
作者&投稿:左丘雪 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

I like apples,bananaes,or something sweet,such as sugar.

1. If a leader doesn’t want to take the step, he often refuses to listen the others' suggestion ,Rather than a graceful transition, a combat will break out.

2. Because the environmental pollutiom problem is perhaps the most critical issue for our government, we are keenly interested in the protection of the surroundings.

47.look at the girl at the door, could you tell me who___B_____?[本题考查宾语从句,用陈述语序,排除A,C,又因为问句中的could是表示委婉,客气,而非过去时间,所以宾语从句用一般现在时。]
A.is she B.she is C.was she D.she was
50.few of us like him because he thinks__D______of others than of himself.[前面用few(几乎没有),说明几乎没人喜欢他,后半句应该用think little of others,表示为别人考虑很少,又由于后面有than,所以用little的比较级less.]
A.much more B.a little C.much D.much less
53.___B_____of the two answers is right. Please try again.[neither表示“两者都不”,与后面的Please try again(请再试一次)相符,即“两个答案都不对。”]
A.either B.neither C.none D.both
55.i’m not sure___C_____he will come or not.[句意表示“我不确定他是否会来”,而后面有"or not",常跟"whether"搭配,即“whether… or not(是否……)”]
A.if B.why C.whether D.when

47, she is

50, much

53, neither

55, whether

47.look at the girl at the door, could you tell me who_________?
A.is she B.she is C.was she D.she was
疑问句中的带who,where等引导成分时,后面的结构按照主谓正常顺序放置 选 B

50.few of us like him because he thinks________of others than of himself.
A.much more B.a little C.much D.much less
只能用less,much less 少的多 选择D

53.________of the two answers is right. Please try again.
A.either B.neither C.none D.both

55.i’m not sure________he will come or not.
A.if B.why C.whether D.when
我不确定他是否会来,“是否 ”当然用whether

47.A.is she(告诉我她是谁)
50.D.much less (更多的考虑自己),因为有than,所以用比较级
55.Cwhether(我不知道他是否回来),因为有or not,所以用whether,不能用when和if

47. shi is
理由: 前面有COULD YOU TELL ME引导,所以后面句子的语序就不能用疑问的结构,排除A和C。前后时态一致,前面一句是LOOK,现在时,所以后面同样现在时。

50. D much less

53. Neither

55 A,if
那么,WHY 和WHEN是错误的,而后面句子有or not。
if...or not=whether


结合few of us like him(很少有人喜欢他)得出后面的意思肯定是考虑别人比考虑自己少。

结合try again得出前面的意思肯定是答案错了才会再试。

if也有是否的意思,但通常没有if....or not这种说法,都是whether...or not?

1 The people who choose to smoke do so knowing there is a risk of causing harmful damage to themselves.这个句子的主干部分是The people do so.【who choose to smoke】是定语从句,先行词是the people,关系代词是who,关系代词在定语从句中充当主语,不可省略,意为【选择吸烟的人们】【do ...

改一下:The function of teachers' classroom questioning is given more and more attention to, including leading and organizing students to participate actively in different kinds of municating activities,1,求高手帮助,英语语法问题?急、、、the function of teacher's classroom questioning is g...

请问如何区分定语还是补足语 例如 She will name him whatever she wants to Have you got the idea(that)this book gives you of life in ancient Greece?whatever she wants to是him的补足语,this book gives you of life in ancient Greece是idea是定语 答:一个好问题,应有一些好的例句。上...

看了你的全部文字,按照你问题顺序回答:1) The tsunami (in which over 16000 people were killed) was a terrible disaster for human beings.我不同意你老师回答。回答此问题,牵涉到 be+分词 如何来判断其是谓语动词还是表语。一般我们对此有一个明确的定义,即:分词在 be 后面,表动作的为谓语...

She wanted to find out whether it would be comfortable to wear.首先需要解释的是英语没有这么复杂。不要被中国式的教育搞昏了。英语就是很简单的主语,谓语,宾语。然后把想表达的东西放在前面。The subject is she.The Predicate is wanted.The object.宾语是一个从句,在这里用了一整行的一个...

您好,您的前半段理解是对的,as is known to all 的确是由 as 引导的定语从句,但还原原句应该是:Fish can't live without water, as\/which is known to all.这里是(非限制性定语从句),而 as\/which 替代这个句子作主语,所以 as\/which 是不可省略的。假如 as\/which 省略了,变成您写...

