
作者&投稿:弓星 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
求英语翻译: 麻烦帮我把下面这段话翻译成英文。谢谢!急!!!!~

Because the Japanese side holidays rest, started to work today. So to your letter so late, really sorry!
I only can speak Japanese, English are now learning. This will bring you the inconvenience, also please forgive me!
You say you to speak Chinese, but can't read Chinese, that means later I can call you communicate in Chinese?
You mentioned the E-mail of construction machinery model, I already know, but now we have no inventory, if you can give me a rough idea when you need these machines, probably how many money a words, our company will soon try to find you in the Japanese market needs. Often contact!
Wish you happy every day!

The so-called clock time, in seconds, minutes, when the time for the units, widely used in daily life. This design uses six LED digital display of the hours, minutes and seconds to 24-hour time means time. 80 C51 use the timer / counter to achieve clock counting function. Clock time is the key issue of a second, because the second is the smallest unit of the clock, but the use of 80 C51 timer / counter for timing, that is, by working methods 1, the largest of its regular time can only reach 131 ms, worse from one second Very far away. Therefore, the second time with regular hardware and software integration of the counting method, such as the timing of the timer is set to 125 ms, this overflow eight counts can be 1 s, and eight counts can use the software method. The use of interruption, that is interrupted by service procedures counter the cumulative number of overflow, or get full eight seconds time. Then through the process of accumulation and numerical value compared to achieve from seconds to hours and from the time. That is, over 60 minutes on each count of second unit plus 1, will continue to count under. This design also shows that the buffer zone set up, time in six LED display on the show hours, minutes and seconds, two each, in an internal RAM set up six units in the display buffer zone, from left to right were stored, the sub - , The second values.

With the every move of the second hand of the clock, our lives become shorter than they originally are. And take a look at the calender on the wall. Every time we tear down one page, our lives become one day shorter than they originally are. Facts tell that time is life. There is no one who doesn't cherish his or her life. But few of us attach equal importance to the time. If you want to do something deserves talking about, then learn something to upgrade yourself. And help people. Don't waste your time if you want your life meaningful and not to let the life to be wasted. Almost every of us know it, but seldom can take a full use of time.

Clocks on the second above about a move, every move means our life has been shortened part. Look again at the can one hung on the wall of the calendar, every tear one page says our life and short a day. Because time is life. No person not spare his life, but few people value of his time. If you want to do something, lifetime learning enrich myself what learn a bit! Help others! Is life become meaningful, not lived in vain, then do not waste time! This truth everyone understand, but few people can shanwei use of it.

Clocks on the second above about a move, every move means our life has been shortened part .
Look at the wall can be torn off the calendar one by one, every day that we tear off a piece to life, short day.
Because time is life. No one does not cherish his life, but few cherished his time.
Lifetime if you want to do something, learn something about what knowledge to enrich their own! Help others!
A meaningful life is not lived in vain, then it can not be a waste of time! All understand this truth, but few people can use it in Shanwei.

What about the second hand on a clock move, every move that we look to a part of life is shortened. Look at the wall can be torn off the calendar one by one, every day that we tear off a piece to life, short day. Because time is life. No one does not cherish his life, but few people value his time. Lifetime if you want to do something, learn something about what knowledge to enrich their own! Help others! A meaningful life is not lived in vain, then it can not be a waste of time! All understand this truth, but few people can use it in Shanwei.

麻烦的英文:bother bother 读法 英 ['bɒðə] 美 ['bɑðɚ]1、vt. 烦扰,打扰;使……不安;使……恼怒 2、vi. 操心,麻烦;烦恼 3、n. 麻烦;烦恼 短语:1、don't bother 不用麻烦了;不打扰了 2、bother about 烦恼 3、bother with 为…而费心,为...

`麻烦` 这个词语怎么翻译成英文
Trouble,Problem 是最适合的 造句:You are in big trouble (你麻烦大了)We got a problem! (我们有麻烦了) 也可以 要当动词用了话:Stop making trouble! (不要在制造麻烦了)bother 不是,bother 是去烦别人 Stop bothering me god damit! (你tm得不要烦我)...

