
作者&投稿:钱溥 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Dutuo Hitt used to be South Africa's most gifted athletes to swim. 2000 Sydney Olympics, she one of three projects on the Olympic Qualification finals. However, in February 2001 gave a Dutuoyite unfortunately experienced three months of gloomy. In a motorcycle accident, Dutuo Hitt lost left calf. She finished training, is the way to school. Although doctors spent a week's time to save her injured leg, but by the great peripheral nerve damage, eventually had to amputation.
But just three months later, on the re-Dutuo Hitt jumped into the water with a leg re-learn to swim, has experienced physical suffering, or in swimming Dutuo Hitt has found happiness, she quickly opted to join the disabled Games, but also with ordinary people and not give up competition. Dutuo Hitt at the Athens Paralympics won five gold medals. She is also Spain's World Championship this year, was 10 kilometers of the fourth game. In this year's Olympic Games in August 20, the woman, 10 km open water swimming competitions, Natalie • Dutuo Hitt history of the Olympic Games become the first Olympic swimming competitions of the handicapped athletes. Dutuo Hitt Dutui enjoy 10 km, in the end, her two hours 49 minutes nine seconds of the No. 16 ranked results. Dutuo Hitt once said, "I want to prove that, even if only one leg, I can still travel very far." It is with indomitable spirit, the strong women in the Beijing Olympic Games women's marathon swimming 10 km Competition team. I think the tragedy of life does not lie in whether or not achieve its objectives, but no goals. Not to become a star is ever not, is ever to become the star is not the desire. Dutuo Hitt made regardless of what kind of results, she can stand on the Olympic stadium is fully embody the Olympic spirit. She can also say this year's Olympics is a legend.

今天的天很蓝。 The sky is very blue today
我抬头仰望天空,不让眼泪掉下来。 i raise up my head and try to stop my tears falling down

亲爱的,抱抱我好么? dear,will you please hold me?
亲爱的,我想看雪了,你会陪我去么? dear,i want to see snow,are you going to be with me?
亲爱的,我很想做个好孩子,为幸福落泪的好孩子。 dear,i want to be a good boy,who shed tears for happiness
亲爱的,对不起,我爱你。dear,sorry,i love you

The principle of public trust as a public property changes in the rules of the core principles of property law in China plays a very important role. Changes in the property, due to adopt the principle of publicity, for the delivery of movable property for the public to approach, for real estate are registered as a public method; the adoption of the principle of public trust, for the movable property to be delivered (hold) the credibility, the credibility of real estate will be registered. The principle of publicity is that people "know" principle of public trust is "trust." In general, changes in property rights should have been in the form of facts and are the only real effect, but as a result of these two principles to be adopted the result of
Can occur even if the fact of change but has not taken any formal publicity methods, still no change in the effectiveness of property rights. The establishment of this principle is not only conducive to the protection of security of transactions, is more conducive to the establishment of a credit economy, but in practice, attention should be paid to register with the administrative review of the nature of the problem and procedures that improve the problem.

The principle of public trust as a public property changes in the rules of the core principles of property law in China plays a very important role. Changes in the property, due to adopt the principle of publicity, for the delivery of movable property for the public to approach, for real estate are registered as a public method; the adoption of the principle of public trust, for the movable property to be delivered (hold) the credibility, the credibility of real estate will be registered. The principle of publicity is that people "know" principle of public trust is "trust." In general, changes in property rights should have been in the form of facts and are the only real effect, but as a result of these two principles are the result of the use can occur even if the fact of change but has not taken any formal public method, still does not change the effectiveness of property rights. The establishment of this principle is not only conducive to the protection of security of transactions, is more conducive to the establishment of a credit economy, but in practice, attention should be paid to register with the administrative review of the nature of the problem and procedures that improve the problem.

Announces the male letter principle to take in the real right change rule the core principle to play the very vital role in our country reality of laws. Regarding real right change, because adopts the public announcement principle, regarding the movable property take payment as the public announcement method, take registers regarding the real estate as the public announcement method; Because adopts the male letter principle, pays regarding the movable property (to hold) the male letter strength, gives regarding the real estate to register the male letter strength. The public announcement principle lies in causes the human “the knowledge”, the male letter principle lies in causes the human “the letter”. Generally speaking, the real right change must be originally and formally is real will only then have the potency in the fact, but because these two principles the result which uses, will occur, even if already changed in fact but formally has not adopted the public announcement method, still did not have the real right change potency. Establishes this principle to be not only advantageous to the protection transaction security, is more advantageous in establishes one kind of credit economy, but must pay attention to the administrative registration and the examination nature in the actual operation recognizes the question and the procedure perfect question.

