
作者&投稿:商典 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
请帮忙将下面段落翻译成英文 急急急 非常感谢~

The oil industry is characterized by flammable, explosive, high temperature and high pressure. Production and pipeline transportation in the construction of the course at the same time, will inevitably have to conduct various kinds of dangerous operations. So how do the production side, while construction, but also ensure that enterprises in the production safety of construction projects for the smooth construction, business decision-makers seriously consider the issue, but also to the departments in charge of production safety, how to put a security guarantee Production and the smooth progress of construction works in tandem with an important issue. This lesson, detailed account of a certain enterprise is a safety incident, as reflected in a timely manner, properly handled, so as to avoid a major fire explosion of the examples, then a detailed analysis of production and pipeline construction projects in tandem with the accident-prone in the Kinds of potential safety problems, discussed in detail in tandem with the various segments of the security measures, the project effective safety evaluation, construction of a reasonable, practical implementation of safety measures, the construction of fire safety, storage and transportation facilities, public works system , Fire systems, electrical systems, and other aspects of comprehensive security analysis, the only serious analysis of the risk factors around, take practical measures and contingency plans to deal with various unexpected incidents

To improve the reading level, the amount of vocabulary and phrases is very important to make a Pi party: a house built to tile materials, brick English vocabulary is to read material, there is no considerable amount of English vocabulary, reading English is not carried out. Therefore, to improve the reading level, we have to learn to accumulate words. We might do this: after the second time, read through the text, encounter a new word to guess from the context as much as possible, still could not guess the meaning and put them in check a good dictionary and vocabulary, and then copied in a portable little book on. Daily free time to take this little book to recite the memory, this does not time-consuming, the result is good, because from time to time contact, repeated memory, vocabulary increased rapidly
What can improve the reading speed of a fast basic skills of reading
1, to avoid the sound. Reading aloud is an important factor of reading speed. Test statistics show that reading can only be the fastest to reach 200 words per minute, while the silent reading of up to 800 words per minute is read 4 times. Therefore, we must first learn to improve reading silently. The key is to avoid silent reading aloud, although some people hear in the reading aloud obvious phenomenon, but careful observation will find his moving lips or tongue, indicating that their reading is still difficult to detect a potential voice phenomenon This will affect the reading speed. In practice in reading, there must be consciously overcome the lip, tongue moving phenomenon.
2, to reduce fixation. The reading process, the eye is rapid eye movement jump manner. Saccadic movements of the time in which only 10%, while the eyes remain on the fixation pause in all the time accounted for 90% of the total time. Can be seen not primarily depend on saccadic eye movement, but in looking through the eyes jump stop to get information. Thus, even a line of text to reduce the fixation point, it makes the visual magnitude of the corresponding expansion of the information obtained every time the eye stops growing, which can save reading time, improve their reading efficiency.
3, shortening the time the eye stops. Eyes eyes stop time is spent on each fixation time. Reduce the time spent will be a corresponding increase overall reading speed.
4, to avoid back at. Saccade, as is the back of a fixation point and then again after return. The more the number back, as the reading speed will be slower. Therefore, we must strive to overcome the back at the problems. In general, the return is due to the appearance depending on concentration to read the lack of confidence, always worried about not fully see. To avoid back as, they should pay more attention to these areas.
Second, the main method of speed reading
1, browsing method. Browse Law refers to the general does not require detailed understanding of the books, only a rough grasp the overall content of a book about reading methods. It can be as broad as possible within a limited time to understand information to help broaden their horizons, is-read the important method used.
Browse Reading mainly focus on some of the key position paper: First Version, including the article title and the title, the title is the article's eyes, tend to concentrate the full text summarizes the main arguments, the main issues or the main content. By studying the topic of the article or book can have a general understanding. Second, the directory, preface, summary, index, etc. These will help readers to articles or books in general framework, the basic idea to understand. Third, the text, the key to this part of the visit is mainly at the beginning, end and beginning of the center of the middle sentence of the paragraph. The key part of the visit will be after them, the article will form a general impression or books, if there is not complete by the memories of the place, or should get to the bottom of the area, which could then make the necessary focus on reading.
2, scanning speech. Scan reading method is a mesh of articles on line, Yimushixing to scan, and a large capacity for information, a fast reading method.
Unlike conventional scanning methods reading method reading word for word as to read, but will stop the eye sight as much as possible to expand the few lines of text, some words or even whole pages of text as a stop watch each eye unit in the rapid glance article or book to gain an overall impression of the overall understanding. This method is the fastest scan time can be achieved by a number of line scan page by page reading, page by page scan reading method, also known as surface type reading method. Out of words on the semantics of individual struggle, this method not only improves reading speed, and not, as some people feared would affect the level of understanding, in many cases word for word reading is more than able to grasp the essence of the article content. Scan reading method of reading very fast, but this method must always be familiar with specialized training, such as regular visual extension to do some training, in peacetime, we should pay attention to overcome the reading habit of reading word for word, consciously stop expanding the vision of each eye range. Digital form by Schulte vision such as expansion of specialized training is also very effective.

