
作者&投稿:以委 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

1,Only in this way, can we catch up with the world's advanced levels in science technology.
2,We congratulate him on passing entrance examination successfully.
3,We want to make it clear to the public that the work of cleaners is necessary.
4,Chinese sociaty has changed a lot with the rise of super market and shopping centre.
5,The reason why we decided to put off the Sport Meeting is that we haven't made full preparation for it.

They have kept taking care of the patient since last month.
It occurs to me that they have probably already got the book.
She is strict with her child as well as her students.
Internet makes an great impact on people's life all over the world.
Only when you know someone really well, you can give the right judgement.
It is careless of her for going out with all the doors and windows open.
The shop assistant asks the customer to try on this coat.

.they have always been taking care of the patient since last month.
2.it suddenly occurred to me that they maight get that book already.
3.she is strict with the students as well as her own children.
4.internet makes an important impact on people's daily life from place to place.
5.only when you know somebody very well, can you make the right decision.
6.it is careless for her to go out with the doors and windows open.
7.the shop assistant asks the customer to try on the overcoat.

1.Yesterday he was late for school again.
2.This word is so hard that no one here can write it
3.If you must go there, I have nothing to say.
4.The novels written by lu xun is well worth reading.
5.The more English books you read, the better your English will be.
6.please inform the headteacher off before you can' t attent school.
7.Warn people against swimming nearby in the river
8.Along with the rising demand of people for housing, the local government has decided to build more apartment buildings to meet people's needs.
9.Nowadays, the summer camp offers various sorts of courses, including learning English to lose weight .
10.Improving your body languagewill give the interviewer a good impression

He was late again tomorror.

1.Yesterday he was late for school again
2.This word is so hard that there's no one here and write
3.If you must go there, I have nothing to say
4.The novels by lu xun is well worth reading
5.You read English books, the more the better your English will be
6.If you cannot go to school, please inform the headteacher off
7.Warns people not to nearby swimming in the river
8.Along with the people of the rising demand for housing, the local government has decided to build some apartment buildings in order to satisfy the demands of people
9.Nowadays, the summer camp curriculum sort is various, from learning English to lose weight.
Improve your body language, you will give the interviewer make a good impression

Yesterday, he was late for school again The word is so difficult, that no one will write here If you must go there, I have nothing to say. Lu Xun's novel is worth reading Thmore English books you read, the more the better your English If you can not go to school, please leave in advance to the class teacher Warning people not to swim in the river near With growing demand for housing, local government has decided to build some more apartment buildings to meet the needs of people. Now, summer camps, courses range from learning English to have weight loss . Improve your body language,and you will leave a good impression to the interviewer

1 Yesterday he lated for school again.
2 The word id so difficult that no one here can write.
3 If you must go there,I have noyhing ti say.
4 LuXun‘s novels are well worth reading.
5 The more English books you read ,the better your English level will be.
6 Please ask for leave to your class teacher ahead of time if you can't attend school.
7 Warn people against swimming in the river nearby.
8 As people's demands of housing are increasing constantly ,the local government has decided to build more apartment building to meet people 's need.
9 Nowadays, the summer camp offers a wide range of classes,from English learning to weight losing.
10 To improve your body language ,and you 'll makes a good impression on the interviewer.

1.He was late for school again yesterday.
2.This word is so difficult that nobody here knows how to spell it.
3.If you must go there, I have nothing to say.
4.The fictions of Luxun are worth reading.
5.The more English books you read, the better your English will be.
6.If you can't attend school, please ask for leave to your headteacher in advance.
7.Warn against people not to swim in the river nearby.
8.With people's growing demand for housing, the local government has decided to build more apartment buildings to meet people's needs.
9.Nowadays, the summer camps offer a great variety of courses which range from English learning to weight losing.
10. Improve your body language and you'll make a good impression on the interviewer

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求助英语高手 选词并且翻译 满意再加分 在线等
单词释义:predispose to易受……的 debilitate虚弱 defect缺陷 insidious 形容词a. (疾病等)不知不觉间加剧的;隐伏的 隐袭的 •restore恢复 Abstain from smoking can make above change obviously restore.戒烟可使上述改变明显恢复。•reverse逆转 RNA interference could reverse the drug ...

