
作者&投稿:欧容 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

1 boli the water
burst into flame 点火;着火
2weather forecast ; reliable
3 below ; view

“the Formaldehyde content in accordance with EN71-9:2005“ 中没有动词, 加个 be 就可以了

应该是“the Formaldehyde content (is < --表示常态用一般时) 或 was --<与状语生态呼应用过去时 ) in accordance with EN71-9:2005”

1 those who are overweight or indulge in unhealthy diet are candidates for heart attack.
2 people who do not think there is a need to reduce the use of disposable products.
3 rapid growth in those countries, China, the economy has been growing at a rate of 9%, particularly successful.
4 These courses are not suitable for children, who have learning difficulties.
5 how to deal with the huge technological changes of the 21st century is an interesting question.
6 It is widely believed that people use computers to improve efficiency.
7 The challenge facing today is how to preserve the cultural Aboriginal culture in a rapidly changing society in globalization
8 Language is a living heirloom passed down from our ancestors.
1 Most people think that smoking is harmful to health
2 Most people believe that the fact that smoking is harmful to health
3 is held by a majority of people there view is that smoking is harmful to health
4 This is what most people think that smoking is harmful to health
5 Most people believe that some resources are not updated
6 Most people believe that the fact that some resources can not be updated
7 is a view held by most of the people there, some resources can not be updated
8 This is what most people believe, some resources are non-renewable nine parental behaviors have a direct impact on children of the world

outh is not a time of life; it is a state of mind; it is not a matter of rosy cheeks, red lip

英语语句改错This ia an university, it's very famous here._百度...
an 应改为 a 因为university虽然是元音字母U开头,但是它的发音是[ˌjunɪˈvɜrsəti ] ,所以要用a This is a university,it's very famous here.翻译:这个是一所大学,在这里很出名。

1:正确。。。绝对正确,根本就没有many more than 这一说。much more than 和 more than 是一样的,就是程度不一样而以。 不要听他们瞎说。2:把so改成but。。。表示转折,翻译如下:我喜欢画画和制作模型,但是我最喜欢跳舞。3:year-years。。。表示几岁时,year要用复数。但是如果表示某一年...

C. I don’t know. D. I’m terribly sorry. 答案与解析: D。做了错事理应表示歉意。 [巩固练习] 1. —You shouldn’t have chosen that kind of book for me. —___ A. Oh, don’t complain about a gift. B. Sorry. I&rsqu...

英语 单句改错 主要---解释~~~ 急急急急急急急!!!我今天就要,好就再加...
1 A serie of books have been published for the students.(一般是不定冠词+量词+介词of+名词复数)2 The officials present at the meeting will have a discussion about it.(present作后置定语 :出席的)3 The supermarket is often crowded with customers , especially at weekends.(be ...

改错并翻译:I hope you a happy new year
应该是 I hope you have a happy new year 这句意思是 我希望你在新的一年里开心 下面的那句是 在这句话里,你漏掉了一个很重要的单词(就是 上面补充的have)

而不是前面的woman所以用复数 5。随着时间的推移,他们【发现(A)】的技术来制造材料性能优越,品(B)】【自然的本性(C)】这些新材料【包括(D)】陶器和各种金属。这些自然的本性在前面并没有提到过,所以你不能用the来指代,要用this 、those这种来代,但是因为是复数,所以要用those ...

翻译:1 Most people think that smoking is harmful to health 2 Most people believe that the fact that smoking is harmful to health 3 is held by a majority of people there view is that smoking is harmful to health 4 This is what most people think that smoking is harmful to ...

而 the nature ones指天然材料显然不符用 the properties of the nature ones是正确用法 此处用 因为前句已经有properties一词出现 所以用those 代替了the properties 翻译:随着时间的推移他们发现了生产具有比自然材料更高属性材料的技术,这些材料包括陶瓷和各种金属。those指代他们的特性 ...

