
作者&投稿:塞以 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)



Guard an empty castle
Wait for an old friend.
空城:empty castle,因为这里的城应该是指一个城堡,指城市太大了感觉。


1. 讲英语的本地人 a native English speaker
2. 英语口语 verbal English
3. 讲英语的国家 English speaking country
4. 形成自己的风格 to form one's style
5. 毫不犹豫 without hesitation
6. 丰富我们的学校生活 to enrich our school lives
7. 无法用语言表达 cannot express in words
8. 命令某人做某事 to order/command/direct sb. to do sth.
9. 掌握了很好的历史知识 to master history knowledge well
10. 某物原产于某地 sth. originated from sw.

11. 我们应该逐渐培养起良好的学习习惯。
We should cultivate good study attitudes gradually.

12. 我们很高兴看到中国这几年比以往任何时候发展得更快。
We're so glad to see the faster development in China during these years than any other period/decade in the past.

13. 时间会告诉我们一切。
Time would tell us everything.

14. 餐桌礼仪是随着时代变迁而改变的。
Table manner is changing through time.

15. 现代科技在我们生活中起到重要的作用。我们要充分利用这些科技。
Modern technology plays an important role in our lives. We should thoroughly explore such technology.

16. 我们不应该总是要求从被人那里获得帮助。(request)
We should not request help from others all the time.

17. 他命令士兵们必须做好随时出航的准备。(command+that从句)
He commanded the soldiers that they had to get ready for the launch anytime.

1.the English-speaking locals
2. Oral English/ Spoken English
3. English-speaking Countries
4.develop a style of one's own
5.without hesitation
6.enrich our school life
7.could not find words to express sth
8.order sb to do sth
9.have a good knowledge of history
10.sth is made in/ produced in

11.We should gradually develop a good study habit.
12.We are very happy to witness that China has developed faster in recent years than previous.
13.Time will tell us everthing.
14.Table manner changes as the time going.
15.Modern science and technology is playing a great role in our life, so we have to make the best of it.
16.We should not request help from others.
17.He commands that all the soliders be ready to outgoing voyage at any time.

1 the English-speaking locals
2 spoken English
3 English-speaking countries
4 form your own style
5 without any hesitation
6 enrich our school life
7 can not use language to express
8 order sb to do sth
9 have a good knowledge of history
10 sth origined from some place

11 We should develop our good study habits gradually .

12 We are very pleased to see that China is developing faster than before in recent years .

13 Time will tell us all .

14 Table manners are changing along with the changing times .

15 Modern science and technology play an important role in our lives,
we should make full use of these technologies

16 We should not always request help from others .

17 He commanded that the soldiers must be prepared to sailing .


1 English-speaking locals
2 spoken english
3 English speaking country
4 form your own style
5 without hesitation
6 enrich our school lives
7 can't use language to explain
8 order sb to do sth
9 grasp a good knowledge of history
10 sth product from someplace of origin
11 We should gradually develop good study habits
12 time will tell our all things
13 We are very glad to see China developing faster than ever time before in recent years
14 Table manners change with the changing of times
15 Modern science and technology play an important role in our lives. We should make full use of them.
16 We shouldn't always request to get help from others
17 He commanded that the soldiers have to be prepared to sail

The locals who speak English

2. 英语口语
Spoken/oral English

3. 讲英语的国家
English-speaking countries

4. 形成自己的风格
Establish personal style

5. 毫不犹豫
Without any hesitation

6. 丰富我们的学校生活
Enrich our campus life

7. 无法用语言表达
Beyond words

8. 命令某人做某事
Order somebody to do sth

9. 掌握了很好的历史知识
Have good command of history knowledge

10. 某物原产于某地
Something is native to somewhere

11. 我们应该逐渐培养起良好的学习习惯。
We should gradually foster good study habits.

12. 我们很高兴看到中国这几年比以往任何时候发展得更快。
We are pleased to see China’s faster growth over the past several years.

13. 时间会告诉我们一切。
Time will tell.
14. 餐桌礼仪是随着时代变迁而改变的。
Table manners change as time goes on.

15. 现代科技在我们生活中起到重要的作用。我们要充分利用这些科技。
Modern science and technology is playing an importance in our life. We should make full use of them.

16. 我们不应该总是要求从被人那里获得帮助。(request)
We should not request help from others at all time.

17. 他命令士兵们必须做好随时出航的准备。(command+that从句)
He command that all soldiers (should) be ready for the voyage at any time.

1、Say the English native
2、Spoken English
3、Say the English country
4、Develop a manner of self's own
5、Without the least hesitation
6、Enrich our school life
7、Have no way to use language to express
8、Order sb. to do sth.
9、Have had very good history knowledge in hand
10、Sth. made in sp.(某地)
11、We ought to train fine study about up habit gradually.
12、We are glad to see China very much this is almost annual than any moment develops quicker in the past.
13、Time is able to inform us of everything
14、Dining-table etiquette is to change but change with the times.
15、Modern science and technology plays arrive at important role in our life. We need to fully utilize these science and technology.
16、We do not ought to always demand to help from being gained by person there.
17、He orders soldiers to must be ready for set out on a voyage at any time preparation.

