
作者&投稿:吕甄 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
~ A poor hu *** and and wife for each other in the holidays to send gifts and gone to great pains to e up with a final gift to not use: a sold gold watch for his wife bought a b, a hair cut root for her hu *** and bought a watch chain. Nick was "a gift of the Magi," the plot is not plicated, the authors use a coincidence, and suspense, so that the plot is not plicated, full of change, capturing the imagination: the dawn of Christmas Day, a poor hu *** and and wife sacrifice their most precious things to buy each other gifts are no longer such a useful story, suspense and the plot of the coincidence set up to readers to look forward to the feeling of flu and the unexpected, so praise the heroine pure love, reflects the human side of the United States. 萨尔丹once said: "What is love, love is boundless tolerance, some things can bring joy. Love is the goodwill of the unconscious, a plete self-fetting." Novelist O Henry's "Gift of the Magi "out on the true meaning of love. A pair of *** all hu *** and and wife when the advent of Christmas, both sides are prepared not to find a gift to his wife to her hu *** and Jim's hair with a b, sold their gold watch, bought a b, his wife Germany pull her hu *** and's gold watch in order to sell their own hair, bought a watch chain, when they exchanged gifts, only to find themselves the other side of the gift is not necessary, this is not the case, they have been more than a b and bracelets precious gift - love. A spring sowing, the harvest of a spring, so that we gave love it! Let love bee the main theme of our lives!

认真读完一本著作后,大家心中一定是萌生了不少心得,这时就有必须要写一篇读后感了!是不是无从下笔、没有头绪?以下是我整理的《青鸟》读后感,仅供参考,欢迎大家阅读。 《青鸟》读后感1 幸福是什么?健康?还是快乐?我有幸读到了莫里斯·梅特林克笔下的《青鸟》。这本书有一个美丽好的结局——主人公蒂蒂尔和米蒂尔获...

过圣诞节了,旺达寄来一封信,叫老师把其中特殊的两幅画送给佩琪和玛蒂埃。经过她俩仔细观察,才发现旺达是多么爱她们。 看了这本书,我想告诉大家:当你拥有一颗真诚、善良的心,一视同仁的态度和宽容的胸怀时,才会找到属于你的一百条“裙子”。让我们一起去寻找生活中的真谛吧! 《一百条裙子》读后感2 今天,我读了...

她分别给佩琪和玛蒂埃每人一条她画的裙子作为礼物。回到家里,佩琪和玛蒂埃发现,原来裙子上画的人物正是她们自己! 《一百条裙子》的读后感8 《一百条裙子》讲的是旺达.佩特罗斯基住在波金山的乡间小路边,在学校里受到同学们的冷嘲热讽,唯一的原因是——名字太独特奇怪了。有一天旺达说她家有100条裙子,大家不相信,...

读完某一作品后,相信大家的收获肯定不少,何不写一篇读后感记录下呢?可能你现在毫无头绪吧,以下是我收集整理的爱的教育读后感,希望能够帮助到大家。 爱的教育读后感1 在寒假,我读了同学们推荐的书——《爱的教育》。读了它之后我感触良多。本书以一个小学生日记的形式,以高尚的感情,挚爱的笔调书写了一个个爱的...

读完某一作品后,从中我们可以吸收新的思想,记录下来很重要哦,一起来写一篇读后感吧。但是读后感有什么要求呢?以下是我帮大家整理的《爱的教育》读后感,希望能够帮助到大家。 《爱的教育》读后感1 《爱的教育》是一本博爱的小说,书中的每一个故事都充满了爱,细细品读之后,我感到爱无处不在。在我们的生活中、玩耍...

米开朗琪罗传 读书笔记
书籍简介 米开朗琪罗的遭遇悲惨,仍然坚持雕塑.他的大量作品显示了写实基础上非同寻常的理想加工,成为整个时代的典型象征。他的艺术创作受到很深的人文主义思想和宗教改革运动的影响,常常以现实主义的手法和浪漫主义的幻想,表现当时市民阶层的爱国主义和为自由而斗争的精神面貌。米开朗琪罗的艺术不同于达·...



就拿我来说吧,我有一个同学很喜欢我的一条手链,这条手链也是我最喜欢的,虽然有点舍不得,我还是在她生日那天把手链送给了她,她收到礼物后非常高兴,看到她开心的样子,我的心里也由衷地感到快乐:原来,幸福快乐是这么简单的事情! 《青鸟》读后感600字3 这些天我读了一本书,这本书的名字叫《青鸟》。它的作者...

《青鸟》读后感8 今天,我得到了一本梦寐以求的书——《青鸟》! 这本书主要讲的是:狄狄家庭特别困难,圣诞节爸爸妈妈没能给他们准备圣诞礼物,两个孩子懂事的睡在床上,他们梦见了有钱人家的圣诞树和 许许多多的礼物。羡慕极了!这时仙女贝丽吕娜来到他们家,请求他们俩为她的女儿找到一只全身青色的鸟——用来治好...

阜南县18643704958: 求麦琪的礼物的英语读后感 -
常琰凯思: Love——The Most Precious Thing My Impression of The Gift of the Magi The Gift of the Magi is a short story wrote by O.Henry.This story tells that in the day before Christmas,a poor young couple exchanged gifts by sold the most precious thing of ...

阜南县18643704958: 麦琪的礼物,英文读后感 ,有谁可以帮忙改通顺点,.急O.Henry(O.Henry,1862 - 1910)Author:Formerly sydney Porter (William Sydney Porter),the United States,... -
常琰凯思:[答案] O.Henry (O.Henry,1862-1910) Author: Formerly sydney Porter (William Sydney Porter),the United States,one of the most ... " and so on.Some famous article,such as "love,sacrifice," "Cop and the Anthem","furnished room","Gift of the Magi," ...

阜南县18643704958: 求《白牙》、《麦田守望者》、《麦琪的礼物》英文读后感有句子的摘抄,片段的英文读后感,一定是英文的哦!一二百字左右.谢 -
常琰凯思:[答案] 麦琪的礼物Formerly sydney Porter (William Sydney Porter), the United States, one of the most famous short story, and was hailed as the Manhattan critics crown prose writer and the father of modern American short story. He came from the United ...

阜南县18643704958: 五年级暑假英语读后感 -
常琰凯思: 《麦琪的礼物》英文读后感Impression of "The Gift of the Magi" It's a short story by O.Henry that has moved me for a long time.Maybe most of you are familar with its name,that is,The Gift of the Magi.I have read it many times but every time I like to...

阜南县18643704958: 麦琪的礼物的英文书评 -
常琰凯思: 100 Selected Stories by O Henry was bought at Foreign Bookstore at Wangfujing last year. And then, a scheme of reading an article a day flew into my mind. It was a tremendous pity for me not to possess sufficient determination as before. Only ...

阜南县18643704958: 读<麦琪的礼物>有感 -
常琰凯思: 他们用自己美丽的心灵赠给对方的是一件无价之宝.而这件无价之宝,确实世间任何自认聪明或富有的人永远不会,也不能给予的礼物. 圣诞节是西方国家最重要的节日之一.每年的12月25日,人们都会在欢乐的气氛中互赠礼物以表祝福.那...

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