
作者&投稿:抄实 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

A FAMILY friend comes toyour school and says: “I’m here to take you out for lunch with your mom.” Willyou go with him or her?
uZhang Feiran, 13,didn’t go at once, although the friend is a teacher at his school.
ZHANG FERRAN,13岁,不会马上去,虽然那个朋友是他学校的老师。
Instead, he askedher to call his mom. Over the phone, he spoke to his mom and made sure it wastrue.

Friends joked that Zhangwas “too careful” .But being carefulto people you know is good,says a new guideline.

The All—China Women’s Federation recently announced a draft guideline about child protection. It’s asking for public opinion.

Some rules in the guideline sound familiar.For example, don’t easily believe in stangers and online information.
But some rules are surprising.

“Say no to anyone who hurts you, even if it’sa family member or people you know,”says the guideline.
Recently there are media reports aboutchildren being hurt by family members, family friends and even teachers. Manypeople think such a new rule is important.
Besides, the guideline reminds us thatyoung people are limited in abilities:“If there’s a danger ,run instead of staying there to help.”

In May, a junior high school student in Huizhou, Guangdong,fell into a river. Four of his classmates tried to save him. In the end, allthe five boys died.
The new guideline is up—to—date. But onlyremembering the rules is not enough , experts say.
“Young peopleneed to learn to deal with problems in life,”wrote the Yangtse Evening Post.

1.bemeficiary name 【收款人姓名】
2.beneficiary street address 【收款人街道地址】
3.beneficiary bank account 【收款人账户】
4.beneficiary bank address 【收款人账户所在银行地址】
5.beneficiary bank city 【收款人账户银行所在城市】
6.beneficiary bank swift code/souting/ABA 【收款人银行国际代码】


Fire Control Center
Security Guards' Office
Transformer Substation Room
Direct-Fired HVAC Room
Generator Room
Fire Pump Room
Direct-Fired HVAC Pump Room
Fire Pressure-Stabilizing Pump Room

1)Fire Services Communication Centre
2)Duty Office
3)transformer station
5)generator room
6)fire pump room
8)pressure maintaining fire pump room

1.fire control center
2.duty room
4.combustion engine room
5.generator room
6.fire pump room
7.combustion engine pump room
8.fire-fighting stabilized pressure pump room

fire control center

2, defend office of the duty

3, substation

4 direct-fired machine room
5 generator room
6, fire pump
7 and direct-fired machine pump
8, fire pump pressure

1, fire control center
2, defend the duty
3, substation
4 and direct-fired machine room
5 and generator room
6, fire pump
7 and direct-fired machine pump
8, fire pump pressure

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