
作者&投稿:实璧 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Abstract: bicycle traffic from individual quasi-public transport traffic to the transformation of the city to implement bus priority strategies, urban transport strategy of sustainable development one of the important policies and measures. 自行车交通发展的关键是要采取与城市自身发展相适应的模式。 Bicycle Transportation in the key is to adopt and adapt the city's own development model. 在对国内外公共自行车交通系统实施现状研究的基础上, 综合考虑泉州市的城市规模、人口密度、交通政策以及现状自行车发展状况等因素, 提出泉州自行车交通在综合交通体系中的功能定位是机动化交通的辅助性交通工具,主要功能包括服务于短距离出行、与公交系统接驳以及休闲、健身等。 In the domestic and international public the status of implementation of bicycle transportation system, based on comprehensive consideration of Quanzhou city size, population density, transportation policy, and development status of bicycles and other factors, make Quanzhou bike traffic in the comprehensive transportation system in the function of positioning mobile transport of supporting the traffic, the main functions include services for short distance travel, and public transportation system connecting and leisure, and fitness. 应用GIS技术,从规模估算、布局自行车租赁点选址的影响因素、网点布局典型模式、押金及租赁费用等方面阐述了公共自行车系统的规划内容, 同时介绍了公共自行车的技术系统以及运营管理上的特点。 Application of GIS technology, from the estimated size, layout, Bicycle Rental Location of a factors, the typical mode of distribution network, deposit and rental fees and other aspects of the planning public bicycle system elements, also introduced public bicycle systems and operations management features. 公共自行车系统建设不仅为居民带来方便,还有利于缓解道路交通拥堵,改善城市环境。 Public Bike System not only bring convenience to residents, but also help alleviate traffic congestion, improve the urban environment.

【关键字】: 公共自行车空间分析技术系统布局模式泉州市 【Keywords】: Spatial analysis of public bike system layout mode Quanzhou
问题补充: Questions added: 题目改了为:基于GIS的泉州市区公共自行车系统租赁点选址与系统实施研究,麻烦再翻译一下谢谢! Title changed to: GIS-based public bike system rental Quanzhou area site selection and system implementation study, translation problems and then look at Thank you!

The maths teacher knows, if Tome can not solve this problem, neither can the other students in the class.
Several experiments made by scientists indicate that praise is much more effective than criticism in improving people's behavior.
No doubtness, the development of science and technology is the most important thing to China's modernization.
According to the satellite's messages and photos, they have a conclusion that there is no life on Venus.
Since I met him 10 years ago, we've been kept communication.
I'm clear enough that her conclusion is based on fact.
Some countries have a lot of oil, while some have none.
we can have a walk along the beach if you are willing to.
You would improve your pronunciation if you can spent half an hour reading every day.
Though Lu Xun lived half a centry ago, we still can learn a lot from his works.
Because of the lackage of capital, they are tring to attract foreign investments.
It is certain that educating the young generation is most important to a country's future.
I was touched by your people's friendship to our people when I visit your country.
I believe that the upper-class animals are evolved by the lower-class animals.(这句有点怪,你可以查一下高级动物怎么说……)
Do you think the bus driver should be completely responsible for the passengers' safety?
There is no need to think about the mistakes of the judgement, the most important thing is to avoid these mistakes again.
I must find that reference book before the library's closing, for I'm going to prepare for tomorrow's exam.
Though Peter is not good at maths, he is the best speak of sports.
More and more universities required students to learn two foreign languages.(去TMD两门外语,一门都教不好。)
The Great Wall is concidered as one of the miracles in the world.
The author's opinion is that we should not maturally equal those who have high marks in IQ test to good abilities in actual work.
All indicates his plan is wrong
I think the teachers should go for the students, not waiting for them to find them.(找抽么?啥叫授人以鱼不如授人以渔?)
A lot of students in our class were blamed in public because they did not submit the essay in time.(泯灭人性啊……摧残祖国花朵柔弱的自尊和心灵啊……)

I'm very glad to have received you E-mail. I have attached my scanned pay check, bonus check and stock certification as per your instruction.
With respect to the abovementioned documents, I would like to make the following explanations:
1. the pay check for your reference was dated on March, 2010.
2. I get bonus payment twice a year from my current company, once before the Chinese New Year and once on Dragon Boat Festival (half the total amount for each time), so the bonus check here is that before the Chinese New year;
3. Stock: I took the screenshot of the bank's webpage for your reference.
In addition, I provide you with the name of my reference person in the company - "XXX".
Thank you very much and I'm looking forward to hearing from you.

Pleased to receive your letter. According to your request,IEnclosed are my payroll, bonus and stock proof.
In response to these documents,i informe as follows:
1. This payroll is on March 10th for your reference;
2. My current company is divided into two for the bonus payments, half before new year, and another before the Dragon Boat Festival .so this is the prize money I had before new year;
3. Stock: I will host the Bank of screenshots for your reference .
furthermore , as your request,my proof person is **.
Thanks very much and look forward to your reply.

As follows:
Very pleased to receive your mail. According to your request I put my payroll, bonus and stock proof of a single scan in the attachments.
I think these documents for you to do the following instructions:
1. The payroll is 10 years in March, and for your reference;
2. My current company is divided into two for the bonus payments, over a year ago, the Dragon Boat Festival once (each half), so the prize money alone I had years ago;
3. Stock: I will host the Bank of screenshots for your reference
In addition, at your request, provide proof of my people a certain company.
Thank you very much and look forward to your reply.

I'm glad to receive your email. And please find attached scanned doc. of my salary sheet, bonus sheet and stock sheet as per your requst, also with the following clarification:
1. The salary sheet is up to March of 2010 for your reference
2, The bonus value was the part before Spring Festival. Our company will distribute bonus two time a year, one is before Spring Festival, another is on Dragon Boat Festival(half of total value).
3.Stock: Please refer to the screenshot from my managed bank
Furthermore, Mr.(Ms.)xx will be the reference for me.
Thank you and looking forward to your early reply.

The follow:
I am glad to hear from you. Enclose is my payroll, bonus and stock certification which you required. I want demonstrate something about these certification as follow:
1, The payroll for your reference is about Mar, 2010.
2, Currently, the company which I work for release bonus averagely biannual, one is on New year festival, the other is on Dragon boat festival. So the bonus in attachment is my last year reward.
3, About stock: I offer relevant web screenshots about my stock account in bank to you for reference.
In addition, as you ask for, I show my company witnesses XX.
I am appreciate for your reply very much.

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