
作者&投稿:采妮 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
我放下了一个人 中的放下 用英语怎么说~

put down, lay down放下

"Put down a man."

Let go of sb from the deep heart
或者give up sb from the deep heart

“放下”英文是什么?怎么读?回答:【词汇】 drop 【音标】英 [drɒp] 美 [drɑp]【中文模拟音】质若婆 【词组】(1)lay down (2)let down (3)put down 【例句】(1)The enemy were compelled to lay down their arms.敌人被迫放下武器。(2)He let down a bucket i...

放下,英语是put down

放下 put down熟悉掌握词汇量 无论是要学英语口语,还是要听懂英语听力,记单词是学习英语的基础,你要对英语单词有所记忆,才能够进行下一步的学习。所以记忆单词是必须的,就好像你学习中文的时候,也是记了大量的词组,才能够不断的造出流利的句子,写好语文作文。在记单词的时候,要制定一个学习...

put down

drop off是什么意思英语
drop off的意思是减少。一、相似短语。drop somebody off放下某人,让某人下车;drop off voltage跌落电压; ring off drop话终指示器;drop off the hooks翘辫子,离职;drop off charge phr.乙地还车所收取的费用; drop off to pick up ratio;返回系数,继电器返回系数;drop in on顺道拜访。二、...

put 英 [pʊt];美 [pʊt]v. 放;安置;使处于;提交;记下;表达;出发;开航;n. 推铅球;期货买卖 1、put主要用作及物动词,后接名词或代词作宾语。也可接双宾语,其间接宾语可以转化为介词to\/for的宾语。有时还可接以形容词、副词或介词短语充当补足语的复合宾语。2、put的...

放下尊严\/放下面子的英文说法 Leave your dignity behind. Fet about your prestige. (可用fame 或 face 外国人也有lose face 的说法)参考: Own Another expression that you might here more often in everyday English - Get off your high horse(s). And also: Let go of your pride.参考: ...

放下 英语?
Put down 1.音标 英 [put daun] 美 [pʊt daʊn]2.含义 放下;镇压;记下;估计 3.例句 He bought an investment property for$ 100,000 and put down$ 20,000 他以10万美元买下一处投资性地产,并支付了2万美元的定金。Soldiers went in to put down a rebellion.军队出动...

放下感情的英文Let go of feelings。例句:你放下感情吧,爱着他是没有意义的,和他在一起是不会幸福的,希望你能把我说的话听心里去。You put down your feelings. It's meaningless to love him. You won't be happy with him. I hope you can listen to what I say in your heart....

“放下xxx不谈” 英语怎么说?
应该是put ...aside 比如:Let`s put it aside and discuss that theory first.

全椒县18818024997: 在心里放下某人的英语怎么说 -
丘邹精制: Let go of sb from the deep heart 或者give up sb from the deep heart “放下”肯定不能直接翻译 不懂请提问

全椒县18818024997: 我放下了一个人 中的放下 用英语怎么说 -
丘邹精制: 放下:putdownletdownlaydowndrop短语放下一切Leaveoutalltherest;Lettinggoofitall;Dropeverything;Putasideall起落架放下geardown;down放下臭架子beoffthehighhorse记下:writedowntakedownmemori

全椒县18818024997: 能表达心里放下的英语单词 -
丘邹精制: relief

全椒县18818024997: 把某人放心里用英文怎么说 -
丘邹精制: XX,you are always in my heart. 这个是最地道的,英语一般不说“放”进心里.

全椒县18818024997: "我已经把你放下了"用英语怎么说?顺带问一句,这里的放下可以用put down嘛? -
丘邹精制:[答案] 感觉上put down比较生硬,一般用在放下实际的东西,比如 I put down the scarf on the table. 我把丝巾放在桌上. 供参考 I've already wiped you off. I've already let go of you. I've already let you alone. I've already left you aside.

全椒县18818024997: 有些人有些事放在心里就好用英语怎么说 -
丘邹精制: 你好住不进你心里的人就放他走 翻译成英语是:a man who can't lives into your heart or let him go.

全椒县18818024997: 学会放下心里的一切 用英文怎么说
丘邹精制: To put all of heart 学会放下心里的一切.

全椒县18818024997: 心总是放下不下她(翻译英文) -
丘邹精制: 心总是放下不下她 Always can't put down her heart

全椒县18818024997: 用英文译: 放不下,就不要放下,把她放在心里就好了.不去打扰她是我现在唯一能为她做的事情了. -
丘邹精制: 放不下,就不要放下,把她放在心里就好了.不去打扰她是我现在唯一能为她做的事情了.Can not put down, do not put down, put her in the heart is good. Don't bother her is the only thing I can do for her now.假如对你有帮助,觉得我回答得好的话,请采纳 谢谢!!!

全椒县18818024997: “把你放在心里最深的地方”的英文 -
丘邹精制: Put you in the deepest of my heart 问题补充:抱歉,没说清楚,前面还有几个字. 整句应该是“我一如既往的把你放在心里最深的地方” I put you in my deepest of my heart as always.

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