
作者&投稿:超昂 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

1. --- Who is singing and dancing in the gym now?
---(It is)the students from the school.
Is this your book? Yes, it is.
Who is speaking over there? It's Tom speaking. ( 电话用语)

2. --- It is none of your buiness(what)other people think about you ,believe yourself.
这里的代词 what 是 think 的宾语,如果改为副词 how,必须改为 how other people think it about you, 否则句子缺少成分,不完整。

3. --- The flu and the infection (it)brought along really made the villagers suffer a lot.
主句——The flu and the infection really made the villagers suffer a lot.
定语从句——(that)it brought along ,关系代词 that 是从句中 brought 的宾语,因此省略。

4. --- Having checked the doors were closed,and(that)all the lights were off ,the boy opend the door to his bedroom.
本句含有现在分词短语 Having checked ...充当的时间状语,其中包括由 and 连接的两个并列的宾语从句,即:
1)Having checked the doors were closed
2)and (having checked)that all the lights were off
由于第二个从句离开动词较远,为了让人看清它也是动词 checked 的宾语从句,因此用了连接词 that。

D those做先行词,后面肯定是have ,人做主语用who
B sit on the tables,在桌子上面坐着
选A 就成里面了,CD少介词
A as …… as

1.______cheap tomatoes you bought! (why选A不选C?)
A.What B.What a C.How D.How a
答:A。 此题考感叹句。what+名词(+主+谓)!,名词前可有(经常有)一个形容词。如此题。How+形容词/副词(+主+谓)!用C要这么改:How cheat the tomatoes you bought are!
这时主语是the tomatoes, 谓语是are, you bought是定语从句。

2.I have worked with children berore, so I know what____in my new job. (why选B不选A?)
A.expect B.to expect C.to be expecting D.expects
what to do 叫疑问不定式(wh-词+不定式),作know的宾语。如I don't know what to do.= I don't know what i should do. 我不知道该做什么(怎么办)。

3.---Will you go home tomorrow evening?
-----No. I'm going to a lecture,or at lest I'm planning _____. (why选B不选C?)
A.so B.to C.it D.that
答:最佳答案B。 此题考不定式的省略。 为了避免重复,不定式可以只保留一个符号to(很容易还原=I am planning to go to a lecture. A.我暂时还不能肯定是错误的,但没有B好,至少出题者的“正确”答案是B。出题者有时候会考虑不周的。

4.---Where do you think_____he_____the computer?
Sorry,I have no idea. (why选A不选C?)
A./;bought B.has;bought C.did;buy D.does;buy
答:这是一个复杂疑问句:wh-词+do you think+ 主语+谓语?有人认为do you think是插入语,可以这么去理解句子的意思,但不是说就可以直接去掉它而不对句了产生影响的。其实你可以看作是由Do you think where he bought the computer? 变来的。 1. 它符合汉语的思维。2. 在古英语中是可以这么表达的。但现代英语,我们的考试英语中这算错句。你将它看成上面的句子后,再将do you think 插入,就是答案所需要的句子了。还有一种解释:一个疑问句不需要倒装两次吧?所以不选C。

5.There is going to____a report____Chinese history in our school this evening.
A.have;on B.be ;on C.have ;for D.be ;of
答:B。看了半天,不知道这个句子想表达什么。后来才知道,你(或打字员)将going 打成了nothing!
There is going to be a report on Chinese history in our school this evening.
there is going to be是there be的将来式, on=about

第一题 what a=how 后面接形容词
第三题 plan to do sth.
第四题 一个句子里不会有两个助动词 前面已经出现了后面就不需要了

第一题:因为cheap只是用来修饰tomatoes,而中心词仍然为tomatoes 所以只能用what。
第二题:A不合语法,B项中what to do 不定式用来做宾语
第三题:plan to do sth

1.______cheap tomatoes you bought! (why选A不选C?)
2.I have worked with children berore, so I know ehat____in my nen job. (why选B不选A?)
B.to expect what to expect构成名词性短语 做宾语。如果选A,需要加上主语,变成 what i expect.
3.---Will you go home tomorrow evening?
-----No,I’m goingto a lecture,or at lest I’mplanning_____. (why选B不选C?)
B.to plan在这里是不及物动词。例如:Plan to fulfill a secret wish.计划实现一个秘密心愿。
4.---Where do you think_____he_____the computer?
Sorry,I have no idea. (why选A不选C?)
A./;bought 后面的部分做宾语,是宾语从句,所以选A。
5.. There is nothing to____a report____Chinese history in our school this evening
A.have;on B.be ;on C.have ;for D.be ;of

1 A C How cheap you bought tomatoes
2 B what to expect 不定式修饰what
3 B plan to do
4 A 后面用正常语序,不需要倒装
5 B a report on 关于什么主题的报告

1.what+(a/an)+adj.+n.+主语+谓语+(it is).
2.How+adj.(adv.)+主语+谓语+(it is).
第二题:不是很确定,我认为之所以选B不选A,可能是因为不定式“to do”在此表目的;
第三题:选B不选C,不是很确定,我认为是因为固定搭配,plan to do sth或plan to sth(it)
第五题:选B不选D,是因为在这里Chinese history是指在中国的历史上,有特指的语气,所以用on不用of。

高一英语 (5道选择题)帮我翻译一下 并选择正确答案 告诉我其他为什么错...
1) C 我将感激您今天下午回电(给我)。还没有回电,期待对方回电。2) C need后有-s,在此作实义动词,sth+need +doing =sth+need +to be done needs cutting 或needs to be cut 草长得太高了以至于(它)需要修剪。3) B 介意做某事mind doing ,根据题意是“被单独留在家”...

