
作者&投稿:慎毓 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

  remember when 记得曾几何时
  we never needed each othe 我们从不需要对方的存在
  the best of friends like 我们从来都只象好朋友一样
  sister and brother 就象妹妹和哥哥那样
  we understood we'd never be, 我们都懂得我们从来都不是
  alone 孤单的
  those days are gone, and I want so much 但这样的日子已经过去了,我现在多么想要
  the night is long and I need your touch 夜晚是这么漫长,我真的好需要你的抚摸
  don't know what to say 不知道说什么
  I never meant to feel this way 我从来都没有这么感受到过
  don't want to be 不想要 一点都不想要
  alone tonight 孤单的夜晚
  what can I do to make it right 我到底要怎么做才能做对
  falling so hard so fast this time 爱上你--又是这么的快,陷的这么这么深
  what did I say what did you do 我曾说过什么你又做过什么
  how didi I fall in love with you 我究竟是怎么爱上你的

  I hear your voive 只要一听到你的声音
  and I start to tremble 我就开始紧张的颤抖
  brings back the child that, I resemble 就象一个小孩子
  I can not pretend that we can still be friend 我真的没办法装作我们还可以做朋友那样
  don't want to be 最不想要的就是
  alone toninght 独自一个人的晚上
  what can I do to make it right 我到底要怎么做才能做对
  falling so hard so fast this time 爱上你--又是这么的快,陷的这么这么深
  what did I say what did you do 我曾说过什么你又做过什么
  how did I fall in love with you 我究竟是怎么爱上你的
  I want to say this right 我真的很想说这次是对的
  and it has to be tonight 但是就是今晚
  just need you to know 我想要你知道
  I don't want to live this life 我真的不想要把余生过完
  I don't want to say goodbye 我不想要说再见
  with you i want to spend 只想要和你共度
  the rest of my life 我所剩下的生命
  what can i do to make it right 谁能告诉我我怎么才能把它做好
  falling so hard so fast this time 爱上你是这么快这么这么深
  what did i say what did you do
  how did i fall in love with you
  what can i do to make it right
  falling so hard so fast this time
  everything's changed we never know 一切都会变都 但是我们从来都不会知道
  how did i fall
  in love
  with you 永远都记得---我是怎么爱上你的

I've been runnin in circles all day long 我整天都在原地打转
I'm out of breath but I'm still going strong 我无法呼吸但我仍然坚定前行
I'm gonna get'cha yeah no matter what they say我要得到你 不管他们怎么说
You think I'm losing but I always get my way 你认为我即将失败但我总有我自己的路

Don't walk away when I'm talkin to you 不要走开 当我跟你说话的时候
This ain't no time for your bad attitude这不是你发脾气的时候
Don't gimme, that face,不要给我,那张脸,
When you know I'm really down for the chase当你了解到我是真的在追求(你)
cause' my hearts already in it因为我的心已经深陷其中
and I'm never gonna quit it 我永远不会放弃
when you finally gonna get it 当你最后明白这一点的时候
Don't walk away (请)不要走开

You act, act like
That I don't have a clue你的所为好像我毫无线索
You think you know it all你认为你了解一切
But I'm so onto you 但我对你如此倾心
You think you figured out just how to win this game 你认为你已经对这场游戏稳操胜券
I'm on your tracks yeah 我正追随着你的足迹
I know every move you make我知道你的每个行动

Don't walk away when I'm talkin to you不要走开 当我跟你说话的时候
This ain't no time for your bad attitude这不是你发脾气的时候
Don't gimme, that face,不要给我,那张脸,
When you know I'm really down for the chase当你了解到我是真的在追求(你)
cause' my hearts already in it 因为我的心已经深陷其中
and I'm never gonna quit it 我永远不会放弃
when you finally gonna get it当你最后明白这一点的时候
Don't walk away (请)不要走开

I won't give up just like that 我永不放弃依然如故
I'm gonna make you mine if it takes everything I have 我要得到你即使让我失去一切

