
作者&投稿:地帘 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Why do I need to graduate? Mainly in order to find a good job. Now undergraduates in Beijing are full avenue, want with a Baccalaureate diploma to find a good job is too difficult. But, I heard that graduate students spare time is more, oneself can wage subsidies for living expenses, hand can also participate in more social activities, to make up for their lack of social experience. But my schoolmates said that now the graduate common quality decline, social competition pressure not only role in the students, the teacher also has not little effect, professional pressure, economic pressure, and the scientific research pressure. Many teachers are busy with their own work, guiding students to greatly reduce the time. There is a saying that good, " there are levels of no time, time is not level. " Some people even said: " well, he guided me. Do not have to, I guided him


Our cashier from finance will go to bank to cash out the money for this purchase order,and you will get the money estimately in 2 days.And recently we will have the national holiday,from Sep 30th to Oct 5th,so would you please arrange shipment on Oct 5th and provide us with the tracking No.?

1.5.2 roadbed compactness.a bed construction process control
1 bed according to the construction of roadbed design documents and the railway roadbed design specification, the railway subgrade construction norms of the relevant provisions, in combination, formulate measures for the construction control measures, and may not implement the construction.
2 subgrade construction control measures bed according to construction work flow are put forward control index and detection procedures, and technical work work.
3 ensure embankment foundation bed structure size and shape of the correct orientation and construction control measure control is one of the main ways:
(1) the subgrade construction and the synchronization bed before the start of the building, central, elevation, reeated measure must cast edge.
2 each filling roadbed bed after a layer, should be turned to the construction of pile side. Each layer, must restore filling line, replay edge, in order to ensure that the bed structure size, avoid super filling or owe.
3 the measurement results, according to the provisions of the format should be recorded, and timely feedback to the technical supervisor and site, so check with correct deviation. If there is a bigger mistake, timely in conjunction with the design, supervision unit agreed countermeasures.
4 that bed roadbed compaction technology, quality control, test means effectively the construction control is another major means. Main testing program is as follows:
1 bed surface packing review test items and frequency of classification review.
2 bed surface packing classification test results and process records.

1.5.2 roadbed compactness.a bed construction process control 1 bed according to the construction of roadbed design documents and the railway roadbed design specification, the railway subgrade construction norms of the relevant provisions, in combination, formulate measures for the construct...

(立刻停止)-当你将要进入一个可能让自己面临危险的情况时,请立刻停止。并且这样思考:你在哪?你正在做什么?你已经准备好并能够完全工作吗。你的职责是什么?)Observe - Observe what is happening around you! What hazards are you exposed to?What is the risk? Is the risk acceptable?(yes...

Chinese indefinite classifiers “dian, xie” and the corresponded indefinite classifiers in Vietnamese are analyzed and compared for studying based on referring and synthesizing former achievement and investigating corpus.

3 establish a sound system of local government bond issuance 3.1 improve the local government bond issuance and enforcement of legislation related to constraints Must first modify the "Budget Law" the second eighteen provisions prohibiting local government borrowing, and the "security law"...

focused on analysis of the consumer culture reflects changes in the middle of the main spirit definitely declining trend of the evolution. This evolution embodied in : the original work of religious enthusiasm faded out, focus on the pursuit of life and the changes achieved through con...


太阳の光を背して泣いている君は、ね~振りかえろう。未来を迎えて笑おう~ 阳光が君に勇気を与える。日の方向を向いていて咲く花は太阳のように辉かしく咲き乱れた。君の笑颜も太阳のように感动させる。太阳はそれの唯一の信仰だ。ひまわりだったからだ。未来は选べるに値する道が...

歌う声は 飞んで行くよ 歌声啊,飞起走吧 辉きはじめた 星の空へ (歌声)向着那已经开始闪耀的星空飞 ジングルベル ジングルベル 铃が鸣る 叮叮当 叮叮当 铃儿响叮当 铃のリズムに ひかりの轮が舞う 和着铃的节奏,光亮的轮子在旋舞 ジングルベル ジングルベル 铃が鸣る ...

1 It is a tempering and challenging position.I love challenge.2、经过4年从事于质量工作,我对质量产生了浓厚的兴趣 2 Engaged in the work of quality for 4 years, I've developed deep interest in this field.3、本人的沟通能力很强,我希望发挥我的特长。供应商质量检验也正需要良好的沟通...

