
作者&投稿:姜施 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)


1. 我们面对的是这么一个状况,要么接受自己的卑微,要么和政府战斗。
2. 当时,住在约翰尼斯堡必须要有通行证。
3. 我没有加薪,但这并非我离开的理由。
4. 我们已经沦落到几乎没有任何权利的地步。


XXX Company(你公司的名称), ranking as the most completive one in this domain, owns a variety of advanced equipments of manufacturing, processing, examination and experimenting, which are introduced form Germany, England, America, France, Japan, Switzerland, etc.
Our first –class assembly lines, which ensuring the smallest error rate for the assembly process while enlarging output in large scale, provide a guarantee for the stability of products’ quality.

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The company has from national introduction the and so on the Germany,England, America, date, law, Switzerland first-class manufacture, theprocessing, the examination, experiments each kind of equipment,causes the company to become in the profession most to have one ofcompetitive ability enterprises. The first-class assembly productionline, while largely enhances the output, the artificial examinationand the installation error will fall to is lowest, has provided thepowerful safeguard for the product quality stability


The company own from virtuous,English,USA,the day,method,Switzerland etc. nation usher in of top-grade manufacturing,process,examine,experiment each kind of equipments, make the company become profession inside have one of the business enterprise of the competition ability most .Top-grade assemble production line, at significant exaltation yield of in the meantime, artificial of the examination and the assemble error margin decline to lowest, provided an emollient guarantee for the stability of the product quality.

Company owner from Germany, Britain, the United States, Japan, France, Switzerland and other countries to introduce the first-class manufacturing, processing, inspection, test various equipment enable companies to become one of the industry's most competitive enterprises. Class assembly production line in a substantial increase in output at the same time, to minimize human error detection and assembly. to provide a strong guarantee for the stability of product quality.

Company owner from Germany, Britain, the United States, Japan, France, Switzerland and other countries to introduce the first-class manufacturing, processing, inspection, test various equipment enable companies to become one of the industry's most competitive enterprises. Class assembly production line in a substantial increase in output at the same time, to minimize human error detection and assembly. to provide a strong guarantee for the stability of product quality. 就是这了

2.My school training combined with my practice in the factories should qualify me for this particular job. I am sure I will be successful. 我在研究所的训练,加上实习工作,使我适合这份工作。我相信我能成功。上面是独立的两个句子,先说第一句:My school training combined with my ...

1.我爱的人在海的那边 내가 사랑하는 사람은 바다 저쪽에 있다(있어요\/있습니다)2.在你身后这样看着你就是幸福 ...

1、Mr yang requires the students to talk about Health in English in class so that let them know more about this passage on Health.2、I am often have a stomachache,especially on a irregular diet.Everytime i suffer so pain that i can not go on with the work when it comes....

1. Then I helped him manage to find his mother.2. His mother appreciated me a lot.3. So I wish everyone could be ready to help others so that the world will be filled with love.使世界充满爱用“let”这个词不甚妥当,有中式英语之嫌。以后有什么问题,你可以通过百度向我发消息...

정하고 시간은 영구하기 때문이다.】4.当一个人习惯高昂着头,他就为任何的选择做好了准备 【한사람이 습관적으로...

(7)人不知:此句不完整,没有说出人不知道什么。缺少宾语。一般而言,知,是了解的意思。人不知,是说别人不了解自己。(8)愠:音yùn,恼怒,怨恨。曾子曰:“吾日三省(xǐng)吾身:为人谋而不忠乎?与朋友交而不信乎?传不习乎?” 《学而》曾子说:"我每天多次地反省自己:替别人办事是不是...

汉译英 麻烦帮我翻译一篇短文,单词尽量用常见的,句子结构不要太复杂,简...
When I got that he's gone,I cried my heart out alone in the dorm.I called my best friend.She brought chocolate cakes for me. We went to the noodle house, drink bar,and KTV.Wherever we go,I recall those days shared with him.It's he that took me to the noodle house ...

