
作者&投稿:郦骨 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)


Good morning(afternoon/night),honorable judges,teachers, and all of you。
I am XXX,come from a beautiful and famous city of tea called Pu 'er in YunNan,a province which is located southwest of China.First,please allow me to give my great gratitude to your company for offering opportunity and platform for us for this interview.

Now,let me introduce myself.I am 20,I am hopeful and open,I love sport,swimming is my specialty,and I have won swimming championship in a sports meet held among campus in Pu 'er city.I am an enthusiastic organizer of campus activities,like school sports meet.I also good at foreign language learning,I have learnt Korean and Japnese and have passed proficiency test of Class N5 and N4.As my father was an serviceman,I grew up in quadrangle dwellings which is for servicemen's families,the background and circumstance influenced me with servicemen's spirit s and personalities.I believe with my good service consciousness and signature strengths,I can keep a good image for China Eastern Airlines.thanks !



  • Three years ago, I became a student of senior high school.
    I was not a supposed good student at that time,
    played hooky and stayed at netbar everyday.
    Nothing changed until the apperance of a girl in my life.
    She was not pretty, nor tall, but with a sweet smile on her face,
    and the most important was that she was an excellent student in study.
    In purpose of having the chance to meet her at teachers' office,
    I drew my attention to class and started to proactively turn to teacher for help.
    Soon later, we became good friends, a very close kind,
    and I found I had been sweet on her, yet she knew nothing about it.
    In the last year of senior high school,
    I studied harder than before for her expecting to be admitted by the same university she applied,
    but unfortunately, she failed college entrance exam.
    I knew she was feeling down, so I comforted her, encouraged her...
    Finally she stepped out of that suffering period.
    And now, we are in two different cities,
    but I still hold the love for her in heart, never change,
    just the same as before, she knows nothing about that.

Three years ago, when I started high school, I was a bad kid, skip class every day,Internet and so on. Until a girl in my life. She is not beautiful is not high, but has a sweet smile, the most important thing is that she is a good student. I began to Study hard, began to ask questions to the teacher, the purpose is to meet her in the office. Soon, we became good friends, no words don't say good friend. I found that Ifell in love with her. But she did not know, she what all don't know. The final year of high school, I to her learning, and she would like to get the same university. But she had failed the college entrance examination, I comfort her, encourage her...Finally she came out of the shadows. Now we are in two different city, I still love her, but she does not know.

Three years ago,when i have just start studying in high school.I was a naughty boy.Everyday i ran away from the lesson and surfing the net. Until a girl was appeared in my life. She not beautiful and tall as a model,but she has a sweet smile :).The most important thing is ,she is a good student. A role model for me. I started be hard-working,asking teachers questions about the lesson, with the purpose of meeting her in the office.Soon,we became friends,we told to each other everything.I found that i fall in love with her,but she was being kept in the dark.The last year of high school,i was being more and more hard-working for her,i want to get into the same university with her.Unfortunately,she was fail in the examination.i comforted her ,encouraged her,finally she get away from the dark.
Today,although we are now in two different country, i still loving her.But she doesn't know.

Three years ago, when I was in high school, I'm a bad boy, truancy, surf the Internet every day and so on. Until a girl appear in my life. She is not beautiful also is not high, but has a sweet smile, the most important is that she is a good student. I began to study hard and began to ask the teacher problem, in order to meet her in the office. Soon we became good friends, no words don't say good friend. I found that I fell in love with her. But she did not know, she what all don't know. In the last year of high school, I for her to study harder, wanted to test to the same college with her. But she failed the college entrance examination, I comfort her, encourage her to... Finally she came out of the shadows. Now we are in two different cities, I still love her, but she didn't know.

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请大神翻译这篇英语短文dogs are social animals ...