不管怎样,我们都应该找到一个折中的办法。如果政府试图提高英语流畅度的计划威胁到马来语的存在,那么政府就要冒着在马来保守的政党的引起怒火的危险。但从影响这回发展计划的实用主义的观点来评判,过去的一些民族主义狂热份子开始放弃这种看法。5. The mild capitalism emerging in Eastern Europe, though...

The principle of public trust as a public property changes in the rules of the core principles of property law in China plays a very important role. Changes in the property, due to adopt the principle of publicity, for the delivery of movable property for the public to approach,...

连云区18624763001: 紧急求助:求英语高手帮我翻译几句句子?1.我们要利用这次机会来提高英语口语.(take advantage of)2.据我了解,那场车祸是由天气引起的.(as far as)3.... -
娄翁罗库:[答案] 1 We must take advantage of this opportunity to improve our spoken English. 2 As far as I know, the car accident was caused by the weather. 3 The workers were all very much surprised at what the boss said. 4 The students should take an active part in ...

连云区18624763001: 紧急求助:请英语高手帮我翻译几句句子?1.对不起,请问我们学校运动会什么时候举行?(when)2.我们大家都为...紧急求助:请英语高手帮我翻译几句句... -
娄翁罗库:[答案] 1. Excuse me, when will our school's sports meeting be held? 2.All of us are proud of China's rapid development. 3. I do not think it necessary to spend so much money on holding this party.

连云区18624763001: 紧急求助:请英语高手帮我翻译几句句子?1.这个老年人因为他的伟大著作而著名同时他也是一个著名的科学家...紧急求助:请英语高手帮我翻译几句句子?... -
娄翁罗库:[答案] 1.The old man was famous as a scientist and famous for his great books as well.2.Tom believes that he knows everybody's business more than themselves. 3.Ever since the beginning of this century, too m...

连云区18624763001: 紧急求助:请英语高手帮我翻译几句句子? 1.周末我们俩去农场好吗?(what about)2.一个好的记者懂得怎样把自己的文章与读者联系起来.(relate.to)3.... -
娄翁罗库:[答案] 1.周末我们俩去农场好吗?(what about)What about going to the farm at the weekend?2.一个好的记者懂得怎样把自己的文章与读者联系起来.(relate.to)A good jounalist knows how to relate its article to the r...

连云区18624763001: 紧急求助:求英语高手帮我翻译几句句子? -
娄翁罗库: 1 We must take advantage of this opportunity to improve our spoken English.2 As far as I know, the car accident was caused by the weather.3 The workers were all very much surprised at what the boss said.4 The students should take an active part ...

连云区18624763001: 紧急求助:翻译英文句子,高手帮帮我啊knowledge and information received and spread throughout the world through education -
娄翁罗库:[答案] 通过教育在全世界范围内接受和传播的知识和信息

连云区18624763001: 紧急求助:请英语高手帮我翻译几句句子? -
娄翁罗库: 1.周末我们俩去农场好吗?(what about) What about going to th...

连云区18624763001: 紧急求英语高手帮忙翻译句子!回答满意追加悬赏!大概初三~高一生的?
娄翁罗库: Hello everyone, this is my class report: The January in this year is very important and ... 还望对你有帮助! 感谢您对我们的支持! 由古今中外团队翻译!Translated by "古今...

连云区18624763001: 紧急求助,英语高手帮忙翻译一下这篇短文,急用,谢谢!最好不要少于50个词. -
娄翁罗库: My holiday will plantomorrow is Saturday, daddy buys two to me to die the abundant garden ticket, one 100 Yuan, another 160 Yuan, we rode the bus to go, altogether spent 4 Yuan, when 7:00 pm went home. the day after tomorrow will be Sunday, ...

连云区18624763001: 求英语高手翻译几句句子!急急急急急急急急急!在线等! -
娄翁罗库: 1: my past idle away our time is so decadent 2:...

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