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请帮我翻译下面的一段话 请人工翻译 不要百度洛神赋英文原文 也不要复制进百度翻译里 急急急 可以追~

He flies like the birds,swims like the dragon,the flowers are proud to be with hin,the tree are amazing to be with him.His beard is as thin as the feather that can shelter the moon,when he go with the wind,he looks like the gentle wind,the pure snow.He is very bright like the sun when you see him far away,when you meet him closely,he is extreamly cute like the Fleur.
真 自己写的 稍微改了点 可能(一定)有语法错误 这个东西实在是太难了(对我来说,我高二

Because the cost is high, so I want to say, the money is xxx.If you say it is high, can you say your idea?

Because of high cost, so I offer xxx. If you think the price is high, please provide a your psychological price.

1、I have a small hamster,its name is little Peter. I don't dare to release it from the cage,because it is too small. I like it very much.
2、I like swimming and riding a bike with my friends for i think riding and swimming are very interesting.
3、I like pop music.I often listhe to them before sleep,and i think they are relaxing to hear.
4、I have a computer on the balcony.I like to sulf on the internet and play games with it on weekends,it can make me feel relaxed. During the rest time of noon I like reading from which i can understand more truth.
5、I like watching TV as well,especially programmes about PE


1. Wash liver biopsy, by adding all腌料salted about 15 minutes; green wash segments, and is crowded with scallion stalk separate standby.2.热锅, into the modest salad oil, Add practices 1 liver tablets eight cooked on top Remove Lek oil reserve.3. Another A pot of hot, add...

专业织造航空毯 Specialized in making aviation blanket 这个我们得不多,不是我们擅长的 We don't often make it, it’s not what we are good at 希望下次还有合作机会 We are looking forward to next cooperation.技术人员 Technician 我们需要研究一下 We need to study 样品 Sample ...

I come from Yi chang , there is a traveling divine spot, I like to study, swimming.The English teacher is so young and beautiful, I am honored to become her student very much, I would make great effort

音乐不管到什么时候都很流行,我非常喜欢流行音乐,爵士等等,但我最喜欢的还是轻音乐,想钢琴演奏的,那让我感觉很舒服,而且我还可以自己想像那种美妙的幻境,当我心情不好或者是紧张时,它会让我放松,所以我觉得轻音乐很神奇,我很喜欢。No matter music to is very when popular, I like the pop...

happy I will go back to do, if I feel they are not happy that I wouldn't do it!But, I still do a lot of wrong, such as the college entrance examination didn't test good...So I better here, studious, let mom and dad are happy!希望能帮上你,满意请采纳。谢谢!

"The Same Song" is the famous column CCTV is China's most authoritative music brand, investment potential of China's most media, and cultural impetus for the 10 brand. Column in the January 27, 2000 inception, insisted brand positioning, sustained branding, and constantly deepen the...

通讯和杂项工作自然更代表。 Compared with the ancient education form, information-based education from education lay has the characteristics such as: 2.1 Education resource globalization Information technology creates good education environment for teaching.相对于古老的教育形式,...

英语When I have finished all the debts, I will be quiet blessing, and then leave.翻译为中文意思是当我还清了所有的债务,我会安静的祝福,然后离开。

100分中译英 请帮忙翻译一小段话.
Dear Sir\/Madame,My name is xxx. I am a student from China currently studying in the University of Manitoba. I would like to apply for a Return Visa because I plan to go back to my country during Christmas holidays after the final exams and return to Canada to continue my ...


青岛市17559142827: 英语翻译请英语好的朋友帮我把下面这些话翻译成英文:1.我回到广州了.你回到美国了吗?旅行愉快(有趣)吗?你去了哪些地方玩(旅行)呢?我去了A,... -
程褚恩通:[答案] 1.I'm back in GuanZhou.Are you back in US yet?Is the trip fun?Where did you go?I went to A,B,and C,they are all really pretty.Please come to China again when there's a chance.GuanZhou is an old city,w...

青岛市17559142827: 英语好的请进!帮我翻译一段话.
程褚恩通: --Do I have another day to live? --No. --So, sorry, I couldn't be your girlfriend for my life. --If I have wings, I'll fly to see you from the heaven. --Do I have wings? --No. --So, sorry, I'll never see you again. --My flame of love to you would not be extinguished ...

青岛市17559142827: 请英语高手帮我翻译一小段话,谢谢(汉译英) -
程褚恩通: Sorry, my oral English is not good enough. There is no problems for us to provide samples to you. But I hope you can pay the expense for them. Please let me know your address,after getting it, We will send our samples as soon as possible.

青岛市17559142827: 英语翻译请英文好的朋友帮助我翻译一下如下句子:(我知道我的英文翻译的很烂,但是还是请帮助我讲中文翻译成准确的英文)事实:这一整段都是谎言,... -
程褚恩通:[答案] In fact,the whole is complete a lie.During my work in Nancy's company,she has never told me something about salary until I asked for that two weeks later.肯定对哦,求采纳么么哒 o(∩_∩)o

青岛市17559142827: 请帮我翻译一段话(译成英语)
程褚恩通: My dear guardian. Thank you for the goodnessl you gave me. You made me feel so happy for the first time I am surrounded by happiness. You always make me happy and joy. Our pure blue adidas shamrock Forum lo rs. Haha, I want to love you very much.

青岛市17559142827: 请英语好得大侠帮忙翻译一段话,谢谢.一定追加分数. -
程褚恩通: 1, what interest hobby do you have? I compare like the basketball, most likes the basketball star is Carter. Also likes Yao being bright very much, he...

青岛市17559142827: 急,帮我翻译一段话,英语高手来,
程褚恩通: 对不起,我不是有意的想伤害你,请原量我sorry,I not offended you on purpose.Please excuse me. 你一定要幸福,Make sure you'll be happy. 就算为了我,也一定要幸福,Even for me, you must be happy, 我会一直祝福着你,就此永别, I'll always bless you ,this Farewell

青岛市17559142827: 哪个英语好的帮我翻译一段话
程褚恩通: Like the running water , money , position ,pretty and love ,at the last ,all like the running water

青岛市17559142827: 哪个英语好的人帮我翻译一段话
程褚恩通: First of all, you must try every possible means to say clearly carefully, then you can try 100 yuan that your friend is lost is looked for back to your friend. It is to their friendship that you also want the thing done.Don't worry, so long as you have done ...

青岛市17559142827: 请帮我把下面的一段话翻译成英语,语言要优美一点哦,先谢谢啦! -
程褚恩通: 是高英课本上的文章?我对女人的痛苦向来不大明白.这是因为,当我还是小男孩时,我嫉妒过她们.上大学之前,在我认识的人中,对艺术或音乐或文学感兴趣的人,那些读过书的,或看起来有种从容不迫优雅感的人要么是母亲们,要么是...

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