高手 帮我检查下这篇英语作文的语法错误!!

作者&投稿:翠荀 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)


新华学校的xin hua 要大写,senior后面还要加个high才是高中的意思 Xin Hua senior high school
xin hua senior school后面不对,要么去掉逗号,要么在它后一句加一个which
第一段最后一句应该是which因为指代的是学校,还有应该是with a river acrossing it
more practice,you will success eventuall应该是With more practice,you will success eventuall
could often write letter to your relatives to make them 应该是这样

Chinese cannot always understand the ‘special’ aesthetics of Americans. Those who we chinese see as“ugly” girls like BaiLing and LvYan can be big stars in the us. There is a saying : Beauty is in the eyes of the beholder. It means that different people hold different beauty standards. The difference between Chinese and American aesthetics is a good example.
An old Chinese saying goes: A thing is valued in proportion to its rarity. Most native chinese have small eyes and small nose, so we believe that those with big eyes and high-arched nose are beautiful. But in the eyes of Americans , small eyes and small nose seem to be more exquisite. Another Chinese saying goes: A white complexion is glamorous enough to conceal seven flaws. Chinese consider that a beautiful girl must have a fair complexion since most of us are yellow .But Americans think that people who have chocolate color skin are more healthy.
The Chinese aesthetics is tending to be delicate and quiet .We separate the beauty of dynamic from the beauty of static. We are too much into the look. If one is not perfect in his or her appearance, he will not be recognized as a beautiful boy or girl. We don’t like those with strong personality. Actually we never think of the personality when we define whether a person is beautiful or not. American aesthetics is totally different from ours. They focus not only on one’s appearance, but also on his or her disposition. A beautiful person must be full of confidence and vitality. Angelina Jolie is a good example. She is recognized as the Most Beautiful woman in the world---not because she has an exquisite face, but because she is full of passion and bold in action.


Chinese always cannot understand the ‘strange’ aesthetics of American. The “ugly” girl in China can become the big star in American, like BaiLing and LvYan.There is a saying : Beauty is in the eyes of the beholder. It means that different people hold different beauty standard. The difference between Chinese and American aesthetics is a good example.
Like an old Chinese saying goes: A thing is valued in proportion to its rarity. In China, most people have the small eyes and small nose, so we believe that the one who has big eyes and high-arched nose is beautiful. But in America , the small eyes and small nose is more exquisite. Another Chinese saying goes: A white complexion is powerful enough to hide seven faults. Chinese consider that a beautiful girl must have a fair complexion since most of us are yellow skin.But American think that people who have chocolate-color skin is more healthy.
The Chinese aesthetics is tending to be delicate and quiet .We separate the beauty of dynamic and the beauty of static. We pay attention on one’s face. If the one is not perfect in his or her appearance, he will not be recognized as a beauty boy or girl. We don’t like the one with strong personality. Acctually we never think about the personality when we define a person is beautiful or not. American aesthetics is totally different from us. They not only focus on one’s appearance, but also his or her disposition. A beautiful one must be full of confidence and vitality. Angelina Jolie is a good example. She is recognized as the World’s Most Beautiful woman---not because she has an exquisite face, but because she is full of passion and bold in action. 是改过的,仔细看


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