
作者&投稿:莘裕 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

XX in September 2004 to June 2007 to study in my smile, complete a senior secondary curriculum, subjects passed it. The student personality cheerful, talkative and lively, often take the initiative to participate in the activities of school organization, has served as mission secretary a post office during the efforts to complete the work and do a good job in an exemplary role. Students won high praise among the teachers.
Active in the area of social practice, and actively participate in various social activities, social ability, and has a strong team spirit and hard-working spirit, good communication with others.
Liberal arts is the student's strengths, but the weak science. The student to study hard and has the firm belief that admit defeat and let my memory.
Perhaps in the future to study the process, she would encounter many difficulties and setbacks, but I believe she will not fear, and will work hard to overcome, because these problems are her most precious process of growing wealth will help her to succeed .
In view of the above reasons, I might recommend the student to your school, hoping their learning in your school is richer for its laid a good foundation for the future,

XX was admitted to our school in September 2006, and graduated in 2009. During which, she displayed moral discipline, respect to teachers, unity among the student body and helpfulness, thus earning merits from teachers and peers alike. In terms of academics, XX has been intelligent and at the same time hardworking in pursuing her thirst for konowledge, hence achievingexcellent academic results. At the same XX has participated actively in school and social activities,and displayed strong leadership qualities including the appointment of class cadre. XX excelled particularly in the study of foreign language. Through good study habits and understanding, and at the same time relentless effort, XX passed her International Japanese grade 2 and 3 examinations which only few students in the class achieved. Her learning ability is recognised by all. I sincerely believe that her excellent qualities will be carried with her to your school, and strongly recommend her admission.

It is my honor to recommend my student 某某. As the suporvisor of his final thesis on the undergraduate level, I hereby confirms 某某's academic appriciation.

I was 某某's tutor for micro-economics from 2005 - 2006, and saw 某某's improvement. Although 某某 is not NO. 1 in terms of score, 某某's attitude has greatly impressed me that 某某 always takes notes of the lecture and discusses many interesting questions with me.

During the proecess of thesis supervision in the final year, 某某's researching topic and context are very interesting, that shows 某某's understanding of economics is not only on the theoritic level, but also taking from political, economic and real-life perspectives.

Although 某某 is not outstanding in some elective courses, 某某 touches me by 某某's hard-working and determination. I believe that 某某 has a great potential of convertibility since 某某 is curious to 某某's subject.

With my best withes to 某某, I strongly recommend this enthusiastic young student to join your university.


It is my pleasure to recommend my students, as the students (university graduation thesis guides and microeconomics, my teacher for the students in some pertinent evaluation.
I in 2005 to 2006, as the so-and-so microeconomics teacher, in this two years, I have been watching so-and-so growth. The students in my professional achievements, although the student's most outstanding, but the students' learning attitude towards impressed me. In my class, XXX will seriously take notes and thinking, and occasionally and I discussed some problems.
In last year's thesis guidance, the paper content is very novel so-and-so, also is thought-provoking, and let me think so-and-so though, but not in character is very extensive interest, but is not limited to the understanding of economics theory and the data in political and economic policy, the plane had more ideas. Seems
This was born in some subjects did not quite good, but usually use diligent effort to remedy the defects, and I think this is very valuable. And through the communication with the students constantly, the understanding and achieve the so-and-so deep degree, as a university teacher, I think so-and-so is one of the students, and strong plasticity intense curiosity and hard work is the most precious of quality.
I sincerely wish so-and-so in his own way to study on the success of the other side, also in this to recommend the patient and the students seeking knowledge desire.

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I am * * * * University associate professor, Department of Japanese Foreign Language Institute, is the * * * students advanced Japanese course teacher, guide and served as the students academic year thesis work. Through three years of contact, I have a deeper understanding of * *...

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帮助的人:141万 我也去答题访问个人页 关注 展开全部 高中生为资助招生求学做一个 自荐信 ,本文是我为大家整理的高中生的推荐信 范文 ,仅供参考。 高中生推荐信范文篇一: 尊敬的清华大学招生办公室老师: 您好! 我叫XXX,是XXX中学中学XXX学生。我与清华缘起于幼年时读过的《荷塘月色》,苍茫的月光静静地...

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言菊适迪: 优秀实习生请自己翻译后,可以替你更改错误.

阳朔县19291176855: 请把这个推荐信译成英文
言菊适迪: Please translate this letter into English 请翻译成英文这封信

阳朔县19291176855: 帮忙把推荐信的一些句子翻译成英文 -
言菊适迪: 1, 他有良好的品德修养,遵纪守法,团结同学,乐于助人,并以务真求实的态度对待学习和工作. He has benign moral character, disciplined and law-abiding, unite with classmates and accommodating, besides, he studies and works with ...

阳朔县19291176855: 推荐信英文翻译!!!!! -
言菊适迪: 1, the workplace, the applicant XX into the company from 2002 have been for 7 years. 2, work a strong sense of responsibility, quick thinking, a sense of innovation. 3, the applicant has in the company XX administrative, sales, marketing ...

阳朔县19291176855: 翻译成英文推荐信 -
言菊适迪: 楼上那个不对,你看第一句study in my smile就不对,看我这个:XX has been studying in our school since September, 2004, to June, 2007. She has finished high school and did well in every class. She has a very good personality, outstanding ...

阳朔县19291176855: 推荐信翻译成英文 -
言菊适迪: 原发布者:jiqingyong1 推荐信英文-推荐信英文英文推荐信推荐信格式|推荐信怎么写|推荐信模板|推荐信范文一篇近乎完美的推荐信对想要出国进修的学子来说是必不可少的,那么英文推荐信到底该怎么写呢?下面是为大家提供的英文推荐信范...

阳朔县19291176855: 求英语高手帮忙翻译一下一篇推荐信?
言菊适迪: 亲爱的编辑你好 我是xx学校的xx,在xx学校xx老师的推荐下,向贵社投了一篇摘要,题目是xx,请您批阅指导! 祝您好运! Dear editor: I am from XXX university,XXX recommende me to post an abstract to your journal,who comes fromxxx. My paper title is xxxI hope youcan direct and read it.Best wishto you xx

阳朔县19291176855: 推荐信的英语翻译是什么? -
言菊适迪: 推荐信--recommendation

阳朔县19291176855: 求英语翻译一篇推荐信 在线等~~ -
言菊适迪: I am * * * * University associate professor, Department of Japanese Foreign Language Institute, is the * * * students advanced Japanese course teacher, guide and served as the students academic year thesis work. Through three years of contact, ...

阳朔县19291176855: 紧急!!!!!我面试的材料需要提交一封推荐信(翻译成英文)~~~
言菊适迪: Xx I am a school teacher of the class is very pleased to recommend my students to your school to learn xx. xx my classmates graduate school in 2007, in August 2004 to June 2007 in my high school and precise attitude of the course, during this ...

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