
作者&投稿:謇易 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)



icecream, cream,tea, apple,biscuit ,egg, hotdog, fish, milk, meat, cake, pear, rice, water, lenmon,bread,

1.拜访我的外公外婆, 爬山,打扫我的房间, 洗衣服, 看电视, 跑步, 打乒乓球, 骑车, 帮助我的妈妈
2.是你自己把1.中的词组填进去,但是从星期三之后又要你自己填日期: thursday, friday, saterday,sunday

1: History sometimes seems to repeat itself. We could learn from the past to refrain from any rash actions or unnecessary mistakes right now or in the future.Murderous and dark periods of our history have resulted in lessons being learned. Look for example, at our modern society. In the past, genocide, theocratic governance, slavery, attacking civilians during war, and unfair trials all at some point were acceptable. If people had not documented these horrific events, ranging from the Holocaust, to the Armenian Genocide, to the Nagasaki and Hiroshima bombings, to the practice of burning "witches" in the Middle Ages, we would be bound to repeat them. Realize that these events came about because the general population stood idle while the few people consolidated their power in order to carry out these atrocities.

2.Mistakes can help us change deeply embedded norms. It was discovered in aviation, for example, that accidents sometimes occurred because junior pilots were afraid to correct more senior pilots when they mishandled problems; the same is true in fields such as medicine. By examining why those accidents happened, experts figured out ways to develop more flexible hierarchies, which creates better work environments overall.
Mistakes keep us humble. And that's important. When we think we're above making mistakes -- or that others are -- we stop questioning and challenging. That can lead to complacency, and really bad decisions. To quote Bill Gates: "Success makes a lousy teacher. It seduces smart people into thinking they can't lose." Overconfidence leads us to be blind to the limits of our expertise.
As the old saw goes, "to err is human," how do we work toward accepting mistakes and learn from them, rather than avoiding and denying them? Well, the good news is that there are upsides to making mistakes:
One of the definitions of "to err" is "to wander or stray." Often we make mistakes because we try new things -- we stray from accepted paths. Teflon, penicillin -- these are examples of great discoveries made by mistake. Take a page from Albert Einstein, who said, "Anyone who has never made a mistake has never tried anything new."
We don't move out of our comfort zone if we're afraid of mistakes. Experiments with schoolchildren who did well on a given test show that those who were praised for being smart and then offered a more challenging or less challenging task afterward usually chose the easier one. On the other hand, children praised for trying hard -- rather than being smart -- far more often selected the more difficult task.

3. All human beings need to feel as if they have control over themselves and their lives. We cannot expect children to be totally independent, of course, since they are small and incapable of many things adults can do. Erikson (1950) believed that at the second level of psychosocial development, beginning soon after one year of age, young
children must resolve the conflict between autonomy and shame and doubt. Children who do not develop autonomy are liable to remain dependent on adults or to be overly influenced by peers. Gartrell (1995) called this phenomenon “mistaken behaviors”. Children who fall into “mistaken behaviors” may feel doubtful of their abilities, and be unable to take the risks that lead to real learning (Fordham & Anderson, 1992; Maxim, 1997) or challenge themselves to achieve at ever higher levels. In addition, they may feel hostility toward adults who allow them little freedom to choose (Edwards, 1993). Learning to be autonomous and self-reliant takes time and practice. When we offer children choices, we are allowing them to practice the skills of independence and responsibility, while we guard their health and safety by controlling and monitoring the options (Maxim, 1997).

4. Agree.
Childern aged from 5-18 are at the most importuned stage of intelligence development, so
they should get the better educators. According to a latest research result reported by
China Children Health Fund (CCHF), a child’s intelligence develops mostly from five to
eighteen, so, educators are required in people’s early ages. Besides, the training and
educating of a well-qualified teacher in primary school or high school are often quite
expensive, and they need to be paid a relatively high salary, for example, over
1000 dollars per month. As the number of teachers in primary school and high school increases, young children education becomes unaffordable for most parents and as a result,
government should pay more to subsidize the early education.

The specifics convince the reader the event being described actually did, or could, occur。
主句:The specifics convince the reader (省略了 that)这些细节使得读者相信...
宾语从句:(that)the event actually did, or could, occur 该事件实际上确实曾经发生过或者可能发生过。
1. did occur——助动词 did 用来加强 occur 的程度,意意思是“确实发生过”
2. or could——其实是 or could occur 的省略,此处用来对武断说法 did occur 的补充修正。
定语:being described 是现在分词的进行形式,修饰名词 the event,意思是“正被描写的(事件)”


could occur: 表示可能发生的
did occur: 表示确实发生了的

可以不用,句子也通的,actually occurred.

