
作者&投稿:城从 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

David Pye的工作包含设计者和制造者两个方面。他(所设计制造)的碗和箱子是易于理解的样式,这些碗和箱子显得简约----相对于理解某些现代艺术。他展现的是工艺设计(实用的物品)而不是艺术。一般说来,现代的手工艺分为了两个派别,一个派别制造可以使用或者看起来可以被使用的物品,另一个派别制造一些显然无法使用却很有可能成为一个伟大艺术品的物品。这种区分(方式)是过激的(钻牛角尖),因为存在即是合理。

Upper Cave Man from 50 million years ago began sewing clothes, culture and also associated with human development, "Li Li Yan Huang Wudi from the freshman, things from the Sui imperial ceremony, ceremony were from the Yellow Emperor," said. Secretaries of the earliest "official historian", the ceremony began to formal modalities. Father and son are close, there are righteous monarch, couples are different, and seniority, friends, faith, this "Five Code" has sufficient system of norms that was etiquette.
About Shang and Zhou, Dian-made ritual began. Secretary of the earliest institutions of "Tai Shi Liu," The establishment of the first recorded 'ceremony' of the books, "Zhou" the emergence of the "three rites" popular, marking the ancient manners into the mature period.
Spring and Autumn Period, the great philosophers of Li implementation of thinkers such as Confucius and Mencius thoughts constitute the ritual the basic spirit of traditional Chinese culture, laid the foundation of the ancient ritual culture.
Formed in the Qin and Han dynasties of feudal ritual and the "three cardinal guides and the five permanent members" of the proposed period of Qing Dynasty to the Republic of China, science, democracy, self-esteem, the concept of equality and etiquette standards corresponding to spread and promotion.
May Fourth Movement onwards, the Chinese pay more attention to etiquette absorption strengths of the current international etiquette, for my own use.


1. The boy sitting next to the window is reading a novel which is based on imaginative stories.
2. He robbed the bank 1 million yuan in the past several years.
3. The movie had started for 20 minutes when I arrived the cinema out of breath.
4. Not only me but also Jim had gone to Beijing.

The boy sitting by the window is reading a fiction based on an imagitive story.
In the past years he has robbered 1 million yuan

I don't know why 我不知道为什么 You want to follow me tonight 你昨天晚上想要和我一起走 When the rest of the world 当世界休息的时候 With whom I've crossed and I've quarreled 和一个我曾经了解,曾经吵过的人 Let's me down so 就让我这样下去 For a thousand reasons that I ...

more from you in the days to come.3. If there are any mistakes in my spoken English, please help me correct and improve.给个小建议:如果你是跟老外沟通,大可不必如此谨小慎微,因为英语不是你的语言啊!你说得不好很正常的,他们会理解的。当然,工作关系除外。希望对你有帮助 ...

英语高手们帮我翻译一句话,有关be subject to
subject to 易受 ... 影响的,屈服于 ... 的,让步于 ...这句话的意思是“电视节目如有变更,恕不另行通知”

我来回答:章子宜来自于中国,她有着甜美的微笑和坚强的意志。a strong will是坚强的意志的意思 She has starred in many famours movies.她在许多著名的电影里扮演了女主角。starred的原形是star,它可以做动词,有演主角的意思。

Many houses in this city have been on fire in the earthquake.Professor went through the student's paper carefully.The police pull the man who is on the motor up to check his drive license.都用到了,自己翻译的,你看看参考一下吧,再根据自己的意见可以进行修改,英语翻译可以有多种...

Big City Nights 大都市之夜 When the daylight is falling down into the night当白天到夜间,是掉下 And the sharks try to cut a big piece out of life而大鲨鱼设法削减出一幅人生 It feels alright to go out to catch an outrageous thrill因此感觉还好出门赶上了令人发指笳 But its more...

conversation that is of importance when we are seeking to develop our reading to meet the new demands being placed upon us by studying at a higher level.3。准确来说,正是这种对话的重要性时,我们寻求提高阅读满足放置在我们在更高层次学习的新要求。参考资料:人肉翻译,错了莫怪我。

If bitten by a snake, taking first aid is very important. 如果被蛇咬了,采取急救非常重要。The steps should be Calm down, Ligate, Flush and Squeeze the venom out.步骤应该是 冷静,结扎,冲洗和挤出蛇毒。(下文中,把步骤的关键词全部大写,表示强调。)1, CALM DOWN. Don't run or do...

