
作者&投稿:管园 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Chinese parents value the children's marks of study very much. When the children were very young,they began to teach the children to read poets of Tang Dynasty.They reguard music, dancing, ball games, hiking and so on as "leisure". Western parents don't think so.They ask their children to do all these at their early ages and also take them to nature, museums, science museums. They value the training of their senses, enriching their culture, arousing their various interests. Many American experts hold the view that children shouldn't be taught to remmember such knowledge as they can't understand. They think it not only a burden to the children and a bad influence on the children's health, but also it will decrease their time for pleasure and reduce their joy in the childhood. Experts suggest that children should be allowed to enjoy the sunlight and fresh air.In their daily life children should be active to observe, do things and express themselves. They should be trained to be interested in knowledge and study in a harmonous, natural and pleasant atmosphere.

The Chinese guardians more are carry on the crosswise comparison to the child, namely carries on oneself child with others family's child the comparison, even uses others family child's superiority compared to oneself child's inferiority and the insufficiency.This may urge the child modestly to others study, but also easy to injure the child the self-respect and self-confident.Our guardian might as well study Western guardian's procedure, use longitudinal comparison: Compared child's today and yesterday, saw which did take to progress, have made which result, let the child depend upon own positive factor in the encouragement to go forward unceasingly.On the other hand, the Western guardian using the encouragement, the praise is more than the criticism, the penalty; Then the Chinese guardians frequently highlight the function which criticizes, the light is staring at child's shortcoming and scolds wrongly, even some guardians often beat and scold, reprove the child, thought “is in any case is good for the child, corporal punishment why not?”Actually, this procedure is very easy to dampen child's desire to do better, and causes the child to form the opposition mood and the rebellious attitude.Therefore, study West's that kind of general knowledge, the drive education has the necessity.

Once there was a rich customer, a doctor. He lived in where all rich man lived. Every time he came ,he would spend thousands of money. One day, he came with his mother frome NY. Our boss saw him and serve them himself. First he took them upstairs to see the valuable goods.After a long time they went downstairs.The boss said that the old lady was critisies.But then in the ground floor, the old lady chose three china boxes which are worth 50 dollars in all and she also chose one pink elephant which is in the same price. She liked them both and couldn't decide which one to buy. I said to my self that the old lady was too min. then her son, the doctor. lost his temper: you only have about 50 dollars, so you only can choose one of them . when you return NY , you can post the money and the boss will send them to you. Only them did I realize that the old lady was not critising, but having no money. That's not surprise that why no parents in America pay so much expectation on their children like our chinese.
回答者:susanash - 试用期 一级 4-26 15:48


Once there is a big boss living in the buckra's area he is a doctor every time he come here he bought thing worth hundreds of yuan. Once he come here with his mother who comes from New York. Our boss saw its the big boss so he can't neglect and treat them in person and bring them upstairs to see his most precious collections. After a long while our boss can't stand it and said "This old lady is such a nit-picker don't want anything!". Downstairs the old lady chose three small cloisonné boxes worth 50 dollars and a small pink crystal statue also worth 50 dollars she hold it in the centre of her palm and couldn't let it go unable decided whether to buy the boxes or the statue. I thought now that you like them so much why not buy them both this is really a cheapskate. At this moment his son became weary and said "Mum now that you only have 50 dollars so you can only buy one of them when you came back to New York, you can mail the money so that the boss can send you the goods." At this moment I new that I wronged the old lady she is not a cheapskate it's just that she really don't have the money. And I really feel mixed in my heart it is no wonder that the Americans don't put too much expectations on their kids take this doctor as an example he spend money like water but he'd rather saw his mother disappointed and never consider to spend a little money to show his filial piety. I really felt sorry for the mothers they spent their lifetime fostered a reach son but never got anything in return.


Once there is a big boss living in the buckra's area he is a doctor every time he come here he bought thing worth hundreds of yuan. Once he come here with his mother who comes from New York. Our boss saw its the big boss so he can't neglect and treat them in person and bring them upstairs to see his most precious collections. After a long while our boss can't stand it and said "This old lady is such a nit-picker don't want anything!". Downstairs the old lady chose three small cloisonné boxes worth 50 dollars and a small pink crystal statue also worth 50 dollars she hold it in the centre of her palm and couldn't let it go unable decided whether to buy the boxes or the statue. I thought now that you like them so much why not buy them both this is really a cheapskate. At this moment his son became weary and said "Mum now that you only have 50 dollars so you can only buy one of them when you came back to New York, you can mail the money so that the boss can send you the goods." At this moment I new that I wronged the old lady she is not a cheapskate it's just that she really don't have the money. And I really feel mixed in my heart it is no wonder that the Americans don't put too much expectations on their kids take this doctor as an example he spend money like water but he'd rather saw his mother disappointed and never consider to spend a little money to show his filial piety. I really felt sorry for the mothers they spent their lifetime fostered a reach son but never got anything in return.

Once there was a rich customer, a doctor. He lived in where all rich man lived. Every time he came ,he would spend thousands of money. One day, he came with his mother frome NY. Our boss saw him and serve them himself. First he took them upstairs to see the valuable goods.After a long time they went downstairs.The boss said that the old lady was critisies.But then in the ground floor, the old lady chose three china boxes which are worth 50 dollars in all and she also chose one pink elephant which is in the same price. She liked them both and couldn't decide which one to buy. I said to my self that the old lady was too min. then her son, the doctor. lost his temper: you only have about 50 dollars, so you only can choose one of them . when you return NY , you can post the money and the boss will send them to you. Only them did I realize that the old lady was not critising, but having no money. That's not surprise that why no parents in America pay so much expectation on their children like our chinese.

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