茶党(在美国中期选举出现的一个党派)和他的候选人正在努力推动废除第17修正案,这样可以将美国参议员的选举权从州议会的手中夺走。例如潜在的总统候选人 Mitt Romney 和Sarah Palin (美国2008年共和党副总统候选人)已经通过谈论第10修正案保留在各个州,没有在联邦宪法中详细授予的权力的重要性来试图...

梅河口市13276417761: 请高手帮忙把下面的一段话翻译成英文,谢谢!我们财务今天出去银行付这个订单的款,预计这两天你就可以收到这笔钱.我们国庆放假9月30日到10月5日,... -
洪江迪双:[答案] Today our financial department is going to the bank to pay money of this order.We except that you will receive the money these two days.We will be off on September 30th to October 5th during the National Day.Therefore I hope you could arrange the ...

梅河口市13276417761: 请高手把下面4句话译成英语.好的话可加分.1.一个五年计划.2.一座16个房间的屋子.3.你即使乘出租车去.4他们虽然相爱.前面1.2题的要求是数词+名词单数形式... -
洪江迪双:[答案] 1.A five-year plan. 2.A 16 room house. 3.Even if you took a taxi to. 4 Although they love

梅河口市13276417761: 请高手帮忙把下面这句话译成英文!"非常感谢您的回信和建议.经过认真考虑并结合我自身的情况,我很愿意在您的指导下攻读基础学科的博士.接下来,我... -
洪江迪双:[答案] Many thanks to your reply and advice.In regard to my careful consideration with my own situation I would be very pleased to ... relative information.If you need further information please do not hesitate to contact me.Thanks again.Look forward to hearing ...

梅河口市13276417761: 英文帮助翻译词句.请英文高手帮忙把下面的话翻译成英文:1、哦!非常感谢!2、这么晚打扰您真不好意思.3、为什么呢?4、祝您天天开心、工作愉快!晚... -
洪江迪双:[答案] 1,Oh!Thank you very much! 2,so late I am sorry to disturb you. 3,Why? 4,every day I wish you a happy,happy!Good night!

梅河口市13276417761: 请高手帮忙把这些下面这段话翻译成英文.
洪江迪双: My best friend, Li Lei is 16 years old. Although not tall, he is handsome. He is honest, brave and clever. He likes playing basketball, making friends online. He likes pop music and rock music, but not the classic music. He is good at Chinese, maths ...

梅河口市13276417761: 求高手帮我把下面的几段话翻译成英语:靳老师是我的数学老师,她对我们很好.每天都给我们上课,给我们讲题.每当我们遇到困难,她总是第一个来帮助... -
洪江迪双:[答案] Jin is that my math teacher, she is very kind to us. Every day to teach us, give us a topic. Whenever we meet with difficulties, she is always the first to help us. We don't have problem, can consult ...

梅河口市13276417761: 请高手帮忙翻译下下面这小段中文成英文,谢了!!!!
洪江迪双: 楼上俩个的答案肯定不对,正解应该是as sson as xiaoming arrives,we will start our job.上面的明显用google翻译的 Don't eat up the chicken,leaving some for your dad

梅河口市13276417761: 请高手帮忙将以下一段中文译成英文,谢谢 -
洪江迪双: We have prepared the products. They are all made according to your required models. And there are you Logos on the products. Cardboard boxes are also made as your expectations. Therefore, we can not sell there products to the other customers. ...

梅河口市13276417761: 英语翻译请高手帮忙翻译下面一段一段话随着世界经济的迅速腾飞,货物的运输越来越频繁了,其中首当其冲的就属船舶运输,这也就对港口提出了更高更严... -
洪江迪双:[答案] With the rapid growth on economy,goods transportation is becoming more and more popular,especially for the shipping service.As a result,harbour service is being set a higher target to meet the relevan...

梅河口市13276417761: 请高手帮我把一段话翻译成英文 -
洪江迪双: 现在的我们给对方的诺言都未免太过苍白,如果真心爱对方,就要用现在的努力去换取未来的幸福.而不是现在,用灯红酒绿,超度我们美好前程.“"Now we give each other's promi...

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