求高手检查有没有语法错误 谢谢~·

作者&投稿:刀利 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

I still remember you told me in your first email that you wouldn't complain anything, cause you thought that your life was pretty good.
Actually, your words changed my attitude and thinking. Now, I am satisfied with my life as well.


eonomy circle 应该改成economic circle.
the spring up of e-commence which make the revolution of business and trade that eventually becoming an important mode of business. 这句话好像不是independent clause.缺少动词。

shopping play(plays) an important part in dailylife research, college students as the special group in society.
their shopping method(methodes) will influence the major youeet their shopping demand or according with their lifestyle.

concentrated analyzing spreading in society makes that is eventually ...which iis n line with...

concentrate on analyzing the online consumers' activities
economic circle
the spring up of e-commence which make the revolution of business and trade that eventually becoming an important mode of business.这句话有问题,你是不是想这么表达:电子商务的兴起是一场商业和贸易的改革,最终讲成为一种重要的商业模式。The emergence of e-commence —— the revolution of business and trade ,will eventually become an important mode of business.sping up 动词词组,不知道能不能像你那么用,用emergence替代的。forefront of epoch
shopping plays
the shopping method of college students as the special group in societywill influence the major youeet their shopping demand or according with their lifestyle
inspire college students to show great interest on online shopping ..........看不下去了,自己琢磨吧,很明显你是用翻译工具直接翻译的,语法没有注意

你这个翻译太中文化了,很不地道。我改了一下:Good morning, It's really a great honor for me to have this opportunity for this interview.I'mXX, born on February X, XXXX . My native place is XX. I graduated from XX vocational education schools in 2010, majoring in XX. ...

to leave the small village AIDS -capitallized now Ishaya is 24.and to teach them you write well ^^

All the people live away from home go back. 这句话没有语病,但读来不顺,可改为go back for reunion.The Spring Festival lasts about 15 days long.改为The Spring Festival lasts about 15 days. 或 The Spring Festival is about 15 days long.Children like the festival very much ,...

有些地方在将来的使用中希望以后可以注意,1. “so”这个单词翻译为“所以”的时候,一般不写在句子开端,2. ”Although..., ..."这个句式表示“虽然...,但是...”不过在英文的使用中,although是不可以和but放在一起用的,你可以两种方式任选其一,3.with best wishes,这里我没有给你改,但是...

所以把你的括号及内容去掉,换成", which was just a farce"). It's so funny.中秋节前夕,我们英语老师和所有学生举办一个派对,我们学会做PIZZA和话剧表演(但那个只是一个闹剧),那很有趣.所以建议:1. I am interested in cooking recently, I hope to learn more things.2. The day before...

Oct.20th, 2009 Today, I have observed my little fish for times, which became my favorite at home where there is nothing alive except me and the fish. The six fish were bought in a market last Sunday near DAMING Lake by Xiaoling and me. When we bought them, the number of ...

crime.We are going to talk about the conceptual and constitutive elements of a robbry,conviction and punishment about it according to the actual situation in our country.The aim is to give you a comprehensive and clear understanding of rubbry in this article.最后还是有一点不顺 ...

顺便提点建议,你的论点挺好的,较新颖,不过就是在论述的过程中的不是很充分,感觉有点诡辩,因为别的游戏也浪费时间,所以电脑游戏就OK了?= =! 一般来说都是从正面论述支持论据的,可以再加上一点反面支持,而不是像你这样一开始并且以反面论述为主,这样给人造成一种底气不足胡诌的感觉。另外...

高手 帮我检查下这篇英语作文的语法错误!!
is full of passion and bold in action.P.S.lz定冠词用的太多了,该不该用的地方全用,单复数也有很大问题,主谓很多不一致。本人水平有限也就改成这样了,其中仍然有数处用词不妥,且构句十分中文化,就不再修改了,否则就变成新写一片了,观点就更不做评价,不过语法错误应该是没有了。

如“ When we got there the football match had already strarted." 此句中,got there表示一个过去的动作,在这个动作之前,足球比赛就已经开始了,所以为”过去的过去“,故用had started.而本句表示”当他到达超市时,他不知道应该购买哪一种水。” 句中并没有哪个动作与“到达”构成一种“...