I ’m biggest advantages is to have positive beliefs. University, advocating Houde, erudition, knowledge, Atsuyuki school spirit, and strive to learn the knowledge and skills. Able to grasp some basic knowledge of accounting, master some basic computer knowledge and skilled use of windows, word, excel, photoshop operations. Positive and optimistic man, patient and frustrated not to surrender, to calm down, a positive and optimistic attitude, patiently looking for a solution; others with sincerity courteous, adaptable, can quickly adapt to new working environment; do Assertive things, the courage to take responsibility.

I have the greatest advantage is have positive belief. During the university, advocating thick Germany, knowledgeable, Ontario tuk done school spirit, efforts to learn professional knowledge and skills. To master certain accounting foundation knowledge, grasps certain computer basic knowledge, able to skillfully use Windows, word, excel, photoshop operation. Positive and optimistic people, have patience, frustration, do not yield to calm yourself down, active and optimistic attitude, patiently to figure out a way to solve, Be honest polite, adaptable, can quickly adapt to the new work environment, Do things assertive, dares to undertake the responsibility.

I am the biggest advantages is to have positive beliefs. University, advocating Houde, erudition, knowledge, Atsuyuki school spirit, and strive to learn the knowledge and skills. Able to grasp some basic knowledge of accounting, master some basic computer knowledge and skilled use of windows, word, excel, photoshop operations. Positive and optimistic man, patient and frustrated not to surrender, to calm down, a positive and optimistic attitude, patiently looking for a solution; others with sincerity courteous, adaptable, can quickly adapt to new working environment; do Assertive things, the courage to take responsibility.

I have the greatest advantage is have positive belief. During the university, advocating thick Germany, knowledgeable, Ontario tuk done school spirit, efforts to learn professional knowledge and skills. To master certain accounting foundation knowledge, grasps certain computer basic knowledge, able to skillfully use Windows, word, excel, photoshop operation. Positive and optimistic people, have patience, frustration, do not yield to calm yourself down, active and optimistic attitude, patiently to figure out a way to solve, Be honest polite, adaptable, can quickly adapt to the new work environment, Do things assertive, dares to undertake the responsibility. 不用谢

I have the greatest advantage is have positive belief. During the university, advocating thick Germany, knowledgeable, Ontario tuk done school spirit, efforts to learn professional knowledge and skills. To master certain accounting foundation knowledge, grasps certain computer basic knowledge, able to skillfully use Windows, word, excel, photoshop operation. Positive and optimistic people, have patience, frustration, do not yield to calm yourself down, active and optimistic attitude, patiently to figure out a way to solve, Be honest polite, adaptable, can quickly adapt to the new work environment, Do things assertive, dares to undertake the responsibility不客气.

the courage to take responsibility.

Because of my strong interest on my speciality, I attended the audit work that was organized by our school in cooperation with other unit.(Note: I am a new fresher, my experience may be not rich as old persons, but I have a strong ability on learning and adaptability, capable...

1 Seeing this, I suddenly remembered along with 60 road home welfare facility, the passenger might be a deaf can not hear the sound, I rushed to the male passenger made an explanation, write a sentence with a piece of paper, give to a female passenger's eyes: "I'm sorry!

请各位帮我翻译一下下面的段落,翻译成中文,最好今天上午10:00之前,任 ...

将下列段落翻译成英文(一小段作文)如题 谢谢了
[原文] In the life of people can also reduce humor pressure is nervous relax for a better life.[修改] 并且 幽默感也有益人们的健康 使人们有个好心情。 [原文] And humor are beneficial to health make people have a good mood.[修改] 对于朋友之间 拥有幽默感可以增进彼此...

