
作者&投稿:泷闵 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

in terms of gold medal, China came out to be the first.
the gold medal of 10000 meters race added a beautiful touch to China's modern sports history.
He did his job in a rush and made a mistake. As a result, he lost his job.
Whenever we were short of hands, he would always be willing to help us get out of trouble.
What she really cared was if she failed the test.
sHE WOUld do better if she was given another chance.
If you idle away your young time, you would achieve nothing.

abstract: in recent years, the ticket price of the scenic area of heritage has risen increasingly, thus attracting the attention from all sectors of the community. This article study the ticket price of the scenic area of heritage based on the comparison between the domestic and the abroad. Firstly, it introduces the theory of scenic area of heritage and analyses the basis of the ticket price fixing of the scenic area of heritage; secondly, it compares the the ticket price of the scenic area of heritage in the domestic and in the abroad; finally, based on the analysis above, it provides some countermeasures and suggestions for the development of the scenic area of heritage, thus advancing the ticket price management of the scenic area of heritage.

key word: the scenic area of heritage; ticket price; price management; comparative study


In traditional point of view, the most important parts of enterprise operation cost included marketing cost, administration cost and human resource cost etc.
In a word, the cost concept of everyone is different since the positions and circumstance he placed.
However, the author found that the enterprise operation cost can be divided into two mail parts which are explicit cost and implicit cost.
We can name the explicit cost as the one which can be reflected by financial data in operation process, and implicit cost as the one can’t.
As for most of the enterprise leaders, control and reduce the implicit cost in management is the most difficult part of enterprise management.
This paper discussed the implicit cost problem of enterprise according to the definition of enterprise cost and implicit cost, describe the character of enterprise implicit cost and which aspects reflected enterprise implicit cost, how to reduce the enterprise implicit cost.
At last, the author summarized all the result of investigation, and prospected the future.

2、「邦贝尔」S616A260について 试作のトレーサビリティ、代用する暂定素材の技术评価を终られ、试作问题も解决られた。3、「芯德」800W(PW800-220D12\/48)について クライアント・ターミナルEMCの计测问题を解决し、データーをファイルにして、素材代用の技术评価をすべて完...

有没有 英语高手 帮忙中文翻译成英文一下 重金悬赏!!
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急求英语高手 哥哥姐姐帮忙翻译下面文章,要手动翻译的 拿翻译软件糊弄...
First, the English slang translation of euphemisms, Euphemism in the proportion of slang is relatively large. The emergence of euphemism, often in life when people contacts, people appear awkward and hard to tell whether or easily hurt the feelings of the occasion, people consciously a...

翻译 英译汉,急急急,哪位高手来帮个忙
被外国企业派往美国做生意或工作的大多数外国国民入境都持非移民签证,该签证依据不同情况,可令个人在美国各地待三个月至数年不等 后面的吃完饭有空来翻吧 在本协议期限内,每个股东都可行使所有投票权以及和公司有关的其他可行的控制权以此来获取公司控制权(只要股东有行使权力的能力),条款涉及公...

Welcome to Grand China Air C: Sir, you lose no time, the aircraft soon close its doors A: Please use a pocket, a drink Mody D: Miss, if the empty seats, then, can not be allowed to sit with me and my husband A: Sorry, today's first class at full strength, if you...

good always to live alone.一个人住始终不好。\/ 经常一个人住并不好。9.We hadn't anything\/didn't have anything to eat.我们没有任何东西可以吃的。\/ 我们不是没有可以吃的东西。10.This is the same pen as\/that I have lost.这像是我不见了的笔。\/这正是我不见的笔。

invoices and other tax-related work. assist in the preparation of the annual financial statements for the end of the fourth reduced to income tax returns and annual financial analysis of 04 such schools have been awarded the advanced logistics individual title.不知道能不能帮上忙,

reflect in enterprise production operation each link. Manages well with exactly the floating capital, the accelerated flow turnover of capital is the enterprise survival and the need to develop. This article through the elaboration floating capital's in management importance, has analyzed t...

汉译法 请高手帮忙翻一下,谢谢。
1. Si je dispose de suffisamment de temps, je vais je pour rendre visite aux enseignants du cycle secondaire.2.我建议你到农村去度假;我想,今年夏天海边会有不少人。2. Je vous conseille de passer votre vacances à la campagne; Je pense que cet été il y aurait beaucoup de...

everyone has different attitudes toward it. Everyone has different dreams in life and what they accomplish will also not be the same. However, I believe that if we just chase after it, work hard towards it. It doesn't matter if we succeed or not, in the end we will al...

濮阳市13841703252: 在线求翻译几句外语 有没有高手帮忙看一下 翻译的好追加分数~我也不知道这三句话是哪国的语言 可能不是德语就是西班牙语 求大神翻译La tristeza de un ... -
边杨安内:[答案] 前两句是西班牙语 悲伤是内在的风景.(意思是,悲伤只有内心深处才能看到,要藏在心中) 用笑脸面对困难. 第三句是德语,我用谷歌翻译成西班牙语后得到的意思是: 爱情并不是您找到您爱的人(那么简单).

濮阳市13841703252: 有没有英语高手帮忙翻译一段文字
边杨安内: Modern industrial equipment with a growing number of factory automation equipment, the use of PLC, frequency converter, man-machine interface to control automation devices, it is getting higher and higher degree of automation. Electrical control ...

濮阳市13841703252: 求英语高手帮忙翻译
边杨安内: 负责任地自己翻译的,绝非机器翻译!望采纳...再给加点分O(∩_∩)O~他们在山里走了几个星期,晚上总会回到木屋里,就着劣等的葡萄酒咽下糟糕的饭菜,没完没了坐在火堆旁.(那个词儿没法翻译了,还有个问号).火堆似乎是费德勒的...

濮阳市13841703252: 有没有语言高手??帮忙翻译下!!! -
边杨安内: 意思是:你;高技术克;市场; pese在市场上;已经喜欢;以paramer这是希腊语

濮阳市13841703252: 寻英语高手帮忙翻译一下啊. -
边杨安内: I'm very happy, can become a member of the class seven senior high school. Suddenly, a year has passed. There are 2 months, here's all will become a memory. Even if we we are level of director of eyesore, even our class have not once flow red ...

濮阳市13841703252: 请高手帮忙翻译一下,非常感谢! -
边杨安内: 1) To finish the shakedown testing for the communication program of **...

濮阳市13841703252: 在线求翻译几句外语 有没有高手帮忙看一下 翻译的好追加分数~ -
边杨安内: 前两句是西班牙语悲伤是内在的风景.(意思是...

濮阳市13841703252: 哪位英语高手帮忙翻译一下啊 -
边杨安内: (1) It is strange that no payment After dinner guests to leave the hotel.

濮阳市13841703252: 请高手帮忙翻译一下句子我得英语很差,现在有9个句子不是很会翻译,
边杨安内: 1.除了去公园以外,这个夏天我就没有出过公寓.(apart from) I just stayed in the apartment apart from going to the parks. 2.这些科学实验的结果对于我们非常有价值,...

濮阳市13841703252: 请高手帮忙翻译一下?谢谢啊爱在天堂永存亲爱的,你怕吗?当世界在你
边杨安内: Love in heaven exist forever Dear, do you fear? » When the world around you quiet ... Hold on Is the only hope No matter where are you I will find you I let you do the most ...

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