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国际货运实务:International Cargo Practice
经贸研究与论文写作:Economic research and thesis writing
英语翻译与写作:English translation and writing
英语视听说:English said that the public
中级英语口译:Intermediate English interpreters

计算机应用基础-Computer application foundation
法律基础与思想道德修养 -Legal foundation and thought morals tutelage
基础英语-Foundation English
大学语文 -University language

Business English Correspondence

English Grammar and Writing

Multimedia Business English Training Course


把下面那段英文翻译成中文 课程介绍。不要翻译器翻 都不准
招生对象:任何希望提升个人管理技巧的专职行政助理和高阶主管秘书 课程宗旨:时间和工作压力管理 · 认清良好的时间和工作压力管理将带来的裨益。· 将适于减压的组织策略和给出的实例中进行对比。· 将有助于组织行政管理团队的相应策略和特定案例进行对比。· 采用有效的时间管理策略,因应特定的时间管理...


其中第一种方法,音译可以分为汉语拼音、威妥玛式拼音法(港台、海外为主)综合以上情况可以把你的名字翻译为:Mao Binqiang Mao Beyond wenku.baidu\/view\/7741fed726fff705cc170a6c 希望有助于你的问题研究 杭州图书馆 中文名字翻译英文名字 不能说完全没有规律吧,都和中文名有相似的音节,如“志...

The translation of trademark also is just 1 that the English-to-Chinese translates with each other to miniatured, two kinds of culture of mutually blend in addition to wanting to control a respectively phonetic cultural content, also need can use respectively correspond of phrase or ...

第二种方法是:根据英文名字的内在含义,选择一个您喜欢的英文名字。许多英文名字,来自希腊神话、罗马神话和《圣经》,其中第一种方法,音译可以分为汉语拼音、威妥玛式拼音法(港台、海外为主)综合以上情况可以把激的名字翻译为:Mao Binqiang Mao Beyond wenku.baidu\/...c 希望有助于你的问题研究 ...


有一个实在不知道。 不过翻译过的是对的,我问过日本人,希望对你有帮助。 楼上的实在不知道是什么意思,连我错的地方都跟我一模一样,还说费了好大的劲弄的,别那么虚假好不好???不过我修改过了。 还有后来你说的问题、有人说千叶是Chiba 望月 Mochizuki 好像是中国式的日语读法,不正确。

1 to receive parents of students and attend to their needs and enquiries 2 to handle questions and consultations coming from the Internet, the telephone or walk-in visitors 3 to assist in school administration and the organization of other activities as required....

那么长???我试试 When the whole country to celebrate the 2008, beijing Olympic Games in the successful holding, I did not participate in the celebration of the crowd. However, I have used the camera recorded an impressive moment for my son, a more important. This means that ...

呼中区13570697843: 把几个课程名翻译成英语~~ -
包剂洛威: english intensive reading english extensive reading english listening english grammar the comprehensive situation of english-speaking country translation linguistics international financing 楼主是上外的么?^_^

呼中区13570697843: 高手帮忙翻译下4个课程的名字吧~!!(英语) -
包剂洛威: 1、Digital music sound2、Multimedia software design and application3、The teaching media and technology4、Network animation

呼中区13570697843: 几个课程名的英语翻译!30分求助! -
包剂洛威: 数据结构 data structure 操作系统 operating system 计算机组成原理 Constitution Principle of Computer 计算机系统结构 Computer Architecture 数据库原理 Design & Analysis System 编译原理 Principle of Compiling 汇编语言 Assembly Language 计算机专业英语 Specialized English of Computer

呼中区13570697843: 请帮我翻译几个商务英语的课程名称? -
包剂洛威: International Commercial Law International Trade Affairs industrial and commercial introductory Business letters and writing Translation in Commercial English Business English Listening Business English Reading Marketing customs declaration &Documentation 应该是这些了

呼中区13570697843: 关于一些课程名的翻译求助 -
包剂洛威: 1.古代帝王之术与现代国家管理 The ancient imperial methods and the modern nation management. 2.商务策划 Commercial planning. 3.系列讲座 A lecture series. 4.企业及数据库管理 Enterprise and data base management. 5.软件开发技术及应...

呼中区13570697843: 关于几个课程名称的翻译? -
包剂洛威: 信号与系统 Signals&Systems 作者Oppenheim 我用的是英文版上面这本是经典教材(老师说的...)电路分析基础 Introductory Circuits for Electrical and Computer Engineering模拟电路基础 INTRODUCTION TO ANALOG ELECTRONIC ...

呼中区13570697843: 求助:4门大学课程名称的英语翻译::::::: -
包剂洛威: 法律基础与思想道德修养 ideological-moral and legal education 证券投资学 Security Analysis and Investment 社会主义市场经济学 Market Economics of Socialism 计算机应用基础 Basics of Computer Applications/Foundations of Computer Application

呼中区13570697843: 几个专业和课程名称的英文翻译 -
包剂洛威: 生物制药专业biological pharmacy 数控专业numerical control 环保专业environmental conservation 机电专业electro mechanic 物流专业Logistics 机电一体化Mechatronics 汽修专业 Automobile Service 课程: 化工分析 chemical analysis 专业综合课程 major-related integrated curriculum

呼中区13570697843: 求助几个专业课程名称的翻译 -
包剂洛威: 人-计算机交互设计 People - computer designs mutually 印刷技术 Printing technology 展示设计 Show the design 广告策划 Advertisement plan 视觉/媒体设计模型制作 Design modelling in vision / media 基于材料与工艺的产品设计 On the basis of the product design of material and craft

呼中区13570697843: 问几个课程的英文翻译 -
包剂洛威: 1. Foreign Trade Transportation and Insurance2. Investigation of Foreign Trade Forms3. Professional Practice(Insurance)4. English Contract for Foreign Trade5. Graduation Practice6. Graduation Thesis

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