( )have you got ___books for the train journey?it will take you 20 hours to ___in Harbin.A.large quantities of ;get B.a great deal of;stay C.a good many of ;live D.a good supply of ;arrive 答:D 译:不译了!看到这个的题句真烦!用词不当(太大)还有错话。分...

选 B were treated 客人在旅馆里受到的招待,影响他们对服务的评价。The way the guests 【were treated】 in the hotel influenced their evaluation of the service.主句是 The way influenced their evaluation.the guests were treated in the hotel 是定语从句,修饰 the way ...

这道题为什么she又成宾语了,而第一题不是呢??这是句子是被动语态,选取及物动词,那么think of 是及物动词,所以选取它的被动。3.Last year the man did all ___ help the poor.A.what she could to B she could to 此题选B,但我觉得选A。老师说 “all”相当于“things”做...

C 先行词为不定代词all时,关系代词只能用that,不能用which或what,what是缩合连接代词,等于all that,所以把all去掉时就选择A了。D besides是介系词,介系词后面跟名词或代词的宾格作其宾语,一般不跟从句,如果碰到动词(这里是be动词),要用动名词(即being)形式。C 既然是尚未决定的事情,...

A. whether;that B. whether;this C. that;that D. that;this 答:A 译:在电话里,他问她,如果她当时不能去他的办公室的话,他是不是可以在当晚去拜访她。析:此题考查直接引语转换成间接引语,由asked知直接引语本是一个问句,一个一般疑问句,用连词whether引导,意为“是否”,...

C 分析成分 she found that she standing on 后面缺少名词,on的宾语 ...seemed to be a piece of stone 看上去像石头的一块东西 这里缺少主语,seem 的主语 综合这两点,缺少主语 而且,这里是两个句子 所以必须用一个既可以充当名词,又可以作为连词的词语 那么就是what 翻译 当她型来,他发现...

帮忙讲解三道高一英语选择题 谢谢
1 根据depends on的语意需要"选择"而If 不能引导做主语的短语,所以选whether 2 此句是以Only开头引导的倒装句,谓语用倒装语序,must不符合语意,所以选can we 3 谓语动词allow的被动形式接不定式 结构为be (not)allowed to do

高一英语 选择题 望详细解释
其次我们知道,英语中有疑问不定式:wh-词+不定式,可以作宾语,相当于一个宾语从句,如:I don't know what to do. =I don't know what I should do. 我不知道该做什么。I don't know where to live. =I don't know where I should live. 我不知道该住哪里。同时,我们也见过一种介词...

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绵阳市15687446893: 几道高一英语选择题、急1.I don't remembe___the chance to try this method.A.having been given B.to have been given C.having given D.to have given2.The ... -
雀疮盐酸:[答案] A B A B

绵阳市15687446893: 几道高一英语单选题1.I worked in a business_______almost everyone is waiting for a great chance.A.where B.which C.when D.there2._____is often the case,... -
雀疮盐酸:[答案] 1.b我在商界几乎每个人都在等待一个很好的机会.这是一个定语从句,应用地点状语修饰,但由于work in a business中business是名词,可以推出in which= where2.d由于是经常发生的情况,我们已经完成了生产计划提前.3.d不管...

绵阳市15687446893: 几道高一英语单选题...有点急...1.The farmer took out a jar___some ancient coins,___some dating from the Qing dynasty.A.containing;including B.including;... -
雀疮盐酸:[答案] 1 A 以为农民拿出一个装着一些古币的袋子,其 中包括几个清代的 2 B 能源 3 A 标志 4 A 表示上升了25个百分点

绵阳市15687446893: 3道高一英语单选题 -
雀疮盐酸: 1. 选B come about发生,强调事情发生的过程和原因 take place发生,强调有计划、有准备地发生.2. 选D 中间的together with...是介词短语,主致一致遵循就远原则.所以主语是单数...

绵阳市15687446893: 几道高一英语选择题..1.At first,he was not fond of English,but with the teacher's help,he has____an interest in it.A.found B.improves C.developed D.enjoyed.2.... -
雀疮盐酸:[答案] 1c2c3a

绵阳市15687446893: 3道高一英语选择题~!...
雀疮盐酸: 1、D 定语从句 during the days we use“ foreign mathes” 2、D 定语从句 she could turn to a single person for help 3、B 定语从句 where 引导从句作定语 或in which 也可以 grain can be stored in the house

绵阳市15687446893: 求做几道高一英语选择题 急!1 A balanced diet is one food from all of the food groups.A of B in C with D for1 Kathy and her pen friend keep in touch writing to ... -
雀疮盐酸:[答案] 1 A 1 A 2 C attitude to/towards 哦们老师说滴 3 B 4 A 5 C 6 A

绵阳市15687446893: 高一的几道英语选择题
雀疮盐酸: 第一题是D 第二题是D buy from 第三个你的翻译是正确的!

绵阳市15687446893: 高一的几道英语选择题 -
雀疮盐酸: 第一题come up是出现 显现的意思,它是固定用法只能用主动形式.第二题动词know后面缺少宾语,这句话是宾语从句,少的是know什么东西~这个“什么东西”就需要用what替代.第三题是非限制性定语从句,which指代逗号之前的所有内容.

绵阳市15687446893: 几道高中英语单选题,请英语大神瞧瞧1.unless he - _____the place before,he won't introduce it to us in such detail.A.has visited B.visits C.visited D.was ... -
雀疮盐酸:[答案] A.has visited以前去过A.are taken in 被欺骗 B.has only been working 全句都是现在的时态

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