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As a five years old kid,he yet could not be responsible for his behavior/deed.so his parents shoule afford.

第二句:2.人造卫星载着各种外太空的数据回到地球,向人们揭示宇宙的奥秘。Carrying information/datas of the outer space,satelites come back to the earth to solve/UNCOVER the mysteries/SECRET of the universe.
And it's itself is the contribution to human beings as a return of the space exploitation.

Parents found it's getting more and more difficult to change ideas with their kids.


1.作为一个5岁的小孩,他还没有对自己行为负责的能力。因此,他的父母应该对其行为负责。负责 be responsible for ,行为 deed.
1 As a child of five years old, he does not have the ability responsible for his own deed
2.人造卫星载着各种外太空的数据回到地球,向人们揭示宇宙的奥秘。这本身就是空间探索给人们最大的回报。人造卫星satellite,载着carry,揭示uncover,奥秘secret,空间探索space exploration,回报return
2 Satellite carries various data from deep space to return to the earth, uncovering the secret of universe. This itself is the return of space exploration to people.
3 Parents find that the communication between them and their children is getting more and more challenging.

1. As a five-year-old child, he has no ability to be responsible for his behavior. Therefore, his parents should be responsilbe for his.
2. The artificial satellite returns to the earth carrying kinds of data to reveal the mysteries of the universe. This itself is that the space exploration gives the people the biggest repayment.
里面的揭示我用的reveal, 奥秘为mystery, 回报是repayment。
3. Parents find that it becomes more and more challenging to communicate with the children.


1. As a 5-year-old child, he has not the ability to behave responsibly. Therefore, his parents should be accountable for their actions. Responsible be responsible for, acts of deed.
2. Satellite carrying a variety of data back to Earth from outer space, reveal the secrets of the universe to the people. This in itself is space exploration to the people the maximum return. Satellite satellite, carrying the carry, revealing uncover, mystery secret, space exploration, space exploration, return return
3. Parents share with their children found more difficult. Exchange of communication, difficult challenging.

As a child, at the age of 5 he hasn't is held responsible for his conduct. Therefore, his parents should be responsible for their actions.
Man-made satellites carrying all sorts of outer space, the data back to earth to reveal the mysteries of the universe. It is the biggest space exploration to return.
Parents and their children to communicate more and more difficult.


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您好,翻译如下:第一句:作为一个5岁的小孩,他还没有对自己行为负责的能力。因此,他的父母应该对其行为负责。As a five years old kid,he yet could not be responsible for his behavior\/deed.so his parents shoule afford.第二句:2.人造卫星载着各种外太空的数据回到地球,向人们揭示宇宙的...

求英语帝翻译。就一句话~。 你已经触犯了我的底线。
It isn't proper or not, but it's only able to or not.其实句子越简单越明了。这样的句子都明白,也没有语法,语气方面多需要解释的。祝你学习进步,更上一层楼!愿我们互相帮助,共同进步!请记得采纳,谢谢~O(∩_∩)O~参考资料:百度一下 ...

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蒸支灵孢: 我不是译帝.......... 1. Just imagine you are alone on the earth. 2. His success is tightly due to his diligence.

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