急求一篇关于环境的三人英语情景对话 尽量6句 不低于5句

作者&投稿:众雯 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)







谢谢采纳我的建议! !!

A: These days we can barely see any blue sky, can we?
B: No, we cannot, unfortunately. I remembered when I was little, it wasn't like this.
C: True. And my uncle told me that when he was young, he used to swim in the XXX river. But now, look at it, it's so dirty and polluted. I wouldn't wanna swim in it.
A: Really? In the XXX river, then there must be a lot of fish in it as well at that time.
C: I guess so.
B: Did you guys hear about the news about the Gaze in xxx( 填个你听到雾霾消息的城市名,我记不得是哪个城市了)
A: Yes, I did. It was so bad, wasn't it?
C: Yeah. Do you know what is the worst? If the water is polluted you can choose not to drink, but if the air is polluted, you cannot choose not to breath, you will die.
B: Exactly. That's remind me of London.
A: London? Why?
B: Don't you remember it was once called the"city of fog".
C: Yes, I know that. The old London fogs were the result of millions of coal fires producing particles (smoke) which encouraged the formation of fog on cold, still, winter nights.
B: True. The resulting mixture of smoke and fog was the classic "pea-souper" smog which gave London its reputation of being foggy. The Clean Air Acts of the 1950s eliminated the domestic coal fires which gave rise to the smogs. Nowadays, most people heat their homes with gas so it is very unlikely to see fog in London now.
A: Maybe we should also establish some laws to protect our enviroment, so that these kind of things won't happen again.
C: You are right. We can also protect the enviroment from small actions, such as recylcing and reusing.

A: Hi, Lily and Lucy.
B: Hi, Ana, how are you? It’s so nice to see you here.
A: Me, too. Are you taking a walk here?
C: Yes, we like jogging and the scenery here in the park is so breathtaking.
B: You know nowadays it is hard to find a place close to nature in the city.
A: Right. I also like walking and jogging, but I cannot find a good place near my house, either. I have to walk a long way here.
C: Our government builds more and more factories to improve economy. I mean, it works, but we should also take our environment into consideration.
B: Yes, what if our children and children’s children don’t have blue sky and clear rivers…
A: I cannot agree more. At the same time, citizens also need to take their responsibilities to protect our environment.
B: For example, to take a bus instead of driving your owncar, or turn off the light when the room is empty.
C: See. There are some bottles on the ground. Let’s go and throw them into the garbage bin.
A&B: Ok.



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狂胖威氏: A: These days we can barely see any blue sky, can we? B: No, we cannot, unfortunately. I remembered when I was little, it wasn't like this. C: True. And my uncle told me that when he was young, he used to swim in the XXX river. But now, look at it, ...

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狂胖威氏: A:You know the global warming? B: Yeah, very serious problem, the polar bears were drown. A: I know, those poor polar bears. B: That is why we need to protect the environment. A: The earth are getting worse every day,we should protect her

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