关于一些韩语的问题 各位韩语高手请赐教
1. 我们走吧 가자2. 快吃,多吃点 빨리 먹어, 많이 먹어3. 别闹了,吵死了 시끄러워4. 过来 ,小宝贝~이리와 ,baby 5. 快点.快点 빨리 ...


other.,此处有your 修饰 nother 后面接单数名词 或 of+复数名词 或 数量+复数名词 或什么也不接,自己就可以作代词。这个词是不需要限定具体数量的语言环境的。意思是又一、再一、另一。other 是可做形容词,直接加复数名词或不可数名称。翻译为“其余……”也可做代词,做代词时表示复数意义的话...

本题主要考查主谓一致。其实在没有时间状语的情况下,很能判断用那个时态更好。用一般将来时也可以。不过从fruit的特点及all的特点来看,估计是考现在时态,因为只有现在时态才有主谓一致问题。fruit 在这里是抽象的不可数名词,表示”水果“时,在说话者头脑中没有形成一个清晰的复数的景象,而是抽象的,...

新洲区13554775566: 三道简单的英语问题请教高手,谢谢~1、_________the fish farm, we can do the fishing.请问at/on填哪一个正确?为什么?2、they are cleaning the classroom.... -
郟所易坦:[答案] 1 似乎是用ON吧 应该是个习惯用语 2into是指不让走进教师 而用in是不让在教室中走动 根据题意 应该是不让走进教师 所以选into 3似乎who是单数的 提问时应视被提问物为未知状态 所以不能用复数形式吧 个人观点 请高人指点

新洲区13554775566: 急!请英语高手帮忙解答一下一个英语问题,在线等,非常感谢!不知道这个题是让干什么,请英语高手帮忙解答一下,并且翻译成中文,谢谢!Task:Study ... -
郟所易坦:[答案] 是让修改病句1.We thought she was a very charming,intelligent,and capable young woman.2.Looked out of the window,the grassland stretches as far as the eye can see.3.when the teacher was entering the cl...

新洲区13554775566: 英语问题,高手帮忙! -
郟所易坦: interpretation [ɪntɜːprɪ'teɪʃ(ə)n] n. 解释;翻译;演出 translation [træns'leɪʃ(ə)n; trɑːns-; -nz-] n. 翻译;译文;转化;调任 nterpretation指口译,translation指笔译,两者不能相混淆 同传是口译中的一种,所以是simultaneous interpretation

新洲区13554775566: 英语高手请进谢谢大家!救救我吧!帮助我也提高自己!先谢过各位高手了~~~~ 用英语回答下面问题.1. Please talk about the importance of time.What's ... -
郟所易坦:[答案] 1.time is life .it is valuable ,so we must follow it,and make full use of it2.because food is becoming a big problem.it is about our health.we eat more vegetables and fruit than meat.we eat more than ...

新洲区13554775566: 急!请英语高手帮忙解答一下一个英语问题,在线等,非常感谢! -
郟所易坦: 是让修改病句1.We thought she was a very charming,intelligent,and capable young woman. 2.Looked out of the window,the grassland stretches as far as the eye can see. 3.when the teacher was entering the classroom,the students ...

新洲区13554775566: 英语问题 请教各位高手 谢谢
郟所易坦: 楼上错误哦!!address在这里的意思为强调、重点的意思.应该是:强调这个问题点 美国人一般喜欢这么说.

新洲区13554775566: 英语问题请求高手 -
郟所易坦: Self-confidence and self-reliance are the mainstays of a strong character.自信与自力是坚强品格的柱石.

新洲区13554775566: 英语问题!请英语高手们来解救!谢谢了 -
郟所易坦: SHMILY:See how much I love you 的缩写 中文的意思:看我有多爱你! SHMILY-SHMILY的故事 我的祖父和祖母结婚已逾半个世纪,然而多少年来,他们彼此间不倦地玩着一个特殊的游戏:在一个意想不到的地方写下“Shmily”这个词留待对方...

新洲区13554775566: 求助英语高手,翻译一个“歧义”句子,谢谢discover the wonder of a future already passed这句话应该翻译成“发现未来已经回去的奇迹”还是“发现未来的... -
郟所易坦:[答案] 发现未来的奇迹已经过去

新洲区13554775566: 英语问题,求高手帮下忙 -
郟所易坦: remembered to do sth不表示记得做过 它的意思依旧是:记得去做某事.只是它体现在了记得的时刻不是现在,而是过去.给你举个例子:He remembered to take in a party yesterday 这话是说:他昨天记得去参加一个聚会.这聚会可能是今天晚上的,他昨天记起来了这事,但是很显然,他还没去做,还没去参加.所以就不能用remember taking.肯定对,有什么不明白可以继续问,随时在线等.如果我的回答对你有帮助,请及时选为满意答案,谢谢~~

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