英语高手们帮我翻译一句话,有关be subject to

作者&投稿:蒸辰 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)




In accordance with what Chinese law regulates ,Whoever makes noises to affect others' normal life will be the first to be given a warning ; if the warning does not work on the person , This person will be fined 200-500RMB .As far as I have known , Money is not a problem for you , however, Please be much aware that you not only stand for yourself but also represent the image of your country.

Over couples of months , I am being harassed by the noises that are made by you every day , I would like to inform you here : If you don't stop making those noises immediately, I will solve the problem between us by means of legal procedures . Don't think that you are foreigners and you can enjoy the privilege in China and you can do whatever you want to do to make those noise to affect others' lives .If you disagree with me , The person who will come to knock at your door is the policeman .

subject to
易受 ... 影响的,屈服于 ... 的,让步于 ...



be subject to受支配,从属于;常遭受…;有…倾向的

be subject to:这里的会受到



但是我, 我, 我 [01:58.86]Ill have you just the way you are 我会随便你过你的方式 [02:02.88]Ill have you just the way you are 我会随便你过你的方式 [02:07.41]Ill take you just the way you are 我会随便你过你的方式 [02:11.93]Does anybody love the way you are ...

俺は妻がいますよ 高手们帮忙翻译一下
我有一个妻子。I do have a wife.我妻子在哟 至于我,有妻子 I have the wife.我有一个妻子 ---这是几个不同的翻译词典的翻译结果,请做参考吧

1 .中国のお茶の文化は儒家の思想を中核として、儒教、道教、仏教の一体、三者の间で相互补完の多い、相互の抵抗の少ないということによって、中国の茶文化の内容はとても豊富で、どのレベル、どの方面の话ができるマクロ编大论が来ても。日本の茶道、主に中国禅宗の思想を反映して、当然に...

-Watashi ha kotae wo shiritakunai.Kowai -我不想知道答案。好害怕 -Kotae ha wakaranai. demo, kotae ha Takusan aru!-不知道答案。但是答案有很多 -Nihon jinsei tetsugaku? soretomo Hiro no kangaekata?-日本的人生哲学?还是hiro你自己的想法?-Ima kangaete itta kotoba (warai)-现在刚...

意思有个地方不是很明确,仅供参考:写(画)的很漂亮。跟往常一样,睡觉前看画像时,……(笑)晚安,Hiro(人的名字,广,博等都是这个发音)我一直在追赶Hiro,Hiro在等我(笑)第一句话最后的みずかったえ 真的不知道什么意思,感觉不搭调,是不是写错了啊?才疏学浅,希望对你有一点点...

it's most happiest that be able to meet you in my life.我想我以后再也遇不到像你这样如此让我动心的男人了。i think i never meet the man that made my mind disturbed like you.我希望我们能永远幸福的走下去,并且携手创造好的未来,也要谢谢你在我最美的年龄给了我一段刻骨铭心的爱情...

Good morning, my name is Li Xinyi, this year 12years old, graduated from the Far East Second primary school, I was a lively and cheerful cheerful girl. I have many hobbies, such as reading, playing chess,; love history. I hope, I can in this school.Thank you.

帮我翻译一下名字 日语高手请进!
桜宇轩 さくらうけん(sakura uken)音译:洒哭啦 屋看 桜曦辰 さくらぎしん (sakura gishin)音译:洒哭啦 gi心(gi就直接拼过来就好了,实在没有中文对应~)顺便说一下,曦字日语有き(ki),ぎ(gi)两种读音,还有辰也是しん(shin)和じん(jin),所以所第二个名字也可以有别的读法~不过这样...

我的妈妈喜欢这个节日,她做了美味的月饼。我的爸爸也很喜欢这个节日,他唱着关于月亮的歌。他唱得很好听。我 人工翻译 的,求采纳

淮北市17845417836: 英语高手帮忙翻译几句话,跪谢!1、Be clear as to whether or not fringe, borders, or tassels are included in the overall measurement.2、If a textile has a ... -
笪狡森安:[答案] 1.弄清楚有关刘海,镶边,和流苏是否包含在整体的评价标准中. 2.如果织物有明显的堆叠或隆起效果,将之归结为三维立体型. 3.在最大尺码上进行测量.

淮北市17845417836: 中文翻译英语麻烦英语高手帮我翻译下这句话,我一定会努力成为你的英雄!谢谢! -
笪狡森安:[答案] I will try my best to be your hero!

淮北市17845417836: 请英语高手帮我翻译一句话,谢谢(汉译英) -
笪狡森安: Besides these countries on the map above,there are still long-termed and hospital guests in Canada and Poland.Meanwhile, we are looking forward for cooperation wit...

淮北市17845417836: 请英语高手帮我翻译几句话,要优美的像祝福语 -
笪狡森安: 1.You were born before I could prepare for it, but this does not mean you were an accidental surprise.3. Your innocence and curiosity were so adorable. I gradually fell in love you.5. I believe you will inherit my wit and your father's personality, if you ...

淮北市17845417836: 请英语高手帮我翻译几句话,谢谢(在线等) -
笪狡森安: 1. we will wait for your news2. we hope we can cooperate sucessfully , and set up a long business relationship3. welcome to come to our factory again.

淮北市17845417836: 英语高手请指教一句话翻译 -
笪狡森安: I'm promising.My parents will be proud of me and I'll be an honour to my family.be proud of 以……为骄傲be an honour to 是……的光荣

淮北市17845417836: 英语高手帮我用比较简单的语言翻译一段话: -
笪狡森安: Why do you love him so crazily in such a short time? Why do...

淮北市17845417836: 求英语高手帮我翻译一段话!十分感谢 -
笪狡森安: there is few belief between you and me , you always don't trust me,try to push me hard and fight with me for other person, we have too many problems,maybe you want to leave me ,you have not been trusting me for all these days ,no matter how i love ...

淮北市17845417836: 来个英语高手,帮我翻译一句话!
笪狡森安: 1:只做魏江的女人【译】a woman belongs to Weijiang only 2:一生只做魏江的女人!【译】a woman belongs to Weijiang only during her lifetime

淮北市17845417836: 英语高手帮下忙,帮我翻译并随意写几句话what pressures do you have now?how do you deal with them? -
笪狡森安: 1.Now for me ,the pressure is that i am a freshman.Many learning methods can not be accept very well.But i will try my best to adjust it and adapt to the envrionment.2.Of course there are some difficulties.For example sometimes i had to finish the ...

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