
作者&投稿:毛伟 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)


表示同五年级..英语不好 但是你可以找一些笑话然后用谷歌翻译对照多练练

Dean:Hi,nancy,we haven't see you for a long time.

Nancy: Yeah, I went to the aged care house (养老院)and stay there for a week.

Tom: Why didn't go there?

Nancy: To do some volunteer work for that elder people.

Dean: Good.The people in there needed some help .Tom if you have the chance what will you do ?

Tom::I think I will go to the train station for the migrant worker(外来工), because they also need help too.

Dean:Yeah,as a matter of fact, many people need help in these word.

Nancy: Yeah,let us do what we can do for these people.

Tom;I will. We will.

Situation 情景:Cathy hesitated to tell the officer Eric that she was tired of the job and wanted to work in another department. She called her friend Emily to ask for some advice.


Emily: Hello, this is Emily speaking.


Cathy: Hi, Emily, this is Cathy.


Emily: Cathy, how's everything going?


Cathy: Not so good. I want to talk with you about my job.


Emily: Your job? Is there anything wrong with it?


Cathy: No, it's my own problem. You know, I've worked as a receptionist for a whole year. To some extent, I am tired of it.


Emily: Oh, I see. I know being a receptionist is not that exciting for you.


Cathy: Yep, I don't know whether I should tell Eric my thoughts or not.


Emily: Do you really mean to quit your job?


Cathy: Not really. I just want to change jobs. There is an opportunity for me, the personnel department is recruiting an office clerk now. I'd like to have a try. I feel I can gain more from working in that kind of environment, not just in terms of salary.


Emily: That's great! If so, you should tell Eric what's on your mind. I think he will understand you and support your idea.


Cathy: Well, I'll talk with him about that tomorrow.


Emily: Good luck honey! I am expecting to hear good news.


Cathy: Thank you.


(Ladies and getlemen. Good afternoon.Today I’ll tell you a story. It is “Peter and the Wolf”.)

Peter: Good morning everyone. What a fine day! How beautiful the green lawn is!

Bird: Good morning, Peter.

Peter: Good morning, Bird.

Bird: It’s a fine morning, isn’t it! All is calm. All is beautiful.

Duck: I’m a duck, you see. Peter forgot to lock the door.

Now I’m free. How I want to have a good bath in the pool!

(Duck jumps into the pool.)

Bird: Hi! Who are you? You can’t fly?

Duck: Aren’t you a bird! You can’t swim? You see. I can.

Bird: You are a fool.

Duck: I’m clever. You are a fool.

Bird: You are a fool.

Duck: I’m clever. You are a fool.

(At this time, a black cat is coming quietly.)

Cat: Yeh. They are quarrelling. So I have no trouble catching them. Look at me, please.

Peter: Take care, Bird. Be careful, Bird.

(So the bird flies away.)

Duck: You are a thief. Why don’t you catch that bird?

Bird: You are a robber. Why don’t you rob me?

Cat: Should I go to C

你看看 是否适合你

(1)A:where is my pen ?
B:it is in your schoolbag.
A:o ,here it is.
B:you should not be forgottfull like this from now on.
(2)A:why do you just eat this for your breakfast?
B:I really do not want to do it by myself.
A:that is all junkfood.it is bad for your healthy.
B:wow,I see.I will cook.
B:hello where are you doing ?
A:i will go to see my teacher .
B:how is he?
A:he is ill in the hospital.we should go to see him.he is ill for us.
B:yes ,you are right!


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