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Good evening!首先对您的拨冗光临表示热烈的欢迎!First of all on your business to extend a warm welcome!去年9月13日,我们相聚在美丽的酒店池畔,仿佛就在昨天,今天在这皎好的夜晚我们又共同迎来了酒店六周岁生日。Last September 13,, we gather in the beautiful hotel pool, as if just ye...

英语翻译~ 及时翻译者追加50~200
问题;忧虑;困难;苦恼 3.burdened应该是burden做动词时的过去时,burden:to give sb a responsibility,duty,etc. that causes worry, difficulty or hard word(使)负担 4.awhile:for a short time 片刻;一会儿 5.stormy:with strong winds and heavy rain or snow有暴风雨(或暴风雪)的。

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德令哈市19241949080: 英语帝速来!急求!帮我把下面这段话翻译成英文 急求!嘿兄弟,我是你的超级粉丝! 从你在XXX的时候我就一直在关注你.前几天我和我的三个朋友打了... -
达券红花:[答案] Hey buddy,I'm your super fan.I have been paying close attention to you since you are in xxx.A few days ago,I have a bet with three friends of mine,if I canxxxxxxxxxx,they will chip in to buy a Lamborg...

德令哈市19241949080: 求英语翻译!急!麻烦各位把下面的话翻译成英语,要翻译的语气诚恳点~谢谢!尊敬的领导,您好!我知道我这样发邮件很莽撞,但是我很希望可以得到... -
达券红花:[答案] 首先,你没有收到时间和地址,那就不能知道面试的时间快到了.所以,你只能说你没有收到面试邀请. 第二,“这样的话就算到时失败了,我也不会有遗憾,因为我已经努力了,”这句话完全没有存在的必要. 所以,翻译如下 I hate to be so obtrusive ...

德令哈市19241949080: 急求英文翻译!麻烦帮忙将下面一段落翻译成英文...急用!!!!谢谢了! -
达券红花: With the every move of the second hand of the clock, our lives become shorter than they originally are. And take a look at the calender on the wall. Every time we tear down one page, our lives become one day shorter than they originally are. Facts tell...

德令哈市19241949080: 求翻译啊!!!麻烦帮我把下面一段话翻译成英文.语言要美丽一点喔.
达券红花: I know I am not excellent,I can't bring you the future you want.But I will backup you at your back. Even your eye sight can't stop at me for more 1 second.I will care about you and protect you silently.Because I love you.

德令哈市19241949080: 求英语翻译: 麻烦帮我把下面这段话翻译成英文.谢谢!急!!!! -
达券红花: 因为日本这边节假日休息,今天才开始上班.所以这么晚才给您回信,真是不好意思! Because the Japanese side holidays rest, started to work today. So to your letter so late, really sorry! 我只会说日语,英语现在正在学习中.这将给您带来诸...

德令哈市19241949080: 哪位英文大师,可以帮忙将以下段落翻成英文,急,求助!! -
达券红花: In this case, the significance of the application of OIS was in manifesting itself. The projects , in its own individuality , increased the speed of the people who attending the conference collecting information .From the company''s point of view,the ...

德令哈市19241949080: 急求英语翻译!帮个忙阿!帮忙翻译下面这段文章,我英语翻译的作业中国有着5000多年历史,是世界四大文明古国之一,数千年来,中国人民创造世界上... -
达券红花:[答案] China has 5,000 years of history,one of the world's four ancient civilizations,for thousands of years,the Chinese people to create the world's unmatched splendid culture,for example,symbolizes the spirit of the Chinese nation,the world-famous Great Wall,...

德令哈市19241949080: 英语翻译麻烦帮忙把下面这段话翻译成英文:A酒店离他开会的地方太远了,乘地铁也不是直接到达,离外滩也很远,B和C酒店附近的环境比较好,但是离... -
达券红花:[答案] A酒店离他开会的地方太远了,乘地铁也不是直接到达,离外滩也很远,B和C酒店附近的环境比较好,但是离地铁比较远,D和F酒店离地铁非常近,里外滩也很近 Hotel A is too far away from his conference venue.Not only that,...

德令哈市19241949080: 急!急!急!~有哪位好心人可以帮忙解决下啊???求下面一段话的英文翻译~~~本人万分感谢~ -
达券红花: Good morning everybody!Are we all like animals? Has anyone in this room ever had a puppy? Ok, today I would like to...

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