2个,故选B点评:处理此类问题,往往要求掌握空间中线面关系的判定定理及性质,...

给出下列命题:①在区间 上,函数 , , , 中有三个是增函数;②若 ,则...
C 试题分析:①在区间 上, , 是减函数, , 是增函数,错误;②如图 在第一象限,底数越大,函数 的图像越高,∴ ,正确;③函数 的图像向右平移一个单位,得到 的图像,对称中心为(1,0),正确;④ 或 或 或 ,正确.

下列四个命题中,正确的有 ①若a>b,则a+1>b+1;②若a>b,则ac>bc ③...
答案B 分析:根据不等式的性质分别进行判断即可.解答:①a>b,则a+1>b+1,所以①正确;②a>b,当c=0,则ac>bc不成立,所以②不正确;③a>b,则-2a<-2b,所以③正确;④a>b,则2a>2b,则2a+5>2b+5,所以④不正确.所以正确的有两个.故选B.点评:本题考查了不等式的性质:...

②将函数y=sin(2x+π3)图象向右平移π3个单位,得到函数y=sin[2(x-π3)+π3]=sin(2x-π3)的图象,故②为假命题.③在△ABC中,若AB=2,AC=3,∠ABC=π3,则由余弦定理求得BC=1+√6,显然AC为最大边,∠ABC=π3为最大角 故△ABC必为锐角三角形,故③是真命题.④数形结合...

下列命题中正确命题的个数为 1、若向量a垂直于向量b,则|向量a+向量b|...
1,对等式两边平方得:a方+b方+2ab=a方+b方—2ab 因为a向量垂直b向量所以ab=0 所以等式成立 2,当ab反向时不成立 3.对等式两边平方得:a方+b方—2ab=a方+b方+2|a||b| 因为ab反向所以—ab=|a||b| 所以成立 4ab中存在至少一个零向量。时不成立 ...

(1)B (2)D (3)C (4)D (5)A零向量的方向是任意的,不是没有方向.(6)A (7)B (8)D (9)D.根据1弧度的定义,对照各选项,可知D为真命题.额,楼主,我先回答的,好不容易做出来的,提醒(第3和第7题有可能错误.其他题保证全对)

法库县19260855537: 给出下列命题:①若向量a·b=a·c,则向量b=c;②若向量AB·AC>0,则△ABC为锐角三角形;给出下列命题:①若向量a·b=a·c,则向量b=c;②若向量... -
淡研血旨:[答案] 无一正确. ①只能得出a与b-c垂直 ②只能得出角A为锐角 ③夹角为150度 ④a与a0可能反向,这时 a=-|a|*a0

法库县19260855537: 给出下列命题:①若向量a·b=a·c, 则向量b=c;②若向量AB·AC>0,则△ABC为锐角三角形; -
淡研血旨: 无一正确.①只能得出a与b-c垂直 ②只能得出角A为锐角 ③夹角为150度 ④a与a0可能反向,这时 a=-|a|*a0

法库县19260855537: 给出下列命题:⑴若向量a^2+b^2=0,则向量a=b=0;⑵若a、b、c是三个非零向量,向量a+b=0,则|a·c|=|b·c|⑶向量a与向量b是共线向量a·b=|a·b|其中真... -
淡研血旨:[答案] 1.(1)向量 的平方也即自己点乘自己,对于任一向量a,a^2=a·a=|a|·|a|·cos0=|a|^2.所以,a^2+b^2=0,即|a|^2+|b|^2=0,|a|=|b|=0,向量a=b=0.因为a和b都是非零向量,向量a+b=0,所以,a和b共线且反向,并且|a|=|b|=0.|a·c...

法库县19260855537: 关于向量下列命题:①a·b=a·c,则b=c;②若a·b=0,则a=0或b=0;③(b乘c)乘a - (a乘c)乘b与c垂直;④若|a|=|b|=1,且|a - b|=√2,则a·b=0其中正确命题的... -
淡研血旨:[答案] 1、错 向量a如果等于0向量,b就不等于c 2、错 a·b=0 表明向量a 与向量 b 垂直,如(1,1) (1,-1)相乘就为0 3、正确 |b| |c| cos(bc) |a| |c| cos(ac) - |a| |c| cos(ac) |b| |c| cos(bc)=0 垂直 4、正确 |a-b|=√2 左右同时平方 得 a^2+b^2-2ab=2 -2ab=0 ab=0 ...

法库县19260855537: 向量a·向量b=|a|·|b|是向量a,b的什么条件?为什么? -
淡研血旨: 向量a·向量b=|a|·|b|是向量a,b同向的充分非必要条件

法库县19260855537: 若向量a·向量b=向量a·向量c,且向量a≠0,则向量b=向量c 这句话为什么错 -
淡研血旨: 已知向量满足向量a,向量b,满足|a|=|b|=2,a•b=0,若向量c与向量a-b共线,则|a+c|的最小值为( ) a,√2 b,1 c,√2/2 d,1/2 解:由于a•b=0,故a⊥b;设a=(2,0),则b=(0,2);那么a-b=(2,-2);c与a-b共线,故c=(2λ,-2λ),(λ∊ r);于是a+c=(2+2λ,-2λ);∴|a+c|=√[(2+2λ)²+(-2λ)²}=√[4(1+2λ+λ²)+4λ²]=2√(1+2λ+2λ²)=2√[2(λ²+λ)+1]=2√[2(λ+1/2)²+1/2]≧2√(1/2)=√2.故应选a.

法库县19260855537: 若向量a与向量b平行,则向量a·向量b=/向量a/·/向量b/对吗?? 谢谢 -
淡研血旨: 解答: 结论不对,平行分同向和异向 若向量a与向量b同向,则向量a·向量b=/向量a/·/向量b/ 若向量a与向量b异向,则向量a·向量b=- /向量a/·/向量b/

法库县19260855537: 设向量a为单位向量,给出下列命题: ①若向量a为平面内的某个向量,则向量a=|向量a|*向量b ②若向量a与向量b平行,则向量a=|向量a|*向量b ③若向量a与... -
淡研血旨:[选项] A. 0 B. 1 C. 2 D. 3 (请指出错在哪,并改正,)

法库县19260855537: (|向量a||向量b|)的平方等于(向量a·向量b)的平方还是向量a的平方乘向量b的平方? -
淡研血旨: 后者,前者平方里含有cos^2这一项.

法库县19260855537: 已知向量a=(2,x),向量b=(x,8),若a·b=|a|·|b|,则x=? -
淡研血旨: 根据a·b=|a|·|b|得知,a与b平行,故2/x=x/8,解得x=±4,请设最佳!!!!!

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