
作者&投稿:薛邢 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

她 漫步在幽香四溢的玫瑰园,顿感神清气爽。

Some of the most efficient refrigerators consume seventy percent less electricity than traditional models.









Customer the relation management is" take customer as the center" of, solving new management management method between business enterprise and customer, can pass to carry out customer's benefits maximizes to promote the business enterprise profits growth of target.The data excavation ...

Long, long ago there was a very foolish thief. Do you know what he did one day? When he wanted to steal the bell on his neighbour's door, he walked up to the door, took hold of the bell and pulled hard. The bell made a very loud noise. The thief was afraid and ...

My favorite film is The Day After Tomorrow. This is a disaster film, and the grand and thrilling effect created by computer special technology makes me excited and nervous. The film aims to tell human being to pretect environment, otherwise the disaster will hit us someday.By the...

再次鄙视ryjily - 榜眼 十二级 The victim of the feudal ethics --- On Aunt Xianglin in "Blessing"Abstract:Aunt Xianglin,a tragic figure in Lu Xun's work "blessing" who requests very little for life and is a capable woman.She had experienced "married and widowed," "Remarried...

邮电:post and telecommunications 海外部主任: Director of Overseas Department 感到骄傲和荣幸: feels proud and houonred gracious invitation: 诚恳的邀请 a distinguished group:杰出人士 寄托:have someone look after sb; entrust the care of 外宾专用别墅 : special villa for foreign guest lo...

If people stop at the first meeting of a good time, then no one will think of the feelings of what would change, continued, and then cool down, decay, disappear.I do not want to say too much, I thought you would understand. I hope you will be happy, because you see ...

Southwestern Guangxi and Vietnam linked by mountains and rivers of the Northeast, Dongxing, Guangxi, Fangcheng, Ningming, Pingxiang, Lung, and Dah Sing, Jingxi, the slope of the border, such as 8 (cities, districts) and Vietnam's Quang Ninh, Lang Son, Cao Bang, Ha Giang ...

您好,事先有必要说明,这个是澳大利亚的一所精英学院,在澳洲的应该比较清楚。大多是华人家长让孩子去念的居多。从下面的翻译可以看出,澳洲的学习竞争还是比较激烈的。英才班类似尖子班。HSC即High School Certificate,澳洲的学生到了10年级时可选择11年级毕业直接就业(拿的是SC, school certificate 学校...

从前有一只青蛙,它一直坐在井里,沉醉在头顶一方蓝天的美景中。There was once a frog, it has been sitting in the well, basking in the beauty of the blue sky overhead side.忽然有一天,一只黄色的十分可爱的小鸟从远方飞来,落在井沿上。 Suddenly one day, a very cute yellow birds ...

英语翻译高手请进!!! 大侠们帮帮忙!!
The popular 40-second Superman Ride was the most exciting thing about my trip to Six Flags amusement park in New England!我在新英格兰旅行最兴奋的事情就是在六旗游乐园玩的那个40秒超人骑行了!The ride was the best of the few hours that my friends and I spent there.我和朋友们都...

漳县13720023941: 意大利文高手请进.请帮忙翻译(意译)以下内容:得到的都是侥幸,失去的都是人生. -
毕容韦尔:[答案] quello che ottenuto e'la fortuna,quelloche perso e' la vita

漳县13720023941: 高手进,请帮忙翻译成英语
毕容韦尔: 世界上仅剩最后一滴水了.你希望这是梦还是现实?保护水资源,人人有责!Remained the last water just in the world.Your hope is this a dream or reality?Protection water resources, the everyone have a responsibility!

漳县13720023941: 英语高手请进,帮忙翻译下 -
毕容韦尔: You don't mind 【my/others'最好加上这个】calling you Xiao Li, do you?你不会介意【我/别人】叫你小李/小丽,对吧?祝你开心如意!

漳县13720023941: 英语高手请进,帮忙翻译一下这句话 -
毕容韦尔: Don't cherish what you have lost. I will cherish you.

漳县13720023941: 日语高手请进,帮忙翻译下,急 -
毕容韦尔: 专业翻译:今日、おばさんの彼女の空间の中の伝言を见て、その中のひと言:“あなたは生活が砂漠に似ていると言って、あなたの心の上に”が私を経験するのがとても深くならせることオアシスがないためです.彼女が砂漠を出て行くことができることを望んで、探し当てて自分のオアシスに属します. 谢谢……

漳县13720023941: 高手请进,帮忙翻译一下!急!帮忙翻译一句:我不是阿甘,你也不是珍妮!谢谢! -
毕容韦尔:[答案] I am not ..and you are not jenny.忘了阿甘咋说了,看阿甘正传也没记,尴尬!

漳县13720023941: 英语高手请进请!帮忙翻译一段英文! -
毕容韦尔: There is the status of Lcarus at the entrance of the museum. He and his father are imprisoned in the Island of Crete. His father made the waxwings to fly out of the cages, but Lcarus was too excited and flew so high, so heat of the sun made the wings ...

漳县13720023941: 急!!英语高手请进,帮忙翻译下!! -
毕容韦尔: 首先,感谢Liikanen长官,van den Bossche部长和Daems邀请我成为这个会议的总体起草者和做结论陈述.参加这次会议既有挑战性,又十分让人兴奋,正如Liikanen长官所说的,这次会议的旨在形成良好的做法启示,互相学习,制定未来的...

漳县13720023941: 日语高手请进,帮忙翻译几句话 -
毕容韦尔: 1、陛下はあなたを皇宫に入ってもらうそうですね.2、これはそうでしょうね.3、私について来てください.

漳县13720023941: 英语高手请进,请帮忙翻译一下
毕容韦尔: 我有的新的座位,位置还不错. I have a new seat of which position is not too bad. 星期日,我去赴宴,感觉很不错 On Sunday.I went to a party ,which made me feel happy. 现在在学校读书,我中午真不知道去哪吃 Nowadays,I am studying at ...

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