
作者&投稿:冶瞿 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)


A, competition project Category
(a) of Wushu Routine Competition
1, individual projects: where the North-South School Wushu, Tai Chi, Mulan Boxing, Wushu boxing boxing and weapon the Danlian personal projects.
Note: the above personal projects, centralized arrangement where similar boxing, equipment.
2, on the training routines: all the schools of martial arts, martial arts Tai Chi, Dan unarmed, instruments, and equipment for routine training manual.
3, the collective project: collective project where the North-South School Wushu, Tai Chi, Mulan Boxing, Wushu Duan, unarmed, instruments, and equipment manual.
(two) of fitness Qigong competition
1, individual projects:
(1) the fitness Qigong Wuqinxi, universal power law: muscle-bone strengthening exercise, six words, eight pieces of brocade, Mawangdui Daoyin, big dance, Daoyin Yangsheng Gong twelve, twelve pieces of brocade, Tai Chi Staff; other fitness exercises.
(2) the Health Qigong Competition Law: muscle-bone strengthening exercise, Wuqinxi, six words, eight pieces of brocade.
2, the collective project:
(1) the fitness Qigong Wuqinxi, universal power law: muscle-bone strengthening exercise, six words, eight pieces of brocade, Mawangdui Daoyin, big dance, Daoyin Yangsheng Gong twelve, twelve pieces of brocade, Tai Chi Staff; other fitness exercises.
(2) the Health Qigong Competition Law: muscle-bone strengthening exercise, Wuqinxi, six words, eight pieces of brocade.
In two, the qualification of Qualification
(a) of Wushu and Wushu Exercises
1 domestic and foreign martial arts organizations, schools, universities and individuals can be entered;
2 each team can have 1 team manager, coach 1-2 name, doctor 1 people, no restriction on the number of athletes, management and team personnel number.
3 individual all-around: North and south send martial arts event must be submitted with boxing, single short instruments, long apparatus three person;
Taijiquan individual all-round, full boxing, Taiji sword shall be reported, Tai Chi sword or other Taiji apparatus;
Mulan Boxing individual all-around, must be submitted to full boxing, sword, fan three, can calculate the individual all-round performance;
4 collective project of not less than 6 people (including 6), gender, age is not restricted; can be matched without password music, music must be CD or MP3 player and recorded in the first, Congress provided for the team player, game the coach is responsible for the music;
Results: 5 groups of 15 athletes and team (including 15) above, and participate in the collective project, can be calculated group performance. Team does not divide male, female group.
6 contestants must hold at or above the county level hospital, fully meet the health conditions of entry. During the competition caused by the healthy condition of the injury, the team and individual responsibility, for themselves.

5、NSN S818A50-220S3V3定格パワー(3.3V/15A)
6、「京信」D1500 DC-DC定格パワーについて
7、NSN S818H150定格パワーについて


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长乐市19417627185: 求翻译大师!!!拜谢!! -
萧申松根: In current carries on the socialist spiritual civilizationconstruction and constructs the socialism harmonious society under thebackground, the city sculpture appears as the city civilizationconstituent especially importantly, thus has the extremely ...

长乐市19417627185: 求高手专业翻译!!!!!!
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长乐市19417627185: 求英语高手翻译(汉翻英)
萧申松根: The contents that the grassroots is spreading is no longer to be deliberately comfortable for the demand and taste of community,but on the basis of the will,preference,and speciality of individuals. The stories of ordinary people emerging a lot.To ...

长乐市19417627185: 英语求翻译.高手来. -
萧申松根: 1、Henan's population is larger than Qinghai's.2、-Jake has already cleaned the classroom. - i think so.3、As we all know,China is a developing country.4、What is the p...

长乐市19417627185: 求英语翻译高手帮忙!真心求高手!速度来翻译! -
萧申松根: 这个男孩说他很清楚已经因为粗心大意犯了一个错误.这辆车急停时,许多乘客因惯性身体前倾.他的新书以火箭般的速度穿升至畅销书排行榜首.她没有独自挪动那张桌子的力...

长乐市19417627185: 求翻译高手,急! -
萧申松根: 收入每个份额: 每个份额排除稀释和划分收入计算基本的收入可归咎于由普通股的衡量平均数量的共同的股东卓著在期间. 被稀释的收入每个份额反射可能发生的潜在的稀释,如果发布普通股的证券或其他合同行使了或被转换了成普通股或导致在公司的收入分享普通股的发行. 每个份额划分收入计算被稀释的收入可利用对由卓著卓著的普通股在期间和股权收益减损的潜在的普通股的平均重量数量的共同的股东,除非考虑的这样股权收益减损的潜在的普通股导致反稀释. 因为他们的作用将是反股权收益减损的在结束的期间2003年, 12月31日, 2004年和约当普通股在被稀释的收入的演算未被考虑每个份额. 帮你翻译好咯,

长乐市19417627185: 求英语翻译高手来
萧申松根: My name is ChenXiaoJiang, not like to learn math and English language, because first understand only play second mathematical language can we learn play, English was not. But in the future will not play.

长乐市19417627185: 英语翻译,求高手…
萧申松根: Go straight at the gate of school,take the second turnning on the right,go straight again and you will see a canteen on the left. the dormitory is in front of it. 以上是个人翻译,希望对你有帮助.

长乐市19417627185: 求英语高手帮我翻译一下,急求 -
萧申松根: eBay, Craigslist及反兼并的明天特拉华(美国州名)大法官法院就eBay(易趣...

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