
作者&投稿:肥褚 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

1. The main difference between the old and new accounting standards
1. Impairment of Assets to extend the scope of a more comprehensive and reasonable. In the original accounting system on the basis of a new corporate merger in the form of goodwill. In addition to the special address industry-specific assets: such as inventory, real estate investment, biological assets, construction contracts, leasing, financial assets, oil and gas exploration rights, such as eight assets, the guidelines also a corresponding system in its handling of the impairment of assets A standard.
2. Impairment of Assets of the object more clearly the introduction of the concept of group assets. The original "enterprise accounting system," the eight have asked for impairment of assets based on a single Provision. But in practice, requires individual basis Provision for impairment of assets in preparation for operational difficulties. New guidelines require that assets, including assets of groups and individual assets, assets that group is the smallest businesses can Portfolio. In the individual assets for impairment when it is difficult to determine, in accordance with the relevant assets should be determined asset impairment.
3. In an indication of impairment of judgement, the new guidelines than the current system more clearly. First, enterprises should be clear in the end of the accounting judgement whether there is a possible asset impairment signs. Second, if there is no clear indication of impairment, the assets should not be estimated recoverable amount. Third, it is clear the reputation of a corporate merger, whether or not an indication of impairment, the annual impairment tests.
4. Recoverable amount of measurement principles of practice than the existing system more workable. Assets recoverable amount should be based on the fair value of assets minus the net cost of disposal of assets and expected future cash flows between the present value of the higher requirements
5. Introduced the concept of corporate headquarters assets, making asset impairment of a new method of calculating changes. Headquarters assets is the cause of enterprise groups and the Ministry of assets, not from other assets and assets of a separate group of the cash inflow, the calculation of assets vested in the headquarters of the assets of groups or combinations of group assets recoverable amount, and then with the corresponding book value of assets , According to determine whether the need to recognize impairment losses.
6. Abolished the straight-line amortization of goodwill, the introduction of fair value. The reputation of a corporate merger, at least once in each of impairment testing, and related assets of groups and group composition of assets to be tested. So long as the active market, as long as the fair value, you can use fair value.
7. Defined the impairment of assets Chongjian order. First Chongjian goodwill, the question of goodwill after can Chong Jian-zero assets, or assets portfolio of other assets group projects.
二. Asset impairment criteria will be the implementation of the existing problems
1, the recoverable amount determined
The recoverable amount should be based on the fair value of assets minus the net cost of disposal of assets and expected future cash flows between the present value of the higher determined. Determine the fair value depends on the active on the market quotation or the last market price of the deal, the key elements of the market in China is not perfect, to determine the fair value has brought great difficulties.
2, asset group or combination of group assets identified
For a single asset-based Provision for impairment in operational difficulties, the introduction of new guidelines for the "assets" and "Group portfolio of assets" concept. Given the production and business activities flexible manner, in determining the assets of groups or groups of assets portfolio, of different ways, will directly influence asset impairment should not Provision Provision and the number of such issues, increasing the implementation of the Criteria more difficult.
3, impairment of judgement standards
From the guidelines given an indication of impairment, both external sources of information, have internal sources of information, but there are also signs of not fully list. Accounting practitioners how to correct and reasonable judgement, should be a combination of theory and practice on the necessary guidance, and the necessary training.