Don't walk away when I'm talkin to you不要走开 当我跟你说话的时候
This ain't no time for your bad attitude这不是你发脾气的时候
Don't gimme, that face, 不要给我,那张脸,
When you know I'm really down for the chase当你了解到我是真的在追求(你)
cause' my hearts already in it因为我的心已经深陷其中
and I'm never gonna quit it 我永远不会放弃
when you finally gonna get it 当你最后明白这一点的时候
Don't walk away (请)不要走开
Don't walk away when I'm talkin to you 不要走开 当我跟你说话的时候
When I'm talking to you 当我和你说话的时候
This ain't no time for your bad attitude这不是你发脾气的时候
Don't gimme, that face,不要给我,那张脸,
When you know I'm really down for the chase当你了解到我是真的在追求(你)
cause' my hearts already in it 因为我的心已经深陷其中
and I'm never gonna quit it 我永远不会放弃
when you finally gonna get it 当你最后明白这一点的时候
Don't walk away (请)不要走开

this was never the way i planned 这不是计划好的
not my intention 不是我的初衷
i got so brave, drink in hand 手中拿着酒瓶 我变的勇敢起来
lost my discretion 失去了理智
it's not what, i'm used to 我过去不是这样的
just wanna try you on 只是想试一下
i'm curious for you 对你很好奇
caught my attention 你引起了我的注意
i kissed a girl and i liked it 我吻了一个女孩 而且我喜欢她
the taste of her cherry chapstick 樱桃口味的唇膏的味道
i kissed a girl just to try it 我吻了一个女孩 我只是试试
i hope my boyfriend don't mind it 希望我的男朋友不会介意
it felt so wrong 我觉得我做错了
it felt so right 但感觉是如此美妙
don't mean i'm in love tonight 这不意味着今晚我坠入爱河了
i liked it 我喜欢这样
no, i don't even know your name 不 我甚至不知道你的名字
it doesn't matter 但没关系
your my experimental game 你只是我的实验品
just human nature 这只是人类的本性而已
it's not what, good girls do 这不是好女孩的所作所为
not how they should behave 不是她们该做的事
my head gets so confused 我感到困惑
hard to obey 好难控制
us girls we are so magical 我们女孩有一种魔力
soft skin, red lips, so kissable 柔软的双唇 鲜红的唇膏 美丽得使人想吻上去
hard to resist so touchable 太难抗拒 触摸的感觉
too good to deny it 如此美妙 不可否认
ain't no big deal, it's innocent 没什么大不了 这是无心的


This was never the way I planned

Not my intention
I got so brave, drink in hand
Lost my discretion
It's not what, I'm used to
Just wanna try you on
I'm curious for you
Caught my attention
I kissed a girl and I liked it
我吻了一个女孩 我喜欢
The taste of her cherry chapstick
I kissed a girl just to try it
我吻了一个女孩 只是想试下
I hope my boyfriend don't mind it
It felt so wrong
It felt so right
Don't mean I'm in love tonight
I kissed a girl and I liked it
我吻了一个女孩 我喜欢
I liked it
No, I don't even know your name
It doesn't matter
Your my experimental game
Just human nature
It's not what, good girls do
这不是 好女孩该做的
Not how they should behave
My head gets so confused
Hard to obey
I kissed a girl and I liked it
我吻了一个女孩 我喜欢
The taste of her cherry chapstick
I kissed a girl just to try it
我吻了一个女孩 只是想试下
I hope my boyfriend don't mind it
It felt so wrong
It felt so right
Don't mean I'm in love tonight
I kissed a girl and I liked it
我吻了一个女孩 我喜欢
I liked it
Us girls we are so magical
Soft skin, red lips, so kissable
Hard to resist so touchable
Too good to deny it
Ain't no big deal, it's innocent

Every day is so wonderful 每天都是如此的精彩 And suddenly, it's hard to breathe 突然间呼吸困难 Now and then, I get insecure 偶尔我会充满不安全感 From all the pain, I'm so ashamed 经历所有的痛苦,我感到可耻 I am beautiful no matter what they say 不管他们说什么,我是美丽的...

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有一首歌我不知道名字 哪位高手帮我解答下 我只记的歌词
歌曲:新鸳鸯蝴蝶梦 歌手:黄安 专辑:新鸳鸯蝴蝶梦 词曲:黄安编曲:詹宏达 昨日像那东流水 离我远去不可留 今日乱我心 多烦忧 抽刀断水水更流 举杯消愁愁更愁 明朝清风四飘流 由来只有新人笑 有谁听到旧人哭 爱情两个字 好辛苦 是要问一个明白 还是要装作糊涂 知多知少难知足 看似个鸳蝴蝶 ...

