
作者&投稿:房兰 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)



手机上下载个 快速免费小说 应用,我就是在上面看的,更新非常快而且全

A:Good morning , B
B: Good morning. How are you?
A: I 'm fine. Thank you. And you ?
B: Fine. Thank you.
A: let me introduce my friend C to you.
B: Nice to meet you.
C: Nice to meet you, too.
B: Where will you go ?
A: We will go to C's home. Today is his\her birthday.
B: Really? Happy birthday .
C: Thank you very much. Do you have time to celebrate my birthday?
B: Of course. If I don't trouble you.
C: I appreciate it. My parents will happy to see you.

On the way to C's home

B: C, what do you do in your spare time?
A: He\She likes to see the movie very much.
C: Yes, I want to buy ‘The banquet’to see.
B: Oh, what luck! I have just bought this .
I 'd like to give you this film for your birthday.
C: Thank you . This is the special gift for my birthday .

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100分求Aaron Hotchner 详细资料以及《犯罪心理》
姓名:托马斯吉布森Thomas Gibson 生日:1962年7月3日 出生地:美国南卡罗来那州查里斯顿 乳名:Thomas Ellis Gibson 昵称:Tom 体重:6' 2"身高:1.88 m 简介(英文):Thomas Gibson began his acting career at the age of ten when he took part in children's theater. Gibson performed and ...

高分!100分!求老人与海的Book Report!要求:英文
Robinson Crusoe, the narrator of the story, tells us that he was born in 1632 in the city of York, England. His father, a German immigrant, married a woman whose name was Robinson, and his real name was Robinson Kreutznaer, but due to the natural corruption of languages, the...


送100分 求电影名
片 名: Nekromantik 2 译 名: 幽骨浪漫2 | 困惑的浪漫2 导 演: ( Jörg Buttgereit )主 演: ( Monika M.) ( Mark Reeder) ( Lena Braun) ( Jörg Buttgereit) ( Carola Ewers) ( Astrid Ewerts)上 映: 1991年 剧情介绍:继上一集男友自杀后,贝蒂没...

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---楼主你写得很好,好爆了,我翻译成英文你看看,但这种中文式文体要用中文才有那个氛围,翻译过来著实有点可惜..Eighteen today, Nineteen tomorrow.The annual cycle has finallly came to the brightness of Leo, the youthful July eventually had to fade away.While the sun of August seemed to...

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宏咏银治: M: hi, Dan, what are u doing? D: I am playing war craft. M: Where is Tommy? D: Shii! M:What? What's the matter? D: Don't u see? He is still sleeping. M: My goodness! I can't believe this! It's almost nine. He got to get up now. Don't u remember we...

华坪县17055618189: 求高手写一篇3人英语对话短文,3到5分钟就可以,其中一个人说的内容可以稍微少点,以下是短文主题,在此里选1 你怎样理解爱?2 不同的文化是怎样对... -
宏咏银治:[答案] Smoking cessation for smokers in terms of a real is a major problem.Lin said the two hurdles to clear to stop smoking,physiological and psychological customs clearance,customs easier than physiologica...

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宏咏银治: 3人英语对话-关于环保 人物:Daniel, Jasmine, Matthew (Jasmine女的,其他两个男,名字你可以改) Daniel: Our Earth is so polluted, animals's natural habitats are destroyed. 丹尼尔:我们的地球已经被污染了,动物的栖息地已经被摧毁了. ...

华坪县17055618189: 急求一篇3个人的英语对话...要求每人至少20句,带翻译.(越简单越好) -
宏咏银治: A:hi,B.C B.C:hi,A A:how's it going? B:I'm fine. C:me too. A:how was you weekend,B? B:it was great C:so,what did you do ? B:Well.on saturday moning i played tennis ,on saturday afternoon i went to the beach,and on saturday ninght i went to the ...

华坪县17055618189: 急求! 急求 两篇简短的三人的英语口语对话. -
宏咏银治: 1、 A ---Hi ,B,have you had any plan about our coming summer holiday? B ---Yes,may be i will have a trip with my parents. C ---Oh,thats great!where will you go. B ---Hainan.what about you two? A ---I will take part in an English learning cause...so ...

华坪县17055618189: 求简单的三四分钟英语三人对话,很简单的,句子最好是常用的,要有中文 -
宏咏银治: A: Hello, can you speak English?B: yes, what can I do for you?A: oh, good. I want to go to HongXing primary school, can you tell me the way?B: sorry, I'm not very clear. There has a police, and I can help you to ask him.A: thank you very much. B: ...

华坪县17055618189: 求一篇三个人的英文短对话 -
宏咏银治: Waitress: Good evening. Do you have a reservation? Wilson: Yes.The reservation is under Lin. Waitress: Very good, Mr. Lin.Do you prefer smoking or non-smoking seating? Wilson: Non-smoking, please. Waitress: If you follow me, I will Show you to...

华坪县17055618189: 求一篇三个人的英语情景对话,小学水平的,句子不要太多就每个人四五句就行,情景不要太复杂 -
宏咏银治: T: Hello! My name is Tommy. What's your name? N: Hi! Tommy! I am Mini Mouse. Glad to meet you. T: Glad to meet you, too. T: This is my home. Please come in. N: Thank you. T: Please take a seat. N: Thank you. You have a nice home! T: Let's be ...

华坪县17055618189: 急求一篇三人三分钟左右的英语口语对话!越简单越好!急!灰常急!
宏咏银治: A表示第一人· B C 也一样 A ;Good morning,i'm here to see B B;Good morning ,i'm B .Ihave aappoinment with A A; Hello B My name is A .Nice to meet you B ; Pleased to meet you .Do call me B A ;Can i get something to drink for you ? B;Thank you .That's very kind of you . ABC 任取人名

华坪县17055618189: 高分(100)求一篇英语三人对话短文,要独一无二的,确定没有给别过别人的发到我邮箱:daniel - link@163.com. -
宏咏银治: A:Good morning , BB: Good morning. How are you?A: I 'm fine. Thank you. And you ?B: Fine. Thank you.A: let me introduce my friend C to you. B: Nice to meet you.C: Nice to meet you, too.B: Where will you go ?A: We will go to C's home. Today is ...

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