章丘市19372498095: 请英文高手查看文法语句是否有错误,给予纠正,谢谢. -
第明利诺: What do you think is the most precious in the world? Money? Honor? Above all these, the most valuable thing(缺少主语,加上thing )is human heart, I think. To heal the hard closed heart and obtain it(it 应删去,使前后成句)is the most valuable ...

章丘市19372498095: 高人帮个忙!请帮我看看语法有没错误!非常感谢! 1you're right, you must try it again! it really is delicious!anyway, I love to eat sushi!ohh! pizza is delicious! ... -
第明利诺:[答案] it really is delicious!——it is really. I have to go to school 是“我不得不去学校”的意思吧,我觉得翻译成“I will go to school."比较好吧. 所以今晚我必须准备好全部的东西和睡个好觉——So I must makesure everything is ready and have a good sleep. ...

章丘市19372498095: 英语语法请哪位高手帮帮忙看看下面的三个句子有没有语法错误,急用呀 谢谢(1)Although the fight against it is long - standing and tremendous one,our ... -
第明利诺:[答案] 第一个加一个a 形成a one 结构Although the fight against it is a long-standing and tremendous one,our efforts will eventually pay off.第二个是pay attention to吧,attention是名词,还有better 要么放在future...

章丘市19372498095: 请高手检查语法错误What's worse was that most of the dead were children.这句话有没有语法错误,会不会出现多个谓语动词?请帮我分析下句子成分, -
第明利诺:[答案] 没有错误 What's worse 主语从句作主语 主系表结构 was 主句中系动词作谓语 that most of the dead were children 表语从句作表语 主系表结构

章丘市19372498095: 自己写了一个英语句子,请高手帮忙看有什么语法错误没.或者有什么更好的表达方式.谢谢了~~ -
第明利诺: ①【从句】第一个定语从句(修饰society )用对了.第二个定语从句(which makes us tired)如果是修饰cheat,那就没问题,如果是修饰competition and cheat ,makes就要改为make.②【介词搭配】in home 应改为 at home ,注意介词的搭配...

章丘市19372498095: 请求高手帮助查看语法是否有错误! -
第明利诺: 上面的语句还不至于会影响速度到变得很慢..让程序变慢的可能是数据读取的部分稍微变通一下,可以这样改function GetDisplayColor(d) dim color if d > 199 then color = "#ff0000" elseif d > 149 then color = "#0000FF" else color = "black" end if GetDisplayColor = colorend functionresponse.write "" & rs("Title").value & ""

章丘市19372498095: 写的一封英文信,求高手进来帮忙检查下有无语法句型错误之类的..谢谢!! -
第明利诺: I am currently a student in XXXXXX. I got my single entry visa to Canada in July 2011 and went to Canada in August 2011. My plan was to register for the Business Management program in September. Unfortunately, one of my closest relatives is ...

章丘市19372498095: 帮忙检查英语句子有没有语法错误,谢谢了 -
第明利诺: 没问题,挺好的句子.tight 也可以是副词.

章丘市19372498095: 求英语大神帮忙检查一下这个语段有没有语法错误……谢Hello ,everyone,now I will give s speech for you,and the theme of my speech is “the birth of Harry ... -
第明利诺:[答案] 修改好的见附件.另外需要提醒的是,英语中不用书名号.通常的做法是用引号并且斜体.

章丘市19372498095: 那位英语高手帮忙检查一下语法错误并改善一下,谢谢(学生好辛苦啦,可怜一下啊!)! -
第明利诺: Shenzhen is an advanced city貌似不能说“高级”的城市吧,可以改为amazing,wonderful,modern等 it is very active and beautiful too. active建议改为dynamic(充满活力的) We are trying our best to show our best .一个句子里最好不要有重复的...

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