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叙永县17255462698: 有谁能帮我把faraway这首歌英文翻译成白字!急 -
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叙永县17255462698: 帮我把迈克尔杰克逊的beat it 的英文歌词翻译成白字撒、谢 -
藏彼硝酸: They Told Him 他们告诉他: Don't You Ever Come Around Here “你胆敢再来? Don't Wanna See Your Face, 不想再见你, You Better Disappear 你最好消失! ”The Fire's In Their Eyes 怒火在他们眼中升腾 And Their Words Are Really Clear ...

叙永县17255462698: bantasticbaby的歌词翻译成白字,因为太喜欢这首歌了,所以帮下忙 -
藏彼硝酸: 快过来吧大家集中在一起 WE GON' PARTY LIKE lilili lalala 敞开心扉吧不要想太多 点燃火苗吧lilili lalala 不要案是什么照单全收吧 跟着感觉走Alright 双手高举过头朝着那上空 想要飞上天际Oh nanananana nanananana WOW FANTASTIC ...

叙永县17255462698: 哪位英语高手能帮我把这首歌的歌词翻译成中文 -
藏彼硝酸: remember when 记得曾几何时we never needed each othe 我们从不需要对方的存在the best of friends like 我们从来都只象好朋友一样sister and brother 就象妹妹和哥哥那样we understood we'd never be, 我们都懂得我们从来都不是alone ...

叙永县17255462698: 我的回忆不是我的的歌词 翻译成白字 -
藏彼硝酸: song1 seng1 dei1 zong2 hui2 yang3 sing1 伤 心 的 总 会 任 性 fuei1 seng1 dei1 zong2 hui1 yong3 hei4 lei1 灰 心 的 总 会 用 气 力 zing1 zui3 hou2 dei4 guo1 hui1 将 最 好 的 过 去 zing1 zui3 dou2 dei4 sie1 sui1 sou2 dou1 将 最 多 的 细 碎 锁 到 ...

叙永县17255462698: 有哪位高手能帮我翻译这首歌的歌词呢?
藏彼硝酸: 标题:夏天 노 래 :seoyeon 小4: 小歌: 埃德歌曲: 我爱你我爱你我爱你 我总是梦想现在开始的时候你在这里 我喜欢在我心中你没有你的坏 哦,我觉得阳光明媚,凉风,因为他们向我挥手 我觉得很高兴 天空是对我们的开放了的nigaiteo 所以...

叙永县17255462698: 有谁能帮我把faraway这首歌英文翻译成白字!!!急急急急 -
藏彼硝酸: 是Groove Coverage的Far Away From Home么? 我是如此的享受每一天的生活 但只是不时自我感觉如此而已 渴望找寻到一丝内心的平静 仅仅只是想知道 谁能安...

叙永县17255462698: 恳请韩文高手帮我翻译一下这首歌的歌词!! 翻译成中文,万分感谢!!! -
藏彼硝酸: - 곡명: 별 빛이 내린다 曲名:星光洒下- 가수: 안녕 바다 歌手:你好大海- 앨범: City Complex 专辑:- 번호: 173985 曲号:그 밤에 그 밤 在那晚那晚사랑하는 사람들 품으로 投向所爱人的怀抱그 밤에 그 밤 在那晚那晚지나간 추억의 따스함 위로 向...

叙永县17255462698: 卫兰和李治延合唱的一首英文歌叫《Never know》、请哪位高手帮我把整首歌翻译成中文? -
藏彼硝酸: I see the world, I've had enough我看见了世界,我已拥有很多Nothing seems to last没有什么会永垂不朽Happiness drifting away so fast快乐消散得很快Everyday I just kneel down and pray我每天跪下和祈祷Pray for a day祈祷有一天Stay by my side...

叙永县17255462698: 有哪位英语高手帮我翻译一下这首歌.谢谢,you're always on my mindall day just all the timeyou're everything to mebrightest star to let me seeyou touch me in ... -
藏彼硝酸:[答案] 您总是在我心目中 整天只是所有的时间 您的一切给我 亮的星星,让我见 你接触,我在我的梦想 我们吻在每一个现场 我祈求能与你 通过雨水和闪亮的日子 我会爱你直到我死 深的海阔天空 美,我们的爱油漆 无论我们走到 需要你我所有的生活 您我希...

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