`麻烦` 这个词语怎么翻译成英文

作者&投稿:文眨 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

麻烦 trouble, troublesome, bother, inconvenient

1. (费事) troublesome; inconvenient
这事要是太麻烦, 你就别费神了。-- 不, 一点也不麻烦。
Don't bother if it's too much trouble. -- No trouble at all.
你如果这样做就会自找麻烦。 You will bring trouble on yourself if you do so.
2. (使费事) put sb. to trouble; trouble sb.; bother; put out; put about:
不必麻烦你到车站去接我。 Don't trouble to meet me at the station.
我并不想给你添麻烦。 I don't want to be a bother to you.

trouble就可以吧 这个是名词 “麻烦” 英语和汉语不一样 比方说 this is a trouble 可以翻译成这是一个麻烦 也可以根据语境翻译成这是一件麻烦的事情 都可以的 troubles(名词) 大部分情况可以替代The trouble things

还有 mess 这个是“混乱, 脏乱差的东西 事情” 也是名词

Trouble,Problem 是最适合的

You are in big trouble (你麻烦大了)
We got a problem! (我们有麻烦了) 也可以
Stop making trouble! (不要在制造麻烦了)

bother 不是,bother 是去烦别人
Stop bothering me god damit! (你tm得不要烦我)


要动词的话 bother
用名词 trouble


trouble 或是 problem


宁江区19299996178: `麻烦` 这个词语怎么翻译成英文 -
籍育红花: 要看你怎麽用 Trouble,Problem 是最适合的造句: You are in big trouble (你麻烦大了) We got a problem! (我们有麻烦了) 也可以 要当动词用了话: Stop making trouble! (不要在制造麻烦了)bother 不是,bother 是去烦别人 Stop bothering me god damit! (你tm得不要烦我)

宁江区19299996178: 麻烦翻译成英语 -
籍育红花: 1、this cd is designed by Nancy. 2、The teacher asked the boy to finish his homework on time. 3、This machine is built to cut wood. 4、This book is easy for you to understand. 5、Ten more people would be enough.

宁江区19299996178: 麻烦翻译成英文..谢谢咯..
籍育红花: Anything completely becomes, the rest of the time only thought static, studies diligently, the school leader, refuels `` 相信你可以的!加油!

宁江区19299996178: 麻烦翻译成英文 要快 谢谢!!!!!
籍育红花: When you are happy, before you be without scruple the ground laugh, Confused, again and again to hear you loudly scold me idiot, unconsciously, we know so long, the road unexpectedly so long. Throughout the city streets, that is our favorite go to ...

宁江区19299996178: “麻烦的事”一个英语单词怎么翻译 -
籍育红花: nuisances 简明释义n.讨厌的东西[人,行为] 麻烦事( nuisance的名词复数 ); 另外trouble也可以

宁江区19299996178: 麻烦翻译成英文
籍育红花: Nobody wants to be a madman. I am not insane, it's just since I'm so bored, my way of speaking is inappropriate. I always want to talk, but I don't know what to say, please don't be mad at me. Sometimes I think it's really difficult to get along with other people.

宁江区19299996178: 麻烦翻译成英文 -
籍育红花: Here, let me wish everyone a happy New Year, I hope you learn in the new year, progress, and admitted to the ideal college

宁江区19299996178: 麻烦用过去式翻译成英文. -
籍育红花: A dog was so happy to get a piece of meat. It walked through a bridge and saw a dog in the water holding a piece of meat by teeth. The dog wanted to get that meat and opened its own mouth. The meat fell into the water.

宁江区19299996178: 麻烦翻译成英文
籍育红花: Its been a long time since we last chat with each other, now, we are just like strangers, as if we don't know each other. How are you doing now? I just suddenly have a feeling of wanting to see you. One day, I dreamed that you came to my house to ...

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籍育红花: 太麻烦你了,英文: 1、that's too much for you 2、sorry to trouble you 具体用法: 1、that's too much for you 例句:For example, if you're supposed to write an essay, start with a few paragraphs, and if that's too much for you, resolve to write just one...

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