
作者&投稿:芒放 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

We start from the things around them, paying attention to health, good preventive work.

Guo 布罗 □gracefully allows, to be born in clear Guangxu 32 on
September 27 already reach 17 year-old graceful Rong Yinqi not only
the appearance solemn elegant, fresh refined, also the polite arts
nothing which is not pass but are known far and wide in the

In the same year, is elected into the palace, becomes in the Qing
Dynasty history last the empress. However gracefully accommodates the election certainly is not because of her beautifully with the multitalents, but is because the Emperor Puyi conveniently has drawn a circle in hers picture, simultaneously has also selected the graceful
Rong Qiku life.

Graceful Rong Hunhou has lived nearly for two years in Chu Xiugong,
how is she a woman? Some people said she "greatly has the star
empress's qualifications", this as if certainly does not exaggerate,
because she not only has empress's status, moreover has surmounted the Qing Dynasty all previous dynasties empress's performance, specially
her west thought tendency.

Under, the Pu Yi traps in the Japanese imperialism and plans, alone a person of secret leaves Tianjin, runs away toward northeast. Until two months, gracefully accommodates in the Pu Yi two younger sisters and under the younger brother 溥 outstanding accompaniment, makes a detour Dalian by Tianjin to transfer again to Lushun and the Pu Yi reunites. But this time Pu Yi has become allows the puppet which the Japanese imperialism organizes, had not thought she from has also fallen the plot trap. Must obey Japanese's arrangement in Changchun all, all receives the surveillance including hers every action and every movement, even cannot go out the front door step.

Gracefully allows to be unbearable Japanese's insult, has made up mind to escape between this person the hell. Move. Graceful Rong Zaiye had not found the opportunity which escapes, therefore was deliberately bad, catches has slurped the opium custom, finally caused the schizophrenia. Lives was inferior to dies she has chosen the selfdeconstruction. Graceful Rong Si time only then 40 years old.

Last years empress Guo 布罗 □gracefully allows, to be secluded
from the world the palace indoor scene which and to live a solitary
life, the society turbulently takes to her mind impact, the life
accident takes to her huge vibration, as well as afterwards a series
of 不尽人意, loses the personal freedom to go into exile the life
the huge mental wound which created to her, caused her life extremely rich change and the theatrical nature, simultaneously also made her human nature to start the disassimilation, she fell into in the in-depth innermost feelings pain and the tight encirclement is unable to extricate oneself, until left the world. Gracefully accommodates the life is tragedy life, but this tragedy also is unable to avoid,was the extremely evil feudal dynasty and the Japanese invader pushes her to the historical abyss, she was the historical sacrificial victim




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文言文翻译 司马光著书 急急急!~

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各位朋友帮忙翻译下,谢谢! 很急~~~
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翻译~~ 中文翻译为英语~ 谢谢~~
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梧州市13670523113: 急~~翻译成英语 -
梁帝复方: 7、 我很快就习惯这里的生活.(get used to) I got used to the life here in a short time.8、 你喜欢红色还是黄色?(prefer) Do you prefer red or yellow?9、 海南是我到过最美丽的地方.(visit,beautiful place) Hainan is the most beautiful place I have ...

梧州市13670523113: {急}英语翻译 -
梁帝复方: --打扰一下--是的--你有什么事吗?--请问这是你的手提包吗?我说的是这一个.--什么?你能再说一遍吗?不好意思,我没有听清你刚才说了什么?--我刚才问你这是你的手提包吗?--是,是的.--不好意思打扰到你了.--十分感谢.我忘记拿我的手提包了.我想这应该是一段对话吧,对话的话就不用太书面用语的.而且我不懂你的断句在哪,所以就自己弄了一下.不好的话请见谅.

梧州市13670523113: 急!!翻译的英文是什么?
梁帝复方: 翻译 Translate

梧州市13670523113: 急!英语的翻译
梁帝复方: Both... also既.......也 Not only... and不但......而且

梧州市13670523113: 急,英文翻译
梁帝复方:你好 !我的译句如下:Dear sir, the clothes you sent for washing have been returned, which costs 24 Yuan, I wonder if you would like to take them back.

梧州市13670523113: 急!英文翻译!
梁帝复方: invited, She left , Just pollution problems speaking , His writing , can Don't use ,Busy work.

梧州市13670523113: 急!英语翻译
梁帝复方: I am leaving,coz i can't hold you. you are leaving,i will wait for you,that's my choice. you are leaving,i won't just looking,i will look on you as a passer-by. If those things are what you want,let go of your hands,i don't hold them such tightly.

梧州市13670523113: 翻译英文,急 -
梁帝复方: 急 [形] anxious; impatient; irritated; annoyed; [名] emergency; (紧急的事情) urgency; [动] worry; be eager to help; [例句]没说上几句话他就急了.He had not spoken a few words when he got heated.

梧州市13670523113: 急!翻译成英语
梁帝复方: 1. Miss Wang likes to take pictures in the park. 2. When did Sam leave home for school? 3. They are going to Hangzhou for a vacation. 4. Can you take the trash out? 5. We usually start a day from breakfast.

梧州市13670523113: 急怎么翻译 -
梁帝复方: China online friends rocks!

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