
作者&投稿:戏轮 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Various kinds of pollution has had great impacts on people's daily life and health. For example, sound pollution could cause people to become deaf, air pollution would cause irritations in the lung, and soil pollution would cause food to become unhygienic,etc.

Now, lots of countries are trying to solve the various environmental problems. In order to reduce air pollution, government has put controlls on the gas emissions of factories. People start to separate garbage in order to recycle resources. Farmers reduces the amount of chemical products used to prevent further damage to the soil. Government also prehibitted speaking in loud voices in public areas as to lower the noise level.

Hopefully, with everyone's efforts, these various pollutions will be reduced till zero level.



In our class,there are 50 students.There are about 15 students, is the bus to school.In addition there are 15 students is a subway ride to school, we do not ban the number of students riding bicycles to school, only just 10 Students. Minority students, about 7 was walking to school, we are only 3 classes students are sitting the car to go to school.

the school occupies 2000 mu land.
Dad is working hard every day.
the younger brother studies in an high school, he like playing football and watching TV.
the parents sacrifice a lot for us, so we must reward them in the future.

The school covers 2000 mu!
Dad is busy with his work everyday.

The school has 2,000 Chinese acres .
The father works every day very busily.
The younger brother in now the high school, he very much likes playingthe soccer, watches the television.
The parents paid for us have been very many, therefore I futurecertainly will have to repay them well.

the parents sacrifice a lot for us, so we must reward them in the future.

“帮我一个忙”这个短语在英语中的翻译可以是“do me a favor”,它是一个常用的口语表达。在英语中,“do me a favor”通常用于请求别人帮助自己完成某件事情,或者请求别人做出某种行为,这种行为可能会带来某种好处或者改善某种情况。举个例子,如果你需要朋友帮忙照看你的宠物狗一段时间,你可以说...

大家帮我个忙,翻译一下(英语)!!! 谢谢
In my leisure time (free time), I like to go swimming, playing basketball, climbing mountains, reading and watching movies.I read many ancient Chinese books.I like to watch French movies, I saw many, especially "This Killer is Not too cold".Also, I am very interested in matt...

Various kinds of pollution has had great impacts on people's daily life and health. For example, sound pollution could cause people to become deaf, air pollution would cause irritations in the lung, and soil pollution would cause food to become unhygienic,etc.Now, lots of countries...

求大家帮我个忙 中文翻译成罗马音
Pin Guo

Would you please do me a favor, will you

很多种说法。Can you help me?委婉一点用Could you help me?或Would you do me a favour?或Could you give me a hand?等等

you did me a great favor 就可以表达感谢 不是非用 thanks ,thank you 的。

抽屉里还有(那个东西)吗 你能给我们拍个照片吗 这餐厅叫什么名字 (然后这句你应该抄错了,应是knives )有几把刀 这的海是什么颜色 你擅长体育运动吗

再帮我个忙,终于,我知道,我该为你做什么了。法语翻译下 拜托这个很重要...
再帮我个忙,终于,我知道,我该为你做什么了。Alors faites-moi une faveur,et enfin,Je sais,Je dois faire quelque chose pour vous.

南市区15999839092: 帮我个忙英文翻译2种 -
钱莎复方: 帮我个忙.Help me.Do me a favor.Just do me that favor.

南市区15999839092: 大家帮我翻译一下英语. -
钱莎复方: 1. 我和妈妈一样有一双蓝色的眼睛.2. 他说和城市比起来,他更喜欢乡下.3. 我今天给你买的那件衬衫,你怎么不试下?4. 我从没到过希腊,但是很想去.5. 如果你有时间,你可以来我办公室.

南市区15999839092: 大家帮个忙翻译T/Tcouldbeacceptedasfaras
钱莎复方: T/T could be accepted as far as we get the payments due to us. The best so far is to deal through me . 只要能收到该付给我们的款项, T/T 我们也能接受 但目前最好的方式是通过我交易. (就是说 电汇可以 但直接付给我最好) P.S.T/T也许如楼上所说是电汇 但楼上后一句译岔了

南市区15999839092: 帮我个忙 翻译一下 英文 -
钱莎复方: When I got up this morning, he heard the whirring sound.

南市区15999839092: 大家帮我一下忙,帮我的中文翻译成英文一下!
钱莎复方: In our class,there are 50 students.There are about 15 students, is the bus to school.In addition there are 15 students is a subway ride to school, we do not ban the number of students riding bicycles to school, only just 10 Students. Minority students, ...

南市区15999839092: 你们好!这里我需要大家帮我个忙! 我这里有一段话,请你们懂英语的用英语帮我翻译一下,谢谢! -
钱莎复方: 时间滴滴嗒,嗒嗒滴.梦想的你.嗒嗒嗒.一切的LA LA LA . Time trickles despair, blah drops. Dream of you. Da Dada. All of the LA LA LA. 天晴了,还微笑祝福你,谢谢你,谢谢你.给我的乐曲. 生命最美的奇迹.需要多勇敢.一切的LA LA LA Fine, ...

南市区15999839092: 英语翻译:你是我最好的兄弟,我需要你的帮助.
钱莎复方: you are my best mate and i need your help

南市区15999839092: 大家帮我翻译一下英文
钱莎复方: 因为也许 您在哪里成为affer所有; 您我的wonderwall

南市区15999839092: 大家帮帮忙,帮我翻译成英语,,谢谢大家了,翻译内容是(蓝色的天空.清澈的小河,干净的空气.欢迎来到我的家乡) -
钱莎复方: The blue sky, the crystal river and the clean air: welcome to my hometown.(个人觉得清澈的小河翻译成the clear water比较地道~仅供参考哈~)

南市区15999839092: 大家帮帮忙帮我翻译下英文~~~
钱莎复方: 星期六以来,我向上述人等是说, 3时57分,我真的是很疲倦是好的,已贵chunpei我现在只有这样,她和闫伟是诚意,成为我前几天的好朋友,好奇怪. i良好的担心,我的整个地区学生的考试成绩在是不好,让我的父亲,他们很失望,我十分害怕真的好担心,在原天就口说,一起将成为好朋友,只有我身后的人会说我现在闲置谈这将是很好的朋友吗?让我不敢深信

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