细节描述能使读者对被描写的实际上已经发生的或者能够发生的事件感到信服。 did,or could 定语从句中的动词



原来的日文本身就不完整,尽所能给你翻译了。1、キ的倾向 倾向于xx 2、かく言う自分もさよう 说是那么说其实自己也那样 3、路地(ろじ)胡同 4、通力(つうりき)无所不能的力量。5、どなる 怒吼 6、さし向かえば 两个人面对面的话 7、海藻(のり)のついだ煮(佃煮(つくだに)?

高手请进 成语接龙

全句译为“请代我向你母亲问好”。Please为祈使句的标志,后面接动词原形say;say hello to sb.为动词短语,for是一个介词,意思是”为了、替“,后面接I(我)的宾格形式me作宾语。希望对你有帮助。

英语高手请进)能否解释一下only to do的用法?
only to do sth.放在句尾,作结果状语,表示没有预料的结果,有时含有某种感情色彩。“only to do”意为“……,结果却……”,即表示与句子谓语动作的目的相反的结果。在句中可以用来表示结果,后接不定式往往表示一种出乎意料的或令人失望的结果。They hurried there only to find the meeting ...



[印尼语] 高手请进~
超出范围,请检查[Out of range, please check!]->[ ]位置已满,请检查[Position is full,please check!]->[ tempat sudah penuh, dimohon periksa ulang]确认密码错误,请检查[Confirm password error, please input again.]->[ ]密码错误,再次输入[Password error, input again...]->[pas...

异字同音 饥鸡盗稻童桶打,暑鼠凉梁客咳惊。无山得似巫山好,何水能如河水清。贾岛醉来非假倒 ,刘伶饮尽不留零。回文倒顺 人过大佛寺 寺佛大过人 客上天然居 居然天上客 僧游云隐寺 寺隐云游僧 处处红花红处处 重重绿树绿重重 雪映梅花梅映雪 莺宜柳絮柳宜莺 静泉山上山泉静 清水塘里塘...

楹联,请高手进——1、铁匠打铁 铁打铁,(铁匠铁锤铁垫同打铁);

1。您需要吗?Do you need it?2。希望你能喜欢!I wish\/hope you like it.3。您愿意在国外代理和销售我的产品吗?Would you like to be our agent and help sell our products in foreign countries?4。古老而美丽的中国艺术!The ancient and elegant Chinese art.5。无与伦比!Unparallelable...

元氏县15926882484: 英语高手请进 -
谯例维沃: 1.folded up,折叠 2.efficient,高效的3.primary ,主要的4.on ,固定搭配on the corner;在街角 ;在转角处 ;在角落上(外角)5.occasions,on... occasions,在...的场合下,6.did the boy begin ,...

元氏县15926882484: 英语高手,请进 -
谯例维沃: We often for our foreign friends prepare some Chinese food

元氏县15926882484: 英语高手请进翻译下
谯例维沃: 1,they are policewomen 2,our school has many women teacher 3,these are some factories for pape-making.

元氏县15926882484: 英语高手请进 -
谯例维沃: 其实很简单啦!一般疑问局用yes或no回答就好了啦,特殊疑问局看着办喽 答案:1 NO,I don't . 2I usually read books. 3Yes,because I think the rainy days are beautiful. 4Yes,I do. 5,Sorry,I can't sure. 6Yse,there is.

元氏县15926882484: 英语高手请进!
谯例维沃: in the bridge,drink juice,ice-cream,healthy food favourite sports,women teachers,unhealthy food 苹果树,一瓶果汁,一些水果 桔子汁,一瓶牛奶,一些面包 去钓鱼

元氏县15926882484: 英语高手请进!
谯例维沃: 1.outside 2.hither 3.put down

元氏县15926882484: 英语高手请进!!!!!!!!!!
谯例维沃: do the Laundry 洗衣服 take out trash 倒垃圾 sweep the floor扫地 do the dishes 洗盘子 do chore 做家务 fold the clothes 叠衣服

元氏县15926882484: 英语高手请进!翻译一句话
谯例维沃: 出自>,上帝用尘土造就人类始祖亚当,后因亚当偷吃禁果,上帝将其罚出伊甸园,使其失去永恒生命,并对他说 你本是尘土,仍要归于尘土

元氏县15926882484: 英语翻译,高手请进! -
谯例维沃: 对其他欧洲人来说,英国人,特别是英格兰人最众所周知的特征是“谨慎” 需要注意...

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