Love, we witness a beautiful, happy, happy, accompany us through this section of a wonderful time, even though time is so short, I am also very happy

The Spring Festival is my favorate festival. During this season, people will decorate their houses wiht many ornaments, pleasantly dress up and call from door to door, sending blessings, and children will get money as a gift. It is a traditional festival for us Chinese. I am ...

白银区13813322468: 拜托英语高手帮忙翻译一下...
雀便克塞: To wish you were someone else is to waste the person you are: ~ 如果你奢望你是另外一个人,那你就等于浪费了你自己这个人.. 意思就是说,不要总是想当别人,因为其实自己也是很伟大的~

白银区13813322468: 拜托英语高手,帮忙翻译!急急急~~~
雀便克塞: XiYangHong aged-living apartment 's Limited Company for mulitiple development,Jianshi County

白银区13813322468: 拜托各位英语高手帮忙翻译几个句子 -
雀便克塞: 我要拿回原属于我的一切! I wanna retrieve the whole shoot supposed to be mine!我要将我面前的一切障碍,粉碎! I wanna smash all the obstacles in my presence!我要将所有看不起我的人踩在脚下! I wanna trample those who look down ...

白银区13813322468: 请高手帮忙翻译一下!!拜托! -
雀便克塞: The Electronic Commerce development in in the homeland is very prompt , existence also is burning while he bringing opportunity to opportunity enterprise much's risk, r...

白银区13813322468: 拜托,请英语高手翻译下..拜托了```
雀便克塞: 同样上楼的说法..不过..翻译如下: Be afraid to be ignored very much. . 很害怕自己被忽略 Be afraid that you are me away from but go to very much. . 很害怕你会离我而去. Have words to speak very face to face ": Care about increasingly , lose right ...

白银区13813322468: 拜托英语高手帮忙翻译!1,看那乌云,暴风雨马上就要来了!2,该是
雀便克塞: 1,看那乌云,暴风雨马上就要来了! Look at the (thick) dark clouds. It's going to rain at once. 2,该是你上床睡觉的时间了! It's high time that you went to bed. 3,只要你幸...

白银区13813322468: 英语高手们能否帮我小弟翻译几个句子!拜托了各位!能否帮忙翻译一下句子:1.如果我有做的不对的,希望您第一时间提出,我会改正的2.以后就多多指教... -
雀便克塞:[答案] 1.If I ever do anything wrong,please point it out to me.I'll surely correct it. 2.Hope I can learn more from you in the days to come... 给个小建议:如果你是跟老外沟通,大可不必如此谨小慎微,因为英语不是你的语言啊!你说得不好很正常的,他们会理解...

白银区13813322468: 请高手帮忙翻译一句话~~谢谢了~ -
雀便克塞: 英文中有个习语叫put oneself in sb's shoes 设身处地为他人着想或 put oneself in sb's placePut yourself in my shoes, and then perhaps you'll stop complaining. 你设身处地为我想一想,也许就不会再抱怨了.Try to put yourself in his shoes. ...

白银区13813322468: 求英语高手帮忙翻译几句出几句英文~拜托了~急!
雀便克塞: 1Your smile, clean not contain a precipitation. 2You smile radian, is one of the most beautiful I've ever seen. 3The most beautiful smile bloomed, you, your most important or sad. 4Smile with modest delivers the most sincere thanks. 5With natural ...

白银区13813322468: 英语高手帮忙翻译下几个句子!拜托了!...
雀便克塞: 1. I don't want you with that poor boy together! 2. I know you have a lover, you still want forever with him 3 you crave your sister-in-law beauty, still have the ambition to her. 4 he wants from his brother hand over family business

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