
作者&投稿:岑肿 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

In the winter holiday.I read a book.It is very wonderful.It's name is "The monkey's paw".The book tells about the Whites and a paw's story.Mr.White's friend gave him a small and dirty paw.He said "It can makes your dreams come true.But you'll feel unhappy."Mr.White wanted ?3000.And after some days,he got ?3000,but his son deid.The end is Mr.White and his wife were very sad.
I think “The monkey's paw” is very useful.Because it tells us some important things.Such as "get something for nothing." is impossible.We must do every things by ourselves.And we must know learn by doing.
When I was 10 years old.I was not good at math.And I had tried to find many escape solutions.But no one is good for me.My mother tolds me,"learn by doing",and I did some test questions.Now,my math is ok.I think my story likes "The monkey's paw".And in the new future,I will do every things by my self and do not rely on my father and mother.I know I am the best.
What a nice story!“The monkey's paw”is perfect,and I will learn more and more in it.


"Robinson Crusoe" is the British author Daniel Defoe wrote a novel. The story is about a person called Robinson out on the sea voyage, the way to encounter strong winds, the boat people have been killed, and only he survived, and drifted to a desert island. He used 28 years, with their industrious hands to create a living for their own homes, and to his courage and perseverance to overcome difficulties.

After reading, I feel myself compared to how Robinson tiny ah! In a deserted island life, it has been difficult enough, but there is always beware of Robinson Savage to attack him. If we do not self-protection awareness is very difficult to like, like Robinson, lived on the island for 28 years was able to return safe and sound in England. Shows that self-protection awareness of how important it is for the people ah!

General Napoleon once said: "many people not enough to rely on, to survive only on their own." Similarly, if we over-rely on everything, their friends, parents of these people, when we live to be independent when will not be able to adapt to it all. However, if the contrary, we usually himself an independent life, then, we encountered some unexpected things to face when they can become independent and to calm the heavy approach to deal with it.

We now live in a time not necessarily the same as Robinson drifted to a desert island, but our lives will not be plain sailing, and sometimes may also encounter some dangerous things. But only if we know how to take the right measures, we will escape from the danger.

The ghost of the opera theatre

The story was written by a Franch author who was named Guyston Lerocs.

the silly story was about a famous actor who was disfigured .He lived along in the basement ,and he built a country for himself,he was a sick freak and a innocent monster.

And then,he abducted a beautiful actree ,and tried to rape her,possessed her.

But the beautiful actree didn't liked to be treat like that,and her boyfriend didn't allowed.The young lovers against with the demon.

at last,demon surrendered,he allowed the birch loved anyone else,and set'em free.and shot himself.

And express the sentiment:

1.If a guy fell in love with a silly slut ,he should allowed the birch loved anyone else,and set'em free.

2.Besides,love is a thing which is belong to some beautiful young man,if you're ugly,you have no chance to love,and no right to love.
you shall killed yourself,or you must be killed by the heros just like a evil devil.











伊丽莎白为自己家人的行为给自己带来的影响万分懊恼,达西也因此劝宾利先生离开 简,后来自己也是在理智与情感较量之后万分矛盾地向伊丽莎白吐露心事。所以说什么是爱情?那种纯粹的感情,爱的不顾一切,单纯的洁白如雪的爱情是不是真如镜中花水中月,是不是只不过是人们心中的美好幻想和追求罢了,而现实生活中人们总是寻找二者之间的最佳平衡点。



有一个细节的描述很有意思,伊丽莎白和她的舅妈舅舅Mr./Mrs.Gardiner 到彭伯利-达西的庄园去游玩时,不小心遇见达西之后,Mr.Gardiner 和达西先生的交流让伊丽莎白非常满意,她觉得达西应该知道自己的亲戚不都是那种举止让人厌烦的人。这样的心理描述的确很有意思,伊丽莎白已经非常在乎达西的感受了,如果不是的话,她的亲戚如何的糟糕又关达西何事?再者,伊丽莎白是不是也有那么一点的虚荣心呢,这无损她的可爱,反而使她更加可爱!谁不有一点点呢?


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郅吴洛卡: in this summer holidays, i read a book called , it was written by charles dickens, one of the most famous english writers. he wrote lots of wonderful novels. this book is one of his compositions. people always like to compare with their friends. it is a big ...

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