兰溪市13580373095: 求英语大神翻译~ -
示祁康诺: 英语牛人团为你解答O(∩_∩)O~~:我觉得你并不知道你就是我世界的明灯,能认识你,我是最幸运的人.字典翻译句子是不行的,只会照着翻 ```````````````````````````````````````` 答案有帮助还望及时采纳、谢谢、 祝学习进步、

兰溪市13580373095: 求英语大神帮忙翻译
示祁康诺: 应该是:You are an apple in my eyes. 直译是:你在我眼中是个苹果.就是你在我眼中是个宝贝的意思.最好的翻译是:你是我的掌上明珠.

兰溪市13580373095: 求英语大神翻译 -
示祁康诺: 1.我通常早上6点起床,然后刷牙洗澡.然后我练习弹钢琴30分钟之后去上学.放学后,我又再次弹钢琴,通常弹一个小时,我总是吃完晚饭写我的家庭作业.

兰溪市13580373095: 求英语大神翻译!别拿翻译软件来啊! -
示祁康诺: Dear xxx,I have a family of three: my father, my mother and myself. I don't have brother or sister. In Chinese cities, most people of my age have no brother or sister. But I guess you may have brothers and/or sisters.This is a picture of my family.xxxxxx Have a nice day!Yours truly,XXX

兰溪市13580373095: 求英语大神翻译几个句子!(1)由于收入很少或没有收入, 这个城市高达20%的人生活在贫困线以下. (2)这些家庭渴望过上更好的生活(3)我们认为,... -
示祁康诺:[答案] (1) As much as 20% people of this city living below the poverty line due to the little or no income. (2) These families are eager to live a better life. (3) we think that they should receive training and education, and then using the knowledge that they have ...

兰溪市13580373095: 求英语大神翻译一下. -
示祁康诺: 康康:你好!你近来怎么样?简:我挺好的,谢谢.你看起来很兴奋,为什么?康康:你猜怎么着!我爸爸和妈妈想邀请你父母去看电影.玛丽亚:真的吗?他们要去看什么电影?康康:《音乐之声》.简:噢,那是我爸妈最喜欢的电影之一.他们肯定会很高兴.他们打算什么时候去看?康康:这个星期六.晚上你们可以到我家来.我妈妈会给我们做美食.简:哇!听起来真不错!我太激动了.代我们向你妈妈道谢.康康:我会的.我来这儿的路上碰到了布朗先生.他感到很失望,因为他没能买到《音乐之声》的电影票.迈克尔:太遗憾了!

兰溪市13580373095: 求英语大神翻译.:“他上一次的演讲真是令人鼓舞(inspire←用上这词)” -
示祁康诺:[答案] His last speech is really inspiring

兰溪市13580373095: 英语大神求翻译 谢谢 -
示祁康诺: flame on fresh-soaked torch 在被淡水浸泡过的火把上的火焰flame on burned-down torch 在被烧透的火把上的火焰 答案仅供参考.谢谢!

兰溪市13580373095: 求英语大神帮忙翻译一下,非常感谢!! -
示祁康诺: 1, the establishment of nature reserves, in situ conservation.1、建立自然保护区,进行就地保护.2, the endangered animal to animal protection center, ex situ conservation.2、把濒危动物转移到动物保护中心,进行易地保护.3 strengthen the legal publicity and education, so that more people join the ranks of animal.3、加强法制宣传教育,使更多的人群加入到保护动物的行列中来. 望采纳O(∩_∩)O谢谢

兰溪市13580373095: 求大神,翻译英语句子!! -
示祁康诺: 1你最喜欢的电视节目是什么?What is your favorite TV program?2我们学校有一家诊所,一家银行和五家商店.There is a clinic, a bank and five stores in our school3请安静,我们开始上课 Please be quiet, now we begin our class4.别看电视,你现在得做作业 Stop watching TV, you have to do your homework now 很高兴为您解答,希望对您有所帮助,满意烦请采纳 点击【采纳为满意答案】按钮即可,万分感谢!(*^__^*)

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