十万火急,求英语改错答案,九处(最好可以加上那个翻译或解释,谢谢 !O(∩_∩)O哈)

作者&投稿:边景 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Plenty people like to travel by car. You can make your own timetable. ——无错。(很多人喜欢驾车旅行,你可以制定自己的时间表。)

You can travel three or four (hundreds) miles or only one hundred miles a day —— hundred 属于单位名词,不能用复数形式。(你一天可以走三四百英里或一百英里,)

just as (if) you like. ——as if 表示“好像/如同…一样”,去掉 if,改为 just as you like。(正如你喜欢的那样。)

You can stop (whatever) you wish. ——whatever [无论什么] 改为 wherever [无论在任何地方]。 (你可以在你希望的任何的地方停下来)。

If there is (everything) interesting to see, you can stop and see it. ——条件从句中要用 anything(如果有任何感兴趣的东西要看,你可以逗留下来看它。)

If there is (the) good restaurant, you can stop and enjoy a good meal. ——restaurant 属于第一次提到,the 改为不定冠词 a。(如果有一家好的餐馆,你可以停下来享受一顿美餐)。

If you are (tiring), ——现在分词 tiring [引起疲劳的] 表示事物的特征,改为表示人所处状态的过去分词 tired [疲劳的]。(如果你感到劳累,)

you can stop at a hotel to (sending) the night. ——改为不定式 to send 或 to pass 作目的状语。(你可以逗留在饭店过夜。)

If you want to travel (in) business, ——因公/出差要用 on business。(如果你想因公旅行,)

you can take a train or a plane because it is much faster to travel in (this) way. ——it 指代火车或飞机,用in this way [以这种方式] 与 it 语义重复,改为 in a way [在某种程度上]。(你可以乘火车或飞机,因为这样在某种程度上旅行速度要快得多。)


.i was born in a small village which ( was ) named Scot.
Born there , brought up there, naturally i know there .
Before dawn every day , cocks sing , and then the villagers walked to the fields and began to work .
The village is quiet but not deadly silent.
The laughters of children , the barking of dogs , and the yellings of the farmers break the silence once in a while .
The best memory of my childhood was everyday's scene at sunset.
With cooking smoke rising , moms called their children back for dinner . Even birds got back to their nests in pairs .
After dinner,neighbors dropped in and kids had fun together until darkness/nightfall.

I'm really worried about my little cousin,我十分担心我的小表弟

He spends too many time sitting in the front of his computer.他花了太多时间坐在电脑前(言外之意,不误正业)
1错误,many--应该是much,因为Time 不可数

My aunt and uncle have to work,so they can't watch him all the time.我的叔叔和阿姨得工作,所以他们不可以总是看着他

During vacations,my cousin stayed at home playing computer games from moring till night almost every day. 假期,我的表弟整天在家玩电脑游戏,几乎每天从早到晚
错误2,stayed, 应该是Stays,因为整个文章都是一般现在时间,这里做题 你可以看every day这个是一般现在时的标志。

Because that ,he does't stop playing computer games ,I will suffer it in the future .因为那样,他不可以停下来玩游戏,(意思就是上瘾了),我也将会玩它。就是和他一样拉。
错误3,Because that,这里,because 后如果接句,直接用,要是名词要加of,你可以这样该because of that,
if he cant stop playing computer games, i ll suffer it in the future.
错误4 把doesnt ---cant

Nowadays,computer play a very important role on our life.如今,电脑在我们日常生活中扮演了很重要的角色。
错误6,ON OUR Life---in our life.

They make our life convenient and bring us a lot of fun.他们使我们的生活变得方便,给我们带来很多乐趣
Therefore,they can also harm our health if we misuse them.然而,他们也可以损害我们的健康 如果我们过渡使用

错误7,therefore 变为 however 或者是,on the other hand


3.去掉in the front of 中的the
4.playing computer 前加and
6.i will改成he will
8.on our life改成in our life

1. many--much (many修饰可数复数,time此处为不可数) 2. the 去掉(in front of在...前,in the front of在...前部) 3. stayed--stays (全文为一般时态,这里假期是一般情况,非特定的过去的某个假期)4. Because后加of,because要加句子 5.doesn't--can't (因为那个原因,他无法停止...)
6. I--he (他而非我将来会受苦) 7. computer--computers (复数表类别) 8.on--in(词组play a role in) 9. Therefore--However (表示转折,因为后面讲害处)

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靳削伤科: speech contest,English teacher talked to me.Lily does homework carefully.Being a hot day,they all went swimming.2.关于代词的单句改错:We will never forget the days when we spent happily in the middle school.My parents moved to Paris ...

卫辉市15513807773: 十万火急的英语问题 -
靳削伤科: He have'nt solved the problem until she told me the truth.感觉这样改最好.

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靳削伤科:[答案] Can you give me a valentine's day gift?-- the nattiest photo of yours.

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