1.他们不认识他,我也不认识.They don’t know him, either do I.2.他讲英语不如他兄弟说的流利. He does not speaks English as fluent as his brother.3.我们班的学生比你们班的多. There are more students in our class than in yours.4.你现在感觉好点了吗? Are you feeling better...

1. 要是这部喜剧中的人物更幽默的话,就会吸引更多的观众。 If the characters in this comedy had been more humorous, it would have attracted a larger audience.2.她从未对自己的能力失去信心,因此她有可能成为一名成功的演员。 She has never lost faith in her own ability, so it is a ...

求英语帝翻译boys are boys
ok 最新成果:Boys will be boys 本性难移!这是一句习语,看来就是这句话的变形而已!本性难移!刚才的解析权作参考:(查了,还真的翻译成“男孩就是男孩”比较好。佐证:亚马逊上有本书,书名:Girls Are Girls and Boys Are Boys: So What's the Difference?该书的内容简介:Briefly ...

highest marks of the whole school. While my English is a little rusty from lack of practice, I am a quick learner. I am confident that with company training I can become a qualified and excellent flight attendant.我为你加了“优秀” 的乘务员。上面是自己的翻译,保证地道、准确。

求英语帝来翻译下这些短语和句子> <
teach sb. a valuable lesson给某人一个宝贵的教训\/上了珍贵的一课 gain independence for获得独立 simple-minded头脑简单 communicate with与...交流 recover the lost land收复失地 strengthen one's determination增强信心 be about to do sth.打算做某事 tear through撕裂 in a hoarse voice用沙哑的...

是送给他(她)最好的礼物。Function 4: Life Diary, Love Diary. The various dribs and drabs of the wonderful time you had with him (her), let it be the witness of your colorful experience. Create a DIY Love Scrapbook is the best gift for him (her).【英语牛人团】...

求英语帝~ 翻译以及语法解释~ 急~ 感谢~~
I was 16 when I began work in June 1902 at the whaling station。1902年,当我开始在捕鲸站工作的时候,我只有16岁。(主句是I WAS 16, when后面是修饰16岁这一年)I had heard of the killers that every year helped whalers catch huge whales.我曾经听说过这些 每年帮助捕鲸人抓住巨鲸的...

In this four-year life, I fully learn the knowledge, familiar with the specialized information and skills. I actively participated in various competitions organized by the school and won several scholarships and honors certificate. I have some foundation in English, can do some simple ...

英语帝来翻译一篇短文 ,本人感激不尽、、、
楼主,前边的都是用翻译器们生成的,我的保准原创,希望能够帮到你 流行只是短暂的流行,一名流行歌手必须非常努力,才能成为流行。他必须给公众提供他们想要的东西,他必须找到一条新途径,将他们的演唱使大家注意,即使是他很成功,他的才华横溢,他的唱片销售各地,但他不能放松。之后,他必须比以往任何时候...

that I focused on the movements 还有翻译下这个地址:北京海淀区清华大学紫荆公寓9号楼117A 舒华 转 卢卡斯 收 Shu Hua C\/O Lucas Room 117A, the 9th floor ,Zijing Apartment, Tsinghua University Haidian District, Beijing, China (后面加上邮编)希望对你有帮助,如有疑问,随时留言 ...

光泽县18780441788: 求英语翻译帝
巧步复锐: If you want to continue, please reply: Yes. If you want to end, please reply : no

光泽县18780441788: 英语翻译在线求翻译帝.认真点,标明出处,谁Google翻译砍死谁. -
巧步复锐:[答案] lie in bed quietly 手动翻译一动不动躺可以翻译成静静地躺

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光泽县18780441788: 求英语帝帮翻译一句话、
巧步复锐: I think I wanna do 才对

光泽县18780441788: 求英语翻译帝解析:一直在等一个人回来,只是希望当她看到我的时候,我是一个值得她欣赏的人 -
巧步复锐:[答案] 解析和翻译貌似不一样哦.翻译的话则是. i am waiting for someone to come back all the time, just hoping i am a person worthing of her appreciation when she see me. 解析: from this sentence we can see h...

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巧步复锐: =.= 看到这个就头大 =.= 不是google的 1.When using laboratory,teachers should take and return the key personally on time.2.Teachers should turn on and off the equipment according to the operating regulations.3.After entering the self-asistant ...

光泽县18780441788: 求英语帝翻译
巧步复锐: 1 i cant cry,and go on smiling,chooose to send my hope(love to you). 2 learn to give up,learn to forgive,i understand all the decision.

光泽县18780441788: 求英语帝翻译句子求英语帝翻译“我把不幸送到您身边了”求英文帝翻译,网站的那些翻译就算了. -
巧步复锐:[答案] I have brought you misery I have brought misery to you

光泽县18780441788: 求英语帝翻译,
巧步复锐: I'm Li Hua. My home is spacious and clean. Both of my parents are English professors, and i like English very much. I can communicate with foreigners. I received two Americans last month. My father drived them for a journey at that moment. 望采纳!

光泽县18780441788: 求英语翻译帝 -
巧步复锐: 1. 对于大学或高中生打工这一现象,校园里存在着广泛的争论.There is a widespread argument about the phenomenon that college students and high school students are doing part-time jobs.2. 因此,业余工作挣来的钱将强有力地支持学生们继...

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