1. 非常对不起,给您添麻烦了。ご迷惑をおかけいたしまして、申し訳ございません。go me wa ku wo o ka ke i ta si ma si te,mo u si wa ke go za i ma sen.2. 很抱歉,我不知道该怎么说了,因为我的日语水平有限。ごめんなさい。日本语があまり上手ではないものなので、ど...

麻烦大家帮我翻译几个句子 由中文转化成英文 谢谢
1 I remember the good weather day, sunny, is Friday. Feeling very excited, very pleased with the school, but also a lot of pressure. They need to study hard.2 school some time ago he did not seize the moment and fun, not spend time on learning, to the end of a very ...

on well with others.3,我经常帮助别人,只要别人有帮助,而我做得到,我都会向他伸手 I always help others. If anybody needs my help,and I can do that, I will give him a hand.英语翻译追求神意相符,并不是每个字都要翻译到。而且尽可能要简洁,用越简单的句子表达你想法是比较好。

合江县15964936921: 麻烦帮我翻译一下这个句子吧,翻译成英语.谢谢啦!!!
悟品血速: 这个 "朋友"在国外没这样说法.我有在网上和中国人买过东西,他叫我 friend 我感觉好别扭,我心里想 I'm not your friend. 哈哈,各国文字用法不同吧.你就这么说, Hello, because of our time difference, I may not be online when you contact ...

合江县15964936921: 麻烦帮我英语翻译一下以下句子,谢谢 -
悟品血速: sorry i slept early last night. got it until get up. LOL u r sooo cute! i believe u do not forget me i am busy with exams,so much to recite! forgive me if i don't reply you quickly.and i am thinking about the video you said last time. how soon can i have a look?looking forward :) 我觉得这样比较符合和外国人聊天~我平时就这样跟我外国朋友这样发的~

合江县15964936921: 麻烦各位帮我翻译一句话,谢谢!
悟品血速: If you don't leave me ,I will not abandon you.

合江县15964936921: 你好,麻烦你帮我翻译一段话,谢谢你
悟品血速:"你好,请问如何了---Hello, how is it getting on? " 谢谢!

合江县15964936921: 麻烦帮我翻译下如下句子?...
悟品血速: I will teach you a sentences today: It is from hamlet from the Shakespeare. I like it very much, hope you will like it too. 呵呵 就是这样啦·

合江县15964936921: 麻烦帮我翻译几个句子.英文 -
悟品血速: 1.我不要想,我不要听,我不要面对没有你的日子.I do not want to think /ponder .neither do I want to listen, I do not want to face the days without you2.不管你在哪,要记住我的心在为你跳动.No matter where you are ,Do remember that my heart...

合江县15964936921: 帮我翻译几个句子!谢谢! 请帮我翻译以下几个句子!谢谢!翻译几个也行!1.她这次考试失败使他意识到定期复习功课是多么重要(make)2.请一定不要... -
悟品血速:[答案] 1.她这次考试失败使他意识到定期复习功课是多么重要(make) Her failure from this test made her realize how important it is to review on regular basis. 2.请一定不要忘记离家前你父母对你说过的话. Please don't forget what you parents said before you...

合江县15964936921: 麻烦大家帮我把这几句话翻译成英语谢谢!~只要你快乐就是我最大的幸福,全世界你是我的最爱,让我牵着你的手直到永远.我会用一生的时间来爱你.谢谢... -
悟品血速:[答案] Making you happy is my greatest happiness. you're my love among the world. Hold my hand,I'll love you with my all life

合江县15964936921: 麻烦帮我翻译一段话,翻译成英文.谢谢!
悟品血速: The earth is our common homeland of humanity to protect home environment is the responsibility of the people, but also duty-bound high school students responsibility, in order to have a better environment, we need to protect every inch of land on ...

合江县15964936921: 麻烦帮我用英语翻译一段话,谢谢 -
悟品血速: I still love you, though uttered that hate you, in fact, I just want to use this as a way to alleviate their suffering, yes, I can be very selfish .. I really love love you , The former I naive to think that we will go hand in hand last, but now I began to fear that, over ...

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