
作者&投稿:巢蒲 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
~ 1.Around the mountains and rivers scattered, only to find that you are the world spark.        绕过江山错落,才发现你是人间星火。

2.If can continue to love you, I choose to leave you.                                                          如果可以继续爱你,我选择离开你。

3.One is willing to wait, the other is willing to show up.                                                            一个人愿意等待,另一个人才愿意出现。

4.As long as it is you, what would I not like.    只要是你,我有什么不愿意。

5.Heard that it is very easy to be happy, as could be diluted with time going on.                听说幸福很简单,简单到时间一冲就冲淡。

6.I am okey is the biggest lie of girls.                我很好,是一个女孩最大的谎言。

7.lost your arms, call me what to do.                失去了你的怀抱,叫我如何是好。

8.Regret not holding hands, regret not embracing.                                                        后悔没有多牵手,后悔没有多拥抱。

9.Love is like a glass of liquor, when the first man knocked over,you can only add some water to the second man.                                  感情就像一杯烈酒,当被第一个人打翻后,你就只能掺些水给第二个人。

9.The more familiar with you, the more you know where to poke will make you pain.        越是熟悉你的人,越知道捅哪里会让你痛。

10.Love is like an hourglass, with the heart filling up as the brain empties.                          爱情就像沙漏,心满了,脑子就空了。

11.That awkward moment when you listen someone lies to your face when you already know the truth.                                                  令人尴尬的是,当你已经知道真相,他却当着你的面撒谎。

12.Women have a kind of nostalgia, never give up love.                                                      女人有一种怀旧情结,永不放弃的爱。

13.Who is who who who is regardless of personal danger,persistent life.                        谁会为谁奋不顾身,谁会为谁执着一生。

14.Everything's here but you're gone.                一切如故,但你已离去。

15.I know I do not leave you, so I utter not a single word.                                                        我深知我留不住你,所以我不言不语。

16.I wait you back, or in my hear.                    我在等,等你回头,或等我死心。

17.The years I spent with you were the days when I could wake up laughing in my dreams.                                                              和你在一起的那几年,是我做梦都能笑醒的日子。

18.Love wrong turn back,while it is not dark, while you remember the way.                          爱错了就回头吧,趁天还没黑,趁你记得路。

19.Now I don't want to make do with loving someone.                                                          现在的我,还不想凑合地爱一个人。

20.Meet is two people,but leave is a person's decision.                                              遇见是两个人的事,离开却是一个人的决定。

21.The weather suddenly cools, so it's time to turn the story.                                                天气突然变凉,故事也该翻篇了。

22.I've had a dream. It's the day and night before you go.                                                    我做过黄粱一梦,是你走前的朝朝暮暮。

23.Sometimes, love is also a kind of hurt. Cruel people, choose to hurt others,good people, choose to hurt yourself.                        有时,爱也是种伤害.残忍的人,选择伤害别人,善良的人,选择伤害自己。

24.Thank you for your care, i know the way.    多谢你的不在乎,知道了我的自作多情。

求解释 求翻译 致命的温柔 用英语怎么说
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2、Your feet will soon warm up once you get indoors. 你一进屋,脚就会很快暖和起来。 2. 温暖的英文短句 You are not alone for I am here with...爱是一种无尽的宽恕,是一束缠绕在心头的温柔的目光。19. Absence is to love what wind is to fire. It extinguishes the small, it kindles the ...

谢谢你给我的温柔 thank you for your femininity (care更好,因为英文里表示温柔的确有温柔的词,最好不要直接翻译,否则没什么意境了.但你如果非要直翻,就用femininity)让我如此憾动 i was really shocked 我要对你深深的心动 i would show my passion(直接翻译不好听!)因为符出的努力有人能懂 b...

1、多可惜,今晚风很温柔,你没陪我走走。What a pity that you didn't accompany me to walk while the wind was so gentle in this evening.2、每个人都会心情不好,有些人只是比别人更会隐藏而已。Everyone goes through emotional problems, some people are just better at hiding it than ...

The sun knows: the persistence of sunflower. Moved the soil.本文整理了超温柔的英文神仙句子,欢迎阅读。爆红的英文句子 1、My heart is with you.我的爱与你同在。2、You are my sweet-heart.你是我的宝贝。3、You light up my life.你照亮我的生命。4、You make my heart smile.我...

多指女性。通常用于形容个人的性情温和体贴。和善既是待人的一种形象描绘,更是人的内在品行的体现。既是对弱者的同情、怜悯、慈悲,对他人的关心、付出、贡献,也是对自我价值的肯定与主动鼓励。二、温柔善良双语例句 1、我想你能温柔善良,能给予需要的人拥抱和鼓励。I'd want you to be compassionate...

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搁浅 strandedYears °诠释了苍白透明°Transparent °指尖的温度°IceAlone.孤单的小花、Not qualifiedblack| ┃没资格) ̄Melody 最后的微笑°finally ile 温柔 |▍ Gentle 怀念 2amor ▍ A monologue. 独白。╭流言。GossipDeception" 欺骗 keyLock ≡醉眼\/\/ WhiteInComposure – {淡定丶冷情绪...

镇原县18043749845: 英语短句文案温柔治愈 -
坚夏晴达: 1、Say love is too early, like it.说爱太早,喜欢就好. 2、As long as you need me,I will still stay.只要你需要我,我会一直在. 3、Hans your smile, had been flurried my time passag.谢谢你的微笑,曾慌乱过我的年华. 4、Live your life and ...

镇原县18043749845: “温柔”的英文
坚夏晴达: 温柔[简明汉英词典] [wēnróu] 1. blandness 2. femininity 3. gentilesse 4. softness

镇原县18043749845: 温柔用英语怎么说?怎么写?是reiting -
坚夏晴达: 温柔 1. tender 2. gentle and soft

镇原县18043749845: 温柔英语怎么说
坚夏晴达: gentle

镇原县18043749845: 文案温柔
坚夏晴达: 1、最幸福的时候是冬天躲在被窝里,超级无敌幸福的时候是还在你怀里.2、你是我期待又矛盾的梦想,抓住却不能拥抱的风,想喝又怕醉的酒.3、其实我想做一个坏人,因为只想对你一个人好.4、我可以把所有的爱都给你,因为你就是我此生最爱.5、你有没有闻到什么烧焦的味道?那是我的心在燃烧.6、如果你是一只候鸟,我愿化作你的羽翼伴你南飞北渡,为你遮挡风雨.7、想与你坠星河,弃世间烟火.8、喜欢一个人的感觉,大概就是听别人讨论爱情,我只想起你.9、喜欢你,特别喜欢,所以才整个人都栽给了你.10、鹤归孤山,你归我.

镇原县18043749845: 请教朋友们:我喜欢你的温柔 怎样用英语翻译最恰当 -
坚夏晴达: 1.I am attracted by your tenderness.2.I have lost myself in your tenderness.3.I like your tenderness.

镇原县18043749845: 文案英语咋说 -
坚夏晴达: 楼主若指职位的话 ,文案---copywriter楼主若指物体的话 文案---document

镇原县18043749845: 很想念你的温柔英文怎么?很想念你的温柔英文怎么写
坚夏晴达: 很想念你的温柔 I miss your tenderness. 望采纳 !!!!

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