I. 人性原则
儒家的哲学中央的主意是 REN,也就是人性,他解释 REN 要爱人,"一不可以只爱他的父母,兄弟,姊妹和儿子," 但是应该广泛的爱块。 "块" 不 特别地象征某类型 的人们这里。 它的基本意义像佛佗所解救所有的生活人和基督说的包括你的敌人亲爱的所有人说。
当他的马房被烧毁的时候,一从~返回法院,孔子说," 是任何人伤害?" 他不 问有关马的事, 那些他问有关可能是他的他从未区别的家奴隶,在相反者上,他对他们展现了非常的关心而且爱。 因此,他的人性原则两者都是他的行为他哲学和标准的基础。
这项人性原则是不断地携带藉着他的弟子转寄。弟子 Zixia 说的他其中之一,"地球上的所有人们是兄弟,一个绅士为什么应该为兄弟的不足担忧?"孟子稍后相关了亲爱的 - 心精神当做"尊敬我的自己年长者而且把尊敬扩充到其他人的年长者,爱我的自己年青人而且扩充这对其他人的年青人的爱." 在过去数千年期间,全世界的爱精神有进入国家的文化传统之内弥漫,变成为每个人所知的生活- 格言。 这些格言经过历史下去 , 和最后来仍然当太阳博士-Sen's 呐喊声全世界的爱。 在现代的生活方面,它是当作~用 主意桥领先用 世界交换的呐喊声。
这种人性哲学的理论上的基础以否定的方式被陈述当做 " 从不对其他人什么你所不喜欢他们对你做的,"那是,该说什么 , 该如何说 , 该做什么 , 该如何做,全部从其他的人们角一定被调查,和以肯定的方式当做"你自己想要站起来在世界中,比较帮助其他人做相同的。 你自己需要成功,然后帮助其他人做一样的。" 这些活动显示有意识的人性应该被练习和 strove 为有意识的。 在出现 ofhumanity 中,一不需要避免和他的老师竞争。"唯一的藉着连续的努力在没有松弛的练习中将一装于罐头方式人性绅士的理想个性。你面对生活和死亡的测试一次,"对人性投入于的人将不寻求伤害人性居住在费用,和将会甚至牺牲他们的保护人性的生命"。藉由儒家的字,数不尽的中国儿子和女儿的鼓励在波之上前进波牺牲,因为国家,藉此加强国家的凝结, 在克服无数的艰难和危险方面保持了老的和有力的。

人类原则Confucian 哲学中央想法是人, 即人类, 他解释人将爱人民, "一不能爱唯一他的父母, 兄弟、姐妹和儿子," 但应该广泛地爱大量。"大量" 这里没有符号化特别地某一种类人。它基本的意思是象什么菩萨认为保存所有生存生物和基督说爱所有人民包括您的敌人。当他的槽枥被烧了在下, 在返回从法院, Confucius 说, "是任何人伤害了?" 他没有询问马, 那些他要求也许是他从未歧视了, 相反, 他显示非凡关心和爱对他们的他的家庭奴隶。所以, 他的人类原则是他的哲学的他的行为基础和标准。这项人类原则由他的门徒连续发扬了。他的门徒Zixia 的当中一个说, "所有人民在地球上是兄弟, 为什么如果对短缺的一种绅士忧虑兄弟?" Mencius 关系了这爱- 心脏精神作为"尊敬我自己的长辈和扩大这尊敬对其他长辈, 爱我自己的年轻人和以后致以这爱对其他年轻人。" 在过去数以万计几年期间, 这种普遍爱精神渗入了入国家的文化传统, 成为生活格言对大家已知。这些格言下来审阅历史, 和最后来是太阳参议员博士的口号普遍性爱。在现代生活中, 这是作为想法桥梁带领交换与世界的这个口号。这人类哲学的理论依据陈述了用一个消极方式和"从未做对其他人什么您不会希望他们做对您," 那是什么说, 怎么说, 什么做, 怎么对做, 必须所有被审查从人民的角度, 和用一个正面方式和"您你自己想要站起来在世界上, 比帮助其他人做同样。您你自己要成功, 那么帮助其他人做同样。" 这些活动体现神志清楚的人类应该被实践和力争神志清楚地。在存在ofhumanity, 你不需要避免与他的老师竞争。" 只由连续的努力没有松驰实践上装一种方法于罐中人道主义绅士的理想的个性。一旦您面对生与死测试, "人致力于人类不会寻求居住牺牲伤害人类, 和甚而将牺牲他们的生命保存人类。" 以Confucian 词的鼓励, 不计其数的中国儿子和女儿前进挥动在波浪对牺牲为国家, 因此加强国家的凝固, 保留一老和强有力一个在克服无数的困难和危险。



《秦观劝学》 文言文 谁能帮我翻译一下



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亲 帮我翻译一下这篇短文吧 不要百度的 非常感谢了
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