
作者&投稿:凤翁 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
~ 书虫之傲慢与偏见 Pride and Prejudice ", a novel a pleasure to behold, a beautiful and moving story. The article describes a number of daughters Bo Nate story. Ji-an eldest daughter, gentle kind-hearted, beautiful Keren, Bentley and rich kids at first sight, but at the crucial moment has brought a ist. Second daughter, Elizabeth, Qingli intelligent, ambitious, assertive, consistent with the property of the nobility million youth met Darcy. Can be as arrogant Darcy eccentric, Elizabeth for his prejudice are serious, they love but refuse to recognize the obvious, but also continue to hurt each other with words, but fortunately dispelled the last mistake, married lovers. Reading this novel, I have benefited greatly. In our people, there are many very modest, but there are some arrogant people. These arrogant people who sometimes annoying, they have eyes in the head long, others are di *** issive. Indeed, the arrogance is a shorting in the environment to develop a character. Chinese children from an early age by their parents as holding掌上明珠typical "little emperors." If so has been from *** all to large养尊处优, how could it not arrogant? So I think that we should not be arrogant people who have prejudices, but the more soul-searching myself, to see if they have not arrogant, after their own things to learn to no longer allow parents to worry about, tired. As the book said: "Heart of pride in everyone. As long as we have so a little bit of strength, they will feel especially great. But pride and vanity while the same meaning, but in real terms in different kinds of self-pride is a feeling, Vanity will need to involve other people overestimate their own, so people have a pride without vanity, which is justifiable. 可以适当删减~~~ 翻译如下~~ 《傲慢与偏见》,一部值得细细品味的小说,一个美丽动人的故事。 文中描述了柏纳特一家几个女儿的故事。大女儿姬安,温柔善良,美丽可人,与富家子弟宾利一见倾心,却在关键时刻发生了波折。二女儿伊丽莎白,聪慧清丽,有志气,有主见,与家产万贯的贵族青年达西相识。可因为达西高傲孤僻,伊丽莎白对他存有严重的偏见,两人明明相爱却不肯承认,还不断地用言语刺痛对方,幸好最后误会冰释,有情人终成眷属。 看了这本小说,我受益匪浅。在我们这些人中,有许多很谦虚,但也有一些傲慢的人。这些傲慢的人有时的确令人讨厌,他们把眼睛长在头上,对其他人都不屑一顾。的确,傲慢是一种缺点,一种在环境下养成的性格。我们中国的孩子,从小就被父母视为掌上明珠捧着,典型的“小皇帝”。要是从小到大一直这么养尊处优,怎么会不傲慢呢?因此,我觉得我们不应该对傲慢的人产生偏见,而是该多反省自己,看看自己有没有傲慢,以后自己的事也要学会自己做,不再让父母操心,劳累了。 正如书中所说:“骄傲之心人皆有之。只要我们拥有那么一点点长处,就会觉得自己特别了不起。但其中的骄傲和虚荣虽含义相同,却实质不同,骄傲是种自我感觉,虚荣则需要牵扯到别人高估自己,所以,一个人拥有不含虚荣心的骄傲,这也是无可非议的。”

昆虫记的读后感五篇通用 这本书精选了有关红蚂蚁、蜜蜂、蝴蝶、螳螂、金步甲、蜘蛛等各种较为在生活中常见的昆虫。让我们一起好好看看吧,以下是我整理的昆虫记的读后感五篇通用,欢迎大家借鉴与参考! 昆虫记的读后感篇1 这几天,我再次阅读了《昆虫记》这本书,颇有心得。《昆虫记》是法国文学家法布尔的一部不朽...






《昆虫记》是法国杰出昆虫学家法布尔的传世佳作,亦是一部不朽的著作,不仅是一部文学巨著,也是一部科学百科。它熔作者毕生研究成果和人生感悟于一炉,以人性观照虫性,将昆虫世界化作供人类获得知识、趣味、美感和思想的美文,这本书以忠实于法文原著整体风貌及表达特色为选择原则, 让中国读者首次领略...




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