
作者&投稿:祖浦 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)



1. "supplier information form" . “供应商资料表格“
(please fill in attached 请填写附上的
vendor information form 供应商资料表格
and 并且
get back pdf file with signed) 在签属后以PDF档案格式回复
you have ues English. 您必须以英文填写表格

2. "Vendor Information Form 供应商信息表
(please fill in attached vendor information form 请填写附上的供应商信息表
and 并
get back both excel file and pdf file with signed 送还签署后的Excel与pdf档案文件

3. Provide us the Business Regsitration, 提交我们您的提供商务业登记证
Opening Bank Certificate, 开户行证
Tax Registration 税务登记证

4. If the bank account 如果银行交易帐户
if different from the opening bank certificate bank account , 要是银行开设帐户不同
pls provide us Bank statement. 请向我们提供银行对账单
Bank statement: (注)银行对账单:
please provide the bank statement which is 所提供的银行对账单必须是
the monthly statement of account between your company and your bank, 银行提供给贵公司的帐户月结单
such as attached template. 就如附加的模板

5. If you have cetification like ISO9001, ISO14001, pls provide us a pdf file with signed or your company chop. 如果贵公司曾授予ISO9001,ISO14001证书,请向提供与我们一份盖上公司印章的PDF格式副本。

It's so nice to hear from you! Merry Christmas and thanks for the Holiday wishes. I hope you had a fun time with your friends in Shenzhen 很高兴收到你的邮件!圣诞快乐,谢谢你的节日祝福。我希望你在深圳和朋友们玩得开心。Having lived over here in Asia for so many years, I'...


Dear all,Here is the updated progress on our project as of [Date]:- On Sep. 22, 2008, we requested samples from TTK.- On Sep. 23, 2008, TTK provided details of the stock availability for each item and requested an order to proceed with the purchase.- On Sep. 24, 2008...

1. "supplier information form" . “供应商资料表格“(please fill in attached 请填写附上的 vendor information form 供应商资料表格 and 并且 get back pdf file with signed) 在签属后以PDF档案格式回复 you have ues English. 您必须以英文填写表格 2. "Vendor Information Form 供应商信息...

to admit,when I first saw the trailers for this movie,I wasn't impressed.我必须承认,当我第一次看到了这部电影的预告片,我没有留下深刻的印象。I thought it was possibly going to be the lamest Pixar movie yet.我认为这是可能将成为lamest皮克斯电影呢。After I saw the film,I reali...

1、消防控制中心 Fire Control Center 2、保卫值班室 Security Guards' Office 3、变电所 Transformer Substation Room 4、直燃机室 Direct-Fired HVAC Room 5、发电机房 Generator Room 6、消防泵房 Fire Pump Room 7、直燃机泵房 Direct-Fired HVAC Pump Room 8、消防稳压泵房 Fire Pressure-...

【最后一次的样品】,可以直接翻译为:the last samples 【如果他们批准了样品】,翻译为被动语态结构最好,【批准了】翻译为【批准并接受】更符合全句意思表达。【做大货】应该是【生产大订单】。全句翻译为:Yes,we have been doing tests.The last samples have been sent to A-Ming in Hong ...

Jane Eyre is an orphan, childhood home of foster aunt, suffered bullying in every possible way. Later into the orphanage Lowood charity school, soul and body have experienced the pain of torture, but her indomitable will to complete their studies with outstanding results. In order to...

用英文翻译以下内容 急急!! 美国女权运动 妇女解放可用一定社会标准衡 ...
realize the modernization of housework, socialization. Ideology completely eliminate the roles of gender discrimination, establish a good social fashion respect women.参考例句 在就业机会方面,女性与男性在法律上享有平等的就业权利,但实际就业机会不平等。In employment opportunity, women and man en...

My height, weight and meter period. I hope to become kilograms, a member of the university, my motto is a 46-point.

江海区17656469654: 英语翻译麻烦翻译一下以下几个句子,谢拉!1.如果汽车到站了,请通知我一声2.请帮我叫一辆打表的的士3.请帮我把下面的地址写成泰文 -
翁丹胸腺:[答案] if the bus get to the station ,please tell me ..please take me a taxi with taximeter ...write down the address in thai please .你不是要去泰国吧.那的出租车分N种.好多司机不认路 ..

江海区17656469654: 英文翻译以下内容麻烦翻译,谢谢我们有生的那一天,就一定有死的那一刻.一般所说的苦,就若在生与死当中的这一段人生.人生中的是是非非,是又像非,... -
翁丹胸腺:[答案] since there are days when we are being born to this world,there must be days when death would finally fall upon to us.the hardship in our eyes generally refers to or takes place during this period of between our birth and death to which we call it life.life is ...

江海区17656469654: 麻翻译下以下内容,急用,麻烦了 -
翁丹胸腺: 1. "supplier information form" . “供应商资料表格“(please fill in attached 请填写附上的 vendor information form 供应商资料表格 and 并且 get back pdf file with signed) 在签属后以PDF档案格式回复 you have ues English. 您必须以英文填写表...

江海区17656469654: 麻烦请帮我翻译一下以下这段话可以吗^ - ^----------------------------------------\呃.我想要的东西不多,真的不多,就全世界,仅此而已,哈哈哈哈哈,开玩笑拉.其实... -
翁丹胸腺:[答案] 小翻译一下,如下: ehhhhh.what I want is pretty less,really less,just the whole world,just that.hahahaha,it is just a joke. the truth is there is nothing more I want if and only if you can make all the people happy,that's the most best presents for X--mas. 希望能...

江海区17656469654: 麻烦英语翻译一下这些话!急用! -
翁丹胸腺: 彻底觉悟,不能再松懈下去了.为自己美好的未来奋斗吧! The thorough consciousness, could not get down laxly again. For oneself glorious future struggle!这些,不重要.那些,很重要.These, are unimportant. These, are very important.

江海区17656469654: 麻烦翻译一下下面的 内容
翁丹胸腺: NUMPAD1 - UNLIMITED HEALTH 数字小键盘1:无限生命值 NUMPAD2 - UNLIMITED AMMO 数字小键盘2:无限装甲 NUMPAD3 - MAX PE POINTS 数字小键盘3:这个不太清楚,可能是你打错了吧?最大点数之类的 NUMPAD4 - ONE HIT ...

江海区17656469654: 麻烦翻译一下以下文字
翁丹胸腺: Since the Stone Age, people have been using fortifications and civil engineering. In the year before the ninth century, Europe has never been a real castle. However, due to the invasion against the Vikings, and dispersed the formation of the feudal ...

江海区17656469654: 麻烦各位英语高手翻译下面几句话,急用,非常感谢企业组织结构不断优化.目前在钢铁、有色金属、建材、纺织等行业已涌现出一大批技术含量高、规模效益... -
翁丹胸腺:[答案] Continuous optimization of organizational structure.Present in iron and steel, nonferrous metals, building materials, textile and other industries have emerged in a large number of high technological content, good large scale enterprises and enterprise ...

江海区17656469654: 麻烦翻译以下这段话,急需啊,谢谢老
翁丹胸腺: 怎麽我爱thee?Let 我计数ways.我 爱thee 对深度并且高度对我的灵魂可能到达, 当感觉在sight.For 外面是和理想的雍容的结尾.我爱thee 对everyday`s.Most 安静的需要的水平, 由太阳和烛光.我自由地爱thee, 因为人纯净地力争right;I 爱thee, 如同他们trun 从称赞.我爱thee 以激情被

江海区17656469654: 麻烦用英语翻译一下下面的内容,
翁丹胸腺: please transelate this in english

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