
作者&投稿:苍梧娴 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

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With social progress and science and technology development ,people’s opinion about what health is and how to keep healthy changed greatly. However, the majority of hospitals have limited monitor equipment costing a lot but unmovable, which cannot satisfy the market demand. This thesis focuses on developing a kind of portable monitoring system, of which the terminal device can not only measure patients’ basic physiological parameters such as the mechanical movements of the heart, blood pressure, oxygen saturation of arterial blood, breathing.,but also it has a function of fetal monitoring to examine gravida’s fetal heart rate, uterine contraction, fetal movement and so on. Meanwhile, it can transmit the basic physiological parameters to the remote monitor center as well as the family doctor so that the patient can be examined professionally. What’s more, the terminal device pocesses a locate ability based on GPS so as to monitor patients movement and offer medical assistance in time
The device terminal aims to send GPS location information as well as all kinds of alarms and parameter setting information to the central server by way of the GPRS network and Internet. The central server is supposed to connect the device terminal with the customers to receive, analyse, preserve and transmit the information so that it is convenient for users to obtain the required information through the network or even using the mobile phone directly. This system not only makes it possible to monitor the patient’s basic physiological parameters as well as their action automatically or by hand, but it provides functions such as giving an alarm, crying for help. So we see it of great practical value.

Afterward refracted near-field technique was proposed, which is ranked as the standard method both at home and abroad. Just as its name implies, the refracted near-field technique utilizes the refraction principle of light. That is if the numerical aperture of the launching light at the incident end is larger than that (NA) of the optical fiber, the launching light will refract from the core into the cladding of the optical fiber. The intensity of the refracted light is related to the “local” NA at the incident point, and the NA of optical fiber is related to the refractive index. That is:
Where n0 is the refractive index of the cladding; n1 is the refractive index of the fiber core, it can be the function of the radial position of the fiber core.
According to the refraction law of light, we can derive out the following formula at last:
n(r)-ncl =k[Pcl-P(r)]/ Pcl
n(r)-ncl =k[Pcl-P(r)]/ Pcl
由此可见,折射光功率P (r)与n (r)有关,从而通过测量P (r)就可得到n (r) 。
Where k is the correction factor depending on system parameters; ncl and Pcl are constants,being the refractive index of fiber cladding and the refracted optical power, respectively.
Therefore the refractive optical power, P (r), is related to n (r), and we can get n (r) through measuring P (r).
我们的测试系统是加拿大EXFO公司的NR9200 OPTICAL FIBER ANALYZER,该光纤分析仪就是采用上述标准方法“折射近场法”进行光纤折射率分布测量,测量沿光纤径向扫描时,由于0.1μm的高精度机械扫描单元,所以具有很高的空间测量分辨率: 空间分辨率优于0.5μm;绝对折射率分辨率0.0001。

Since then there has been now classified as international and national standard method of "near-field refraction method." As the name suggests, "reflects the near-field" advantage of the principle of light refraction, that is injected in the fiber end into the light of the aperture is greater than if the numerical aperture of optical fiber (NA), then the injection of light refracted from the core out into the optical fiber package layer, refraction of light intensity and the injection point of the "local" NA, whereas the NA and the refractive index of the fiber, namely:
NA = (n12-n02) 1 / 2
The formula for the cladding refractive index n0; n1 is the refractive index of fiber core, which can be a function of radial fiber core.
According to the law of refraction of light, we could eventually export the following formula:
n (r)-ncl = k [Pcl-P (r)] / Pcl
k depends on system parameters for the correction factor; ncl, and Pcl is the constant, refractive index cladding, respectively, and refractive optical power.
This shows that the refractive optical power P (r) and n (r) is related to by measuring the P (r) can be n (r).
Our test system is a Canadian company EXFO NR9200 OPTICAL FIBER ANALYZER, the optical analyzer is to use the standard method of "near-field refraction method," Measurement of refractive index distribution of optical fiber, optical fiber measurement along the radial scan, due to the high-precision 0.1μm mechanical scanning unit, and therefore have a high spatial resolution measurements: spatial resolution better than 0.5μm; absolute refractive index resolution of 0.0001.

Since then there has been now classified as international and national standard method of "near-field refraction method." As the name suggests, "reflects the near-field" advantage of the principle of light refraction, that is injected in the fiber end into the light of the aperture is greater than if the numerical aperture of optical fiber (NA), then the injection of light refracted from the core out into the optical fiber package layer, refraction of light intensity and the injection point of the "local" NA, whereas the NA and the refractive index of the fiber, namely:
NA = (n12-n02) 1 / 2
The formula for the cladding refractive index n0; n1 is the refractive index of fiber core, which can be a function of radial fiber core.
According to the law of refraction of light, we could eventually export the following formula:
n (r)-ncl = k [Pcl-P (r)] / Pcl
k depends on system parameters for the correction factor; ncl and Pcl are constants, respectively, the fiber cladding refractive index and refractive optical power.
This shows that the refractive optical power P (r) and n (r) is related to through the measurement of P (r) can be n (r).
Our test system is a Canadian company EXFO NR9200 OPTICAL FIBER ANALYZER, the optical analyzer is to use the standard method of "near-field refraction method," Measurement of refractive index distribution of optical fiber, optical fiber measurement along the radial scan, due to the high-precision 0.1μm mechanical scanning unit, and therefore have a high spatial resolution measurements: spatial resolution better than 0.5μm; absolute refractive index resolution of 0.0001.

And there is now listed as domestic and international standard methods of refraction of near field method ". Just as its name implies, "refraction near-field method" use of refraction of light in the fiber, namely the principle of the injected into light, if the aperture of numerical aperture (more than fiber), the infuse making light reflects from fiber core layer, optical fiber bag out into the refraction of light intensity and injection points "local", and making the fiber refractive index, namely, making with:
Making n12 - n02) (= 1/2
N0 formula for packet layer of refractive index, The refractive index for core n1, its core is the function of the radial position.
Based on the law of refraction of light, and eventually we can be used to deduce the following formula:
N (r) - NCL = k [Pcl - P (r)] / Pcl
K is for the correction coefficient depends on the system parameters, NCL and Pcl is constant, respectively for fiber optic light refraction index layer and power.
Thus, the refraction of light power P (r) and n (r) and relevant, by measuring the P (r) can get n (r).
Our test system is EXFO Canada NR9200 OPTICAL FIBER ANALYZER of company, the OPTICAL FIBER by using the standard method is ANALYZER refraction near-field method ", "on FIBER refractive index distribution measurement, the measurement along the radial scanning, because FIBER 0.1 muon m high-precision mechanical scanning unit, so high spatial resolution: spatial resolution measurement than 0.5 muon m, Absolute index resolution 0.0001).

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NA=(n12-n02)1\/2 NA=(n12-n02)1\/2 公式中n0为包层的折射率;n1为纤芯的折射率,其可以是纤芯径向位置的函数。Where n0 is the refractive index of the cladding; n1 is the refractive index of the fiber core, it can be the function of the radial position of the fiber cor...

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