1945.08.06,一个美国飞机投下了炸弹对日本广岛城 。炸弹爆炸1,000 ft.above地面。在一秒钟内的部分,炸弹从金属筒变成膨胀的气体,数百万度热的巨大肿块。空气本身周围爆炸点开始燃烧。穿透力不可见的射线的袭击淋浴每活的或死的事情镇。然后跟着一个冲击波,它打破了建筑和热风巨大的爆炸急转石材,...

“我要教我的妈妈,说中国话。”课堂现场麦考密克是不寻常的,但在美国的学校,中国正在迅速成为炙手可热的新语言,它可能很快成为一种普遍现象。向往已久的政府官员更多的精力放在有用的语言,像中国人,从他们的压力 - 以及商界领袖,政治家和父母 - 在程序的数量已经产生了快速的增长。芝加哥市政府...

show called "xxxx".It's quite excellent one i ever saw.I did nothing but doing work and playing computergames.Oh,no.what a boring holiday.The only advantage is that I could have a good sleep all the holiday. 纯手工翻译,希望采纳 ...



呼中区18887055601: 请高手帮忙将下面两段中文翻译成英文,万分感激!1、我们现在正经历一个人类历史上独一无二、令人振奋的时刻.科学与技术的发展使我们第一次有能力打... -
由项痢特:[答案] 1.We are undergoing an unique and exciting time in human history.The development of science and technology make us ...the world and establish a whole new world of peace and prosperity.We should cherish all of these. 2.Making use of world's ...

呼中区18887055601: 急!急!急!~有哪位好心人可以帮忙解决下啊???求下面一段话的英文翻译~~~本人万分感谢~ -
由项痢特: Good morning everybody!Are we all like animals? Has anyone in this room ever had a puppy? Ok, today I would like to...

呼中区18887055601: 求助哪位高手帮我翻译下面这段英文.万分感谢! -
由项痢特: 经过快速的判决,安迪进入了肖申克监狱终身服刑,丝毫没有假...

呼中区18887055601: 请帮忙翻译一下下面的英语段落 万分感谢!...
由项痢特: 使用摘要语句重申演讲者的核心主题和感情. 这不会意味着加入任何评估或建议,但它将帮助您查看的同意或不同意的地方,并总结出行动项目或对问题的立场.作为一个倾听者,要学会容忍的沉默. 这样会阻止您对别人说话的兴趣,过早的做出响应.

呼中区18887055601: 请帮我把下面段落翻译成英语
由项痢特: Since 1998, China's implementation of the seven years of continuous positive fiscal policy, in promoting economic growth and has played a significant role. Preliminary accounting, 2004 national GDP 136515 billion yuan, according to the ...

呼中区18887055601: 请给我翻译一下下面的段落,翻译成英语,谢谢了 -
由项痢特: 想请教一下老师,你提供的答案中这一句: "pallet has been finished in the production line before the examine cargo" 有没有语法错误呢?因为我总觉得 "pallet has been finished" 好像是指 pallet 的生产程序已经完成,而不是原文本来的意思.另外 "before the examine cargo" 是否应该改作 "before the cargo was examined" 才对呢?

呼中区18887055601: 请将以下段落翻译成英文
由项痢特: Old-time, miao people espousals, the bridegroom bride three late different lodge. Girl married date, the neighbors sisters gather, sing songs, to express absence miao sentiment. The man, the woman "when yingqin high kiss" (men and women of...

呼中区18887055601: 求英语大虾帮忙把下面这段汉语翻译成英语,万分感谢为了适应国家经济
由项痢特: In order to adapt to the national economy, science and technology, social ... ", the Ministry of Education in the "11th Five-Year Plan" period will focus on selecting the best ...

呼中区18887055601: 请把下面段落翻译成英文本人对事物有自己独到的见解,适应变化的能力强.对事情认真负责,有强烈的责任感和创新意识,有着很强的适应能力和学习能力... -
由项痢特:[答案] I have my own unique insights on things, the abilities to adapt any change. I always take a serious and responsible attitude to what I do. I have developed a strong sense of responsibility and innovation. I have a high level of adaptability and learning ability...

呼中区18887055601: 帮忙把下面的段落译成英文.谢谢.我英文程度太差了! -
由项痢特: meeting you is the very beginning of the amazing change in my life.there is no perfect endings in love stories.if i'm not allowed to be in love with you, much more time is meaningless.i just wanna...love you regardless of anything.i don't care other ...

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