Public principle of clients as the core principle rules of real property law in China plays a very important role. For the real changes, because take public principle, with delivery for publication in movable property, to register for public methods for, For the clients to be delivered for movable principle, occupies), (for realty register is credibility. Publication principle is to make people know the clients ", the principle of "people" letters "lies. Generally speaking, the real changes in fact be is real and form will only be effective, but as a result of these two principles are adopted, the results would happen even in fact have change but did not take the form of publicity, still don't happen method of legislation. This principle is not only beneficial to protect the safety of transactions, is more advantageous to establish a credit economy, but in practice should pay attention to the nature of the administrative examination registration procedures with the perfect recognition.

c.Don\\'t rush \/crowd.不要急\/不要挤。 No noise,please.请不要大声喧哗。 No smoking,please.请不要吸烟。 Will\/Would you please not do it \/sit here?请不要做它\/不要坐在这儿好吗? 简说:a组为表示请求对方帮助或请 已赞过 已踩过< 你对这个回答的评价是? 评论 收起 ...

(急)请求翻译 简单英语(给分!)
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Save the life。在英语中,“救命”通常被表达为“Save the life”。这是一个非常直接的短语,用于在紧急情况下请求帮助或表达求助的意愿。以下是关于这一表达的 详细解释:一、基本表达 在英语中,为了表达“救命”这一紧急求助的情境,我们通常使用“Save the life”这一短语。这是一个非常直接和...

汤旺河区19634174547: 急急急!求各位英语高手帮忙!请帮我把下面这一段翻译成英语吧,非常感谢. -
谭侨过岗: This article from the "head /...

汤旺河区19634174547: 急急急!!找英语高手翻译!!
谭侨过岗: 1.我可以抱一下它吗 May I hug it ? 2.我可以摸一下它吗 May I touch it ? 3.可以帮我(和它)拍张照片吗 Can you help me take photos with it ? 4.对不起,我只会说一点点英语… Sorry,I I can only speak a little English……望采纳,谢谢

汤旺河区19634174547: 急急请英语高手帮忙翻译一句话,谢谢谢... -
谭侨过岗: Today, the sky is very clear and blue, but the sun is too glare.翻译过来就是,今天天空很干净,蔚蓝,但是太阳太刺眼,这样应该更符合你想表达的意思.

汤旺河区19634174547: 求英语高手翻译一句话!!!急急急!!!!!! -
谭侨过岗: Even if we meet in the right time, I will try my best to know your past.Whatever kind of person you are,I would like to know.I already have missed what happened for you,I don't want to be absent at your future.

汤旺河区19634174547: 急急急!!英语翻译!!求高手帮忙!!
谭侨过岗: 用右手从左边拔出刀将不太可能被裙子绊倒

汤旺河区19634174547: 求英语高手帮忙翻译一段话<急急急>
谭侨过岗: I dream home must be seen to be bright, simple and warm, but it can not live up to be comfortable! In my home, I think the bedroom is the most important, it must make people feel comfortable and warm in here because I want to rest and sleep! In the...

汤旺河区19634174547: 急急急~求英语高手帮忙翻译成英文,谢谢啊~十万火急!!!
谭侨过岗: I am born in an intermediate deck family. My English name is called Jack, this year 19 years old, I am an intelligent open and bright boy. The life in a very happy three-person family, in the family has daddy, mother and I. Daddy is a very outstanding ...

汤旺河区19634174547: 急急急!!英语高手来帮我翻译一下
谭侨过岗: 1 Keep quiet. 2 You are allowed to borrow 4 books a day, but you cann't lend them to others. 3 Return the book in time. 4 Leave the library before 6 o'clock in the afternoon. 5 Huangshan is in the south of Anhui Province.It is a famous tourist attraction...

汤旺河区19634174547: 英语高手帮忙翻译下.急!急!急!急!急!急! -
谭侨过岗: 貌似都是用软件的...我来个手写吧,,,看你好像挺急得...My dear baby, please do not leave me, ok? Things like this will never happen again.I do not care about an...

汤旺河区19634174547: 急急急,英语高手请进~帮忙翻译下! -
谭侨过岗: 1 cherish time2 The saying(俗话)goes:knowledge is power3 It's said that confidence is success

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