
作者&投稿:辛该 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

When National Day comes, I Feel so excited, it is not because I will have a vacation, but also I have many plans. I have made some plans for the vacation, I want to relax myself and find some interesting to do. I learn that there will be a lot of people going out, but I will choose some places that are less people to go, anyway, I have two plans on the seven days’ vacation.

First, I will go to visit my grandparents. My grandparents live in the countryside, and it is the place where I grow up. I miss the place so much, I want to spend more time with my grandparents, they are a little old now. I also like to see the countryside’s scenery, the trees are so green and the water is so clean, I enjoy the time when I stay with my grandparents.

Second, I will join my friend’s wedding. I received my junior middle school classmate’s wedding note a week ago, I feel so happy for her, she asks me to be her bridesmaid, I feel it a honor to be her bridesmaid.
I can’t wait for my vacation now, I have bought the ticket to go home, it will be a wonderful holiday.

第一题:young Japanese are surrounded by high-tech devices , but are not interested in how they work.
说明日本青年周边都是高科技设备,但是对这些设备怎么工作不关心,所以选D,curious about是好奇的意思。
第二题:Japanese businesses have succeeded partly because they've a great many engineers。A drop in
interest could lead to a decline in their numbers and quality。就说明日本强大部分原因是因为有大量的工程师,但由于现在日本青年的对科技的不感兴趣,导致工程师的数量与质量都下滑,所以选B;
第三题:A wealthy society reduces people's desire to modernize and develop their country. To a degree, you can't avoid this when the fruits of science and technology are fully developed.这句话的意思就是丰富化的社会降低了人们对发展自己国家的欲望,意思就是说这种欲望的降低是不可避免的,发达国家都会碰到这个问题。所以选B;
第四题:Electronic devices depend on tiny silicon chips, which can only be made in big factories,
whose workings can't be seen by the eyes. 这句话which指代的是tiny silicon chips,所以只能说明硅芯片看不到,但是电子设备还是可见的,所以选B。



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连阅复方:[答案] 1.C.save 2.D.less 3 B.richest 4.A.never 5.B.laughed at 6.A.mind 7.D.market 8.C.lost 9.A.sad 10.D.himself 11B.stop 12.C.answer 13.A.told 14.D.100 15.B.heard

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连阅复方:[答案] B.Sunny. A.Some grass. B.In front of her house. D.To eat grass behind her house. D.She if selfish(自私的)

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连阅复方:[答案] 第一题:young Japanese are surrounded by high-tech devices ,but are not interested in how they work. 说明日本青年周边都是高科技设备,但是对这些设备怎么工作不关心,所以选D,curious about是好奇的意思. 第二题:Japanese businesses have ...

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连阅复方:[答案] B D A 你打字也打的辛苦! 再加上理由好了 Friends and relatives are invited to lunch and noodles are served to wish the birthday child a long life. 所以选B If all of the candles are blown out in the first try,then the wish of the birthday person will come true ...

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连阅复方:[答案] 1.The Farmer, His Horse, and His son Once there was an old farmer, with a horse which was almost as old as himself. He set ... 也就是说是狗的主人 8. with有“跟某人一起”的意思,例如:I go to see a film with my parents.” 10. 通过整篇文章的阅读,...

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连阅复方:[答案] The answer is simple:auxin(生长素),a chemical substance that controls growth in plants.

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连阅复方:[答案] How to Get a Job After Graduation? The past decade has witnessed a more and more fierce competition in the job market.... Personally,I would like to choose the second method in my own practice.On the one hand,I don't want to have a try at those ...

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连阅复方:[答案] I love my 【mother】best.She's kind and 【helpful】She works in 【a school 】She is a 【teacher】She 【works】 very hard.So she often works until very 【late】.When she 【comes backs 】home,she cooks ...

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连阅复方:[答案] Long,long ago there were only a few thousand people in the world.These people move form place to place over the land,hunting animals for food.No one knows how or when these people learned about growin...

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