十万火急,求英语改错答案,九处(最好可以加上那个翻译或解释,谢谢 !O...
of fun.他们使我们的生活变得方便,给我们带来很多乐趣 Therefore,they can also harm our health if we misuse them.然而,他们也可以损害我们的健康 如果我们过渡使用 错误7,therefore 变为 however 或者是,on the other hand 就找出7各错误,不会是考试文章把,写得这样烂,前言不搭后语的 ...

8与7同样问题 9live意为居住这个动作,如果要强调呆了多少天,要用stay (注意这里weeds应该为weeks)10如果用for,意为回来这个动作持续了8天,从哪到哪要8天啊?明显是8天内回来,所以用in 全文翻译 凌晨1点,我在从中国回美国的飞机上。我们向东飞过了太平洋,这时太阳也升起来了。乘务小姐让我...

长洲区15623143137: 英语题 改错和翻译句子改错:1.Did you found the answer to the question? 2.Mary was born on May. 3.How many peoples are there in the room? 4.I want to buy ... -
管储芪归:[答案] to改成foron改成inpeoples改成peoplebag改成bagscame改成have come翻译I want to travel after seeing these posts.it's dangerous to cross the jungle.if you feel tired,you can rest on bed.我很向往一个不...

长洲区15623143137: 英语改错与翻译改错1 Those which overweight or indulge in unhealthy diets are candidates for heart attacks.2 People who do not consider it necessary to ... -
管储芪归:[答案] 1 those who are overweight or indulge in unhealthy diet are candidates for heart attack. 2 people who do not think there is a need to reduce the use of disposable products. 3 rapid growth in those cou...

长洲区15623143137: 英语作业改错和翻译
管储芪归: 改错:1 .It's really good place to study. (place 为不可数名词)2 The old are taken good care of here.(此处OF不能省略)3 I'm feeling cold now.Could you pass the coat to me?(pass ..to..固定用法) 4 grew 可改为grow 翻译:1 what a nice ...

长洲区15623143137: 英语问题,改错和翻译!!!
管储芪归: 改错 第一个,情态动词can't用得不对,改成needn't. 第二个,定语从句,its变whose 第三个,目的状语从句,work前加to,表目的. 翻译 he likes adventure,which makes his parents worried. she tried to prevent him, which turned out in vain. I insist that you take immediate action to put things right.

长洲区15623143137: 英语句子改错+翻译 -
管储芪归: of 改to Take this medicine three times after meals every day.

长洲区15623143137: 初一英语改错以下都要翻译+说明理由:1.My father often watches TV after meal.2.We can eat much food during our life.3.I'm not afraid of dogs no more.4.... -
管储芪归:[答案] 1.My father often watches tv after dinner.meal指具体的一顿饭 dinner就泛指晚餐2.We can eat much food in our life.during +时间名词3.i'm not afraid of dogs any more.not ……any more =no more4.Nobody know...

长洲区15623143137: 英语单句改错.单句改错.不是翻译哦.1.The few survived human beings are all strong young men.2.Can you dream your future 3.They brought the treasure back ... -
管储芪归:[答案] 1.The few survived people are all strong young men. 2.Can you dream of your future 3.They brought the treasure back by force. 4.The plan can be come up at the meeting. 5.They beat the other team. 答案来自nciku(n词酷)的提问吧

长洲区15623143137: 英语改错题 正确答案和 还有翻译 特急!1.A train left to Beijing an hour ago.2.He will be back in five hours.翻译1.So the man began to"picture" his pain.In his... -
管储芪归:[答案] 1、去……地方 用leave for,所以把to 改成for 2、没错 翻译 1、于是这个人就开始描绘他的痛苦.在他的痛苦中他看到一只恶犬.它咬他的背,这使他很疼 2、在你自己的脑海中召唤“医生”,保持开心和健康

长洲区15623143137: 急!求英语改错答案并翻译 谢谢!谢谢!
管储芪归: 改错:第一个what改为that,hard后面加一个to,final改为finally. 翻译:这个经历教会了我一个经验,那就是天下没有免费的午餐.我必须努力工作来得到我想要的东西.从那个经历中我最终学到了努力工作的价值.

长洲区15623143137: 英语翻译、改错```
管储芪归: 1. must be aggressive 2. the right time live 改成live in

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