汉译英 麻烦帮我翻译一篇短文,单词尽量用常见的,句子结构不要太复杂,简单明了就好,谢谢了。

作者&投稿:调泼 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

His name is Wang Liqin.His family name is wang.His birthday is in June,1978. He is 186 cm tall.He likes listening to music and seeing the movies.He began playing basketball when he was six years old.When he was 13,he went into the team of Shanghai.He went into the team of the country in 1996.He is my favorite sports player.

when I was young, my mother told me that I have to learn how to care for others. Now I've grown up and I get a more profound understanding of this.

To care for others can begin with doing small things. For example, some encouraging words, a cup of delicious hot tea or just a friendly movement, all these can make people feel warm. The person being cared for experiences warm while the persons offers caring will feel happy.

When your father return home after whole day's work, will you go and care for him . Will you go and get a cup of hot for him? when your mother finishes the hard housework, will you go and care for her and massage her tiring arms? when your friend has been studying for a whole day and finishes the exercise, will you cere for her and give her an encouraging wmile?

Let's learn to care for others, care for everyone around us , for people need love , for others. Let's make a better world !

When I got that he's gone,I cried my heart out alone in the dorm.I called my best friend.She brought chocolate cakes for me. We went to the noodle house, drink bar,and KTV.Wherever we go,I recall those days shared with him.It's he that took me to the noodle house for the first time;it's the drinkbar that we always went to;it's the KTV where I accept his love.I've been talking about him and I know I couldn't put him down.

去面馆吃面,去水吧喝水,去KTV唱歌..汉语可以这么说,英文里稍显罗嗦了 毕竟通过文字传递的是感情是吧?所以改动了下 上面是精简版,

When I realized that he had already left me, I sat alone in the bedroom, crying hardly. I called to my best friend ,then she came to see me with a chocolate cake. She had acompany with me , eating noodles in a noodle shop ,drinking in a water bar,singing in KTV.However,wherever we go, there are all full of our memories of him. Noodle shop was the one where we first went in. The water bar was frequented went in. The KTV is the place where I promise to love with him. I was saying the things about him,and I knew I was hard to forget it.

When I realized that he has left me, I cried in the dorm alone, and called my best friend. She came to see me with chocolate cake. She went to the noodle restaurant, water bar, and KVT with me. However, wherever I go, I can recall the time with him. The noodle restaurant is the place I went for the first time with him, the water bar is where we often went together, and the KTV is where I promised to be his girl friend. I kept on telling the stories with him, I know it is hard for me to forget.

When I realized he had left me, I sat alone in the bedroom crying, a best friend called, she came to see me with a chocolate cake, she went with me to eat noodles noodle shop to bar to drink water water, to KTV to sing, but no matter they go, all my memories of him come. Noodle House is the first time he took me to a noodle restaurant, bar is frequented water bar, KTV is my promise with him for the KTV, I say a thing about him, I knew I was tryin.

I wailed in the dormitory lonely when I knew he left me .I called to my best friend and she came to see me with chololate cake ,to eat noodles in the noodle house ,to drink water in the water bar, to sing in the KTV. wherever we go ,I can recall him . The noodle house is the place he dated me the first time ,the water bar is the bar we used to go ,the KTV is the place I was his girlfriend . I told his story and hold those memories close at hand.

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郑苏甲氧: 很抱歉那么晚才给您回信.我到现在还没有收到试卷.你可以通过邮箱再给我发一遍吗?我的邮箱是:XXXXX.谢啦.I am so sorry that reply you so late. I haven't received any exam paper so far. Could you send me a copy of it by e-mail? My e-mail